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Book Description

The Akhmîm Fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter, with an Introduction and Indices
Publication Year:
London & New York
Macmillan and Co.
New Testament Apocrypha, Gospel of Peter, Akhmim Fragment
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Henry Barclay Swete [1835-1917], The Akhmîm Fragment of the Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    1. Petrine writings
    2. Relation of the fragment to the Canonical Gospels
    3. Use of a harmony
    4. Chronology of the Passion-history
    5. Allusions to the Old Testament
    6. References to the fragment in Church-writers
    7. Comparison with other apocrypha
    8. Doctrinal tendencies of the fragment
    9. Literary character
    10. Place of origin and approximate date
    11. Description of the MS.; its probable age
    12. Literature of the Petrine Gospel
  • Text and Notes
  • Translation
  • Indices