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Book Description

The Book of Judges with Maps, Notes, and Introduction
Publication Year:
Gill & Sons, Ltd.
Judges, Commentary, Old Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Frank Marshall [1848-1906], The Book of Judges with Maps, Notes, and Introduction

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Introduction
    • Title
    • Scope of the Book
    • Unity of the Book
    • Date
    • Author
    • The Government
    • A Continuous Narrative
      • The Introduction
      • The Judges and Oppressions
      • The Appendix
      • Table of the Judges
      • Characters of the Judges
      • Gods of the Heathen
      • Angels
      • Hebrew Poetry
    • Biographical Notes
    • The Land
    • The Seven Nations of Palestine
    • Other Nations of Palestine
    • Other Nations and Tribes
    • The Territories of the Twelve Tribes
    • Unconquered Territory
    • Geographical Notes
    • Chronology
    • Analysis of the Book
  • Texts and Notes
  • Maps