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Book Description

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John with Introduction, Notes and Indices also the Greek Text and English Translation, 2 Vols.
Publication Year:
T & T Clark
Revelation, Commentary, New Testament
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

Robert Henry Charles [1855-1931], A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John with Introduction, Notes and Indices also the Greek Text and English Translation, 2 Vols.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Introduction
    1. Short account of the Seer and his Book
    2. Authorship of the Johannine Writings
    3. Authorship of the Johannine Writings
    4. The Editor of Jap
    5. Depravation of the Text through Interpolations
    6. Greek and Hebrew Sources, and Their Dates
    7. Books of the O.T., of the Pseudopigrapha, and of the N.T. used by our Author
    8. Unity of Jap
    9. Date of Jap
    10. Circulation and reception
    11. Object of the Seer
    12. Some doctrines of our author
    13. Grammar of the Apocalypse
    14. Uncial Readings
    15. Methods of Interpretation adopted in this Commentary
  • Commentary
  • The Greek Uncials and Cursives
  • MSS collated for this edition: versions: Abbreviations
  • Greek Text with Apparatus Criticus
  • English Translation with Critical Notes
  • Four Papyrus and Vellum Fragments
  • Additional Note on xiii. 11b
  • Additional Note on the Latin Versions
  • Additional Note on the Millennial Kingdom
  • Index I. to the Greek words used in the Apocalypse
  • II. to Hebraisms used in the Apocalypse
  • III. Passages in our Author based on the O.T., Pseudopigrapha and the N.T.
  • IV. to the Introduction, Commentary and Notes