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Book Description

Acts. A Contextual Commentary
Publication Year:
Kingston, Jamaica
Extra MILE Innovators
Acts, Commentary, New Testament
Copyright Holder:
Delano Vincent Palmer - reproduced by permission

Delano Vincent Palmer, Acts. A Contextual Commentary

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Commentary
  • Appendix 1 The Apostle Paul and the Church
  • Appendix 2 CAFU
  • Appendix 3 Reflections on Theological Education
  • Appendix 4 God’s Will
  • Appendix 5 The JNT and Acts
  • Appendix 6 Sabbath, Sunday and The Third Millenium
  • Appendix 7 Pentecost and the Bride
  • Appendix 8 A Birthday Worth Celebrating
  • Appendix 9 Prima Inter Partes
  • Appendix 10 Luke’s Christmas Lyrics  274
  • Grateful Acknowledgments
  • Bibliography
  • Resources By Delano Palmer
  • About The Author