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Book Description

Commentary on the Book of Isaiah: Critical, Historical, and Prophetical; Including a Revised English Translation with Introduction and Appendices on the nature of scripture prophecy, the life and times of Isaiah, the genuineness of the later prophecies, the structure and history of the whole book, the Assyrian history in Isaiah's days, and various difficult passages, 2nd edn.
Publication Year:
The Church of England Book Society
Isaiah, Commentary, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Thomas Rawson Birks [1810-1883], Commentary on the Book of Isaiah

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    1. The Nature of Scripture Prophecy
    2. The Books of the Prophets
    3. The Life and Times of Isaiah
    4. Structure of the Book of Isaiah
    5. First Series of Visions
  • Commentary
    1. Earliest Prophecies, Chh. I.-XII.
    2. The Burdens on the Nations, Chh. XIII.-XXVII.
    3. Woes on Israel and the Nations, Chh. XXVIII.-XXXV.
    4. Historical Episode, Chh. XXXVI.-XXXIX.
    5. Later Prophecies, First Series, Chh. XL.-XLVIII.
    6. Later Prophecies, Second Series, Chh. XLIX.-LX.
    7. Latest Prophecies, Chh, LXI.-LXVI.
  • Appendices
    1. On the Genuineness of the Later Prophecies
    2. Structure of the Later Prophecies
    3. The Assyrian Reigns in Isaiah
    4. The Prophecy of Immanuel
    5. The Historical Groundwork of the Burdens
    6. The Assyrian Overthrow
    7. The Controversy with Gentile Idolatry
    8. The Internal Evidence of the Isaian authorship of Chh. LV.-LXVI.
    9. On Ch. LXVI., and the events of the Last Times.
    10. On Ch. LXVI. 22-24, and the Doctrine of Eternal Judgment