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Palestine Exploration FundPalestine Exploration Quarterly is the publication of the Palestine Exploration Fund, now published by Maney Publishing.

Vols. 1 - 10 (1869 - 1878)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1879 - 1888)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1889 - 1898)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1899 - 1908)
Vols. 41 - 50 (1909 - 1918)
Vols. 51 - 60 (1919 - 1928)
Vols. 61 - 70 (1929 - 1938)
Vols. 71 - 80 (1939 - 1948)
Vols. 81 - 90 (1949 - 1958)
Vols. 91 - 100 (1959 - 1968)
Vols. 101 - 110 (1969 - 1978)
Vols. 111 - 120 (1979 - 1988)
Vols. 121 - 130 (1989 - 1998)
Vols. 131 - 140 (1999 - 2008)

Volume 121 (1989)

Article in Journal or Book Eliot Braun, "The Problem of the Apsidal House: New Aspects of Early Bronze I Domestic Architecture in Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (Jan-June 1989): 1-43.
Article in Journal or Book Liora Kolska Horwitz, "Diachronic Changes in Rural Husbandry Practices in Bronze Age Settlements from the Refaim Valley, Israel," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (Jan.-June 1989): 44-54.
Article in Journal or Book Jack W.Hanbury-Tenison, "Desert Urbanism in the Fourth Millennium," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (Jan.-June 1989): 55-63.
Article in Journal or Book David Milson, "Megiddo, Alalakh, and Troy: A Design Analogy between the Bronze Age Temples," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (Jan.-June 1989): 64-68.
Article in Journal or Book Kay Prag, "A Comment on the Amman Citadel Female Heads," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (Jan.-June 1989): 69-70.
Article in Journal or Book Rehav Rubin, "The Debate over Climatic Changes in the Negev, Fourth-Seventh Centuries CE," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (Jan.-June 1989): 71-78.
Article in Journal or Book Rupert L.Chapman, "The Three Ages Revisited: A Critical Study of Levantine Usage," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (July-Dec. 1989): 89-111.
Article in Journal or Book Moshe Fisher, "Figured Capitals in Roman Palestine: Marble Imports and Local Stone: Some Aspects of "Imperial" and "Provincial" Art," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (July- Dec. 1989): 112-132.
Article in Journal or Book Thorkild Schioler, "The Watermills at the Crocodile River : A Turbine Mill Dated to 345-380 AD," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (July-Dec. 1989): 133-143.
Article in Journal or Book Rami Arav, "Some Notes on the Foundation of Straton's Tower," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 121 (July-Dec. 1989): 144-148.

Volume 122 (1990)

Article in Journal or Book Rupert L. Chapman III, "The Three Ages Revisited: A Critical Study of Levantine Usage, Part II: The Proposal," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 1-20.
Article in Journal or Book Adam Zertal, "The Roman Road Caesarea-Ginae and the Location of Capercotani," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 21-33.
Article in Journal or Book Nicholas Andrew Bailey, "Nehemiah 3:1-32: An Intersection of the Text and the Topography," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 34-40.
Article in Journal or Book J. Andrew Dearman, "The Moabite Sites of Horonaim and Luhith," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 41-46.
Article in Journal or Book Israel Finkelstein, "A Few Notes on Demographic Data from Recent Generations and Ethno-archaeology," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 47-52.
Article in Journal or Book Konstantinos D. Politis, "El-Kabu 100 Years after Schumacher's Discovery," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 53-55.
Article in Journal or Book Ian Young, "The Language of the Judicial Plea From Mesad Hashavyahu," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 56-58.
Article in Journal or Book Benjamin Sass, "Arabs and Greeks in Late First Temple Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 59-61.
Article in Journal or Book Kevin G. O'Connell, S.J., "1890-1990: 'A Hundred Years of Excavation at Tell El-Hesi': A Symposium Sponsored by the Palestine Exploration Fund and the Joint Expedition to Tell el-Hesi Introductory Remarks," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 83-86.
Article in Journal or Book Margaret Drower, "W.M. Flinders Petrie, The Palestine Exploration Fund and Tell El-Hesi," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 87-95.
Article in Journal or Book Philip J. King, "Frederick Jones Bliss at Tell El-Hesi and Elsewhere," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 96-100.
Article in Journal or Book Lawrence E. Toombs, "The Joint Archaeological Expedition to Tell El-Hesi and the Results of the Earlier Excavations," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 101-113.
Article in Journal or Book Shimon Gibson & Tessa Rajak, "Tell El-Hesi and the Camera: The Photographs of Petrie and Bliss," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 114-132.
Article in Journal or Book K.A.D. Smelik, "The Riddle of Tobiah's Document: Difficulties in the Interpretation of Lachish iii, 19, 21," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991): 133-138.
Article in Journal or Book Piotr Bienkowski, "Edom and the Edomites: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 122 (1991):

Volume 123 (1991)

