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Book Description

The General Epistles of St. James and St. Jude. The Expositor's Bible
Publication Year:
Hodder & Stoughton
James, Jude, Commentary, New Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Alfred Plummer [1841-1926], The General Epistles of St. James and St. Jude. The Expositor's Bible

Table of Contents

  1. The Catholic Epistles
  2. The Authenticity of the Epistle of St. James
  3. The Author of the Epistle: James the Brother of the Lord
  4. The Persons Addressed in the Epistle: The Jews of the Diaspora
  5. The Relation of the Epistle to the Writings of St. Paul amd of St. Peter.—The Date of the Epistle—The Doctrine of Joy in Temptation
  6. The Relation of this Epistle to the Books of Ecclesiastes and of the Wisdom of Solomon.—The Value of the Apocrypha, and the Mischief of Neglecting it
  7. The exaltation of the Lowly, and the fading away of the rich.—The metaphors of Str. James and the parables of Christ
  8. The source of temptations, and the reality of sin.—The difficulties of the determinist
  9. The delusion of hearing without doing.—The mirror of God's word
  10. The Christology of St. James.—The practical unbelief involvged in showing a wordly respect of persons in public worship
  11. The iniquity of respecting the rich and despising the poor.The solidarity of the divine law
  12. Faith and works: Three views of the relation of the teaching of St. James to the teaching of St. Paul.The relation of Luther to both
  13. The faith of demons; the faith of Abraham; and the faith of Rahab the Harlot
  14. The heavy responsibilities of teachers.The powers and propensities of the tongue.The self-defilement of the reckless talker
  15. The moral contradictions in the reckless talker
  16. The wisdom that is from below
  17. The wisdom that is from above
  18. St. James and Plato on lusts as the cause of strife; Their effect on prayer
  19. The seductions of the world, and the jealousy of the divine love
  20. The power of Satan and its limits.Humility the foundation of penitence and of holiness
  21. Self-assurance and invasion of divine prerogatives involved in hte love of censuring others
  22. Self-assurance and invasion of divine prerogatives involved in presuming upon our future.The doctrine of prababilism
  23. The follies and inequalities of the rich; Their miserable end
  24. Patience in waiting.The Endurance of Job.The significance of the mention of Job by James
  25. The prohibition of swearing.The relation of the language of St. James to recorded sayings of Christ
  26. Worship the best outlet and remedy for excitement.The connexion between worship and conduct
  27. The elders of the church.The anointing of the sick and extreme unction
  28. The public and private confesson of sins.The lawfulness of prayers for rain
  29. The work of converting sinners; its conditions and rewards

    The General Epistle of Jude
  30. The authenticity of the epistle of St. Jude
  31. The purpose of the epistle.The faith once for all delivered and the development of Christian doctrine
  32. The persons denounced in the epistle.Its relation to 2 Peter
  33. Doubtful readings and the theory of verbal inspiration.Three palmary instances of divine vengeance upon grevious sin
  34. Railing at dignities.—"The Assumption of Moses."—St. Jude's use of apocryphal literature
  35. The description corresponding to Cain. The libertines at the Love-feasts.—The Book of Enoch
  36. The description to Balaam: the impious discontent and greed of the libertines.—The Apostolic warning respecting them
  37. The description corresponding to Korah; Making separations.—Exhortations to the faithful to build up themselves, and then rescue others
  38. The final doxology: praise to God, the protection of his servants
  • Index