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Book Description

The Jews From Cyrus to Herod
Publication Year:
The Religious Education Press Ltd.
Bible Background, Judaism
Copyright Holder:
The Snaith Family. Reproduced by permission

Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], The Jews From Cyrus to Herod

Table of Contents

  • General Introduction
  • Bibliography
  1. The Rise of Cyrus
  2. Persia
  3. Alexander the Great
  4. Ptolemy and Seleucus
  5. Palestine Under the Seleucids
  6. High Priest and King
  7. Herod and Rome
  8. The Restoration
  9. Separatism
  10. The Glorious Future
  11. Messiah
  12. Life after Death
  13. Demons and Angels
  14. The Law
  15. Wisom
  16. The Logos
  17. Temple and Synagogue
  18. Pharisees, Saduceeds, and Essenes
  • List of Kings
  • Index