Article in Journal or Book J.P. Kane, "Obituary: F.F. Bruce," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (January-June 1991): 2-3.
Article in Journal or Book Gideon Biger & Nili Liphschitz, "Historical Geography and Botany: Timber in the Nineteenth-Century Old City of Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (January-June 1991): 4-18.
On-line Resource Alan R Millard, "Texts and Archaeology: Weighing The Evidence. The Case for King Solomon," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (January-June 1991): 19-27.
Article in Journal or Book J. Maxwell Miller, "Solomon: International Potentate or Local King?" Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 28-31.
Article in Journal or Book Milla Ohel, "Prehistoric Survey of the Baram Plateau," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 32-47.
Article in Journal or Book Kay Prag, "A Walk in the Wadi Hesban," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 48-61.
Article in Journal or Book William H. Shea, "The Architectural Layout of the Amman Citadel Inscription Temple," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 62-66.
Article in Journal or Book Sylvia Auld, "The Mamluks and the Venetians: Commercial Interchange--The Visual Evidence," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 84-102.
Article in Journal or Book Jeffrey K. Kuan, "Hosea 9:13 and Josephus, Antiquities IX, 277-287," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 103-108.
Article in Journal or Book M.C.A. Macdonald, "Epigraphic Gleanings from the Archive of the Palestine Exploration Fund," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 109-116.
On-line Resource Alan R Millard, "Solomon: Text and Archaeology," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (July-December 1991): 117-118.
Article in Journal or Book T.C. Mitchell, "The Phoenician Inscribed Ivory Box from Ur," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 119-128.
Article in Journal or Book Kay Prag, "An Early Middle Bronze Age Burial in Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 123 (1991): 129-132.

Volume 124 (1992)

Article in Journal or Book Rupert Chapman, "A Stone Toilet Seat Found in Jerusalem in 1925," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 4-8.
Article in Journal or Book Shimon Dar & Nikos Kokkinos, "The Greek Inscriptions from Senaim on Mount Hermon," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 9-25.
Article in Journal or Book Shimon Gibson, "The Tell Sandahannah Ship Graffito Reconsidered," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 26-30.
Article in Journal or Book David Milson, "The Bronze Age Temples at Troy (VI C) and Hazor (Area H): A Design Analogy," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 31-41.
Article in Journal or Book Baruch Rosen & Israel Finkelstein, "Subsistence Patterns, Carrying Capacity and Settlement Oscillations in the Negev Highlands," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 42-58.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Bourke, "Excavations in the Iron Age Extra-Mural Quarter on the South-East Hill of Jerusalem: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 59-62.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Dorrell, "Two Atlases of the Holy Land: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 63-65.
Article in Journal or Book P.R.S. Moorey, " 'Kathleen Kenyon in Retrospect': British Women in Near Eastern Archaeology: Kathleen Kenyon and the Pioneers," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 91-100.
Article in Journal or Book John Wilkes, "Kathleen Kenyon in Roman Britain," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 101-108.
Article in Journal or Book Kay Prag, "Kathleen Kenyon and Archaeology in the Holy Land," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 109-123.
On-line Resource T.C. Mitchell, "The Music of the Old Testament Reconsidered," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992): 124-143.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book Anthony J. Frendo, "Five Recent Books on the Emergence of Ancient Israel: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 124 (1992):

Volume 125 (1993)

Article in Journal or Book Dan Barag, "King Herod's Royal Castle at Samaria-Sebaste," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 3-18.
Article in Journal or Book Isaac Gilead, "Upper Palaeolithic Sites in the Ramat Matred Area," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 19-42.
Article in Journal or Book Konstantinos D. Politis, "The Stepped Dam at Wadi El-Jilat," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 43-49.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan N. Tubb & Peter G. Dorrell, "Tell Es-Sa'idiyeh: Interim Report on the Sixth Season of Excavations," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 50-74.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Bourke, "Review Article: The Field I Caves at Gezer," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 75-77.
Article in Journal or Book Peter G. Dorrell, "The Spring at Jericho from Early Photographs," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 95-115.
Article in Journal or Book Judith M. Hadley, "Kuntillet 'Ajrud: Religious Centre or Desert Way Station?" Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 115-124.
Article in Journal or Book Richard S. Hess, "Early Israel in Canaan: A Survey of Recent Evidence and Interpretations Pages," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 125-142.
Article in Journal or Book Steven A. Rosen & Glenn A. Goodfriend, "An Early Date for Gaza Ware from the Northern Negev," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993): 143-148.
Article in Journal or Book Monique M.E. Vilders, "Some Remarks on the Production of Cooking Pots in the Jordan Valley," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 125 (1993):

Volume 126 (1994)

Article in Journal or Book Gershon Edelstein & Ianir Milevski, "The Rural Settlement of Jerusalem Re-Evaluated: Surveys and Excavations in the Reph'aim Valley and Mevassert Yerushalayim," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 2-23.
Article in Journal or Book Dov Gavish, "French Cartography of the Holy Land in the Nineteenth Century," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 24-31.
Article in Journal or Book William Horbury, "The 'Caiaphas' Ossuaries and Joseph Caiaphