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Edinburgh: W.F. Henderson, [1925]. Hbk. pp.268.

This title is in the Public Domain



  1. The Call to Office
  2. The Equipment for the Work
  3. The Quest of the Strong Men
  4. The Healing of the Waters
  5. The Judgment of Bethel
  6. Elisha and the Kings
  7. The Widow's Cruse
  8. The Raising of the Shunammite's Son
  9. The Poisoned Pottage
  10. The Man from Baal-Shalisha
  11. Naaman and the Jewish Maid
  12. Naaman and Elisha
  13. Elisha and Gehazi
  14. The Iron that Swam
  15. Elisha in Dothan
  16. The Scoffer's Doom
  17. The Lamb Take the Prey
  18. The Restored Inheritance
  19. Carrying om Elijah's Work
  20. Thr Arrow of the Lord's Deliverance
  21. The Final Victory

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