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London: Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 1882. Hbk.
[These titles are in the public domain]

harles John Ellicott [1819-1905], editor

Volume 1

Genesis by R. Payne Smith [1818-1895]

Exodus by George Rawlinson [1818-1895]

Leviticus by C.D. Ginsburg [1831-1914]

Numbers by C.J. Elliott [1819-1905]

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Volume 2

Deuteronomy by Charles Henry Waller [1840-1910]

Joshua by Charles Henry Waller [1840-1910]

Judges by F.W. Farrar [1831-1903]

Ruth by Robert Sinker [1838-1913]

I Samuel by Henry Donald Maurice Spence [1836–1917]

II Samuel by Frederic Gardiner [1822-1889]

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Volume 3

I Kings by Alfred Barry [1826-1910]

II Kings by Charles James Ball [1851?-1924]

I & II Chronicles by Charles James Ball [1851?-1924]

Ezra by William Burt Pope [1822-1903]

Nehemiah by William Burt Pope [1822-1903]

Esther by Robert Sinker [1838-1913]

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Volume 4

Job by Stanley Leathes [1830-1900]

Psalms by Anthony Stocker Aglen [1836-1908]

Proverbs by John William Nutt [1834-?]

Ecclesiastes by George Salmon [1819-1904]

Song of Solomon by Anthony Stocker Aglen [1836-1908]

Isaiah by Edward Hayes Plumtre [1821-1891]

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Volume 5

Jeremiah by Edward Hayes Plumtre [1821-1891]

Lamentations by Edward Hayes Plumtre [1821-1891]

Ezekiel by J. Gardiner

Daniel by Henry Deane [1838-1894]

Hosea by Henry Robert Reynolds [1825-1896]

Joel by Samuel Lilckendey Warren [1836-1895]

Amos by Henry Robert Reynolds [1825-1896]

Obadiah by Anthony Stocker Aglen [1836-1908]

Jonah by Anthony Stocker Aglen [1836-1908]

Micah by Samuel Lilckendey Warren [1836-1895]

Nahum by Arthur Charles Jennings [1847-?]

Habakkuk by Arthur Charles Jennings [1847-?

Zephaniah by Arthur Charles Jennings [1847-?]

Haggai by Arthur Charles Jennings [1847-?]

Zechariah by William Henry Lowe [1848-1917]

Malachi by William Henry Lowe [1848-1917]

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