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Book Description

The Book of Ecclesiastes. Its Meaning and Its Lessons
Publication Year:
Blackie & Son
Ecclesiastes, Commentary, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Robert Buchanan [1802-1875], The Book of Ecclesiastes. Its Meaning and Its Lessons

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. The Book and Its Author, Eccles., i.1
  2. The Preacher, His Text, and the Exordium of his Discourse, Eccles. i.12-11
  3. The Story of the Preacher's Life, Eccles. i.12-13; ii.1-11
  4. The Preacher Reviews his Erring Career, Eccles. ii.12-26
  5. Our Times are in the hand of God, Eccles. iii.1-8
  6. The Bane and the Antidote. Eccles. iii.9-22
  7. Evils and Follies. Eccles. iv.1-8
  8. Deep Thoughts and Wise Counsels. Eccles. iv.9-16; v.1-12
  9. Broken Cisterns. Eccles. v.13-20; vi.1-12
  10. Hard but True Sayings. Eccles. vii.1-10
  11. Praises and Fruits of Wisdom. Eccles. vii.11-29
  12. The Doctrine of Wisdom as to Rulers and Subjects. Eccles. viii,1-8
  13. Verily There is a God That Judgeth in the Earth. Eccles. viii. 9-17
  14. The Apparent Indifference of Providence to the Distinction Beytween the Evil and the Good, and the Answer to this Difficulty. Eccles. ix.1-10
  15. The Issues of Events is Often Uncertain, But Wisdom is Always a Sure Guide. Eccles. ix.11-18
  16. Folly Contrasted with Wisdom. Eccles.x.1-20
  17. Works of Faith and Labours of Love. Eccles. xi.1-6
  18. An Exhortation to Cultivate Early Piety. Eccles. xi.7-10; xii,1-8
  19. The Conclusion of the Whole Matter. Eccles. xii.9-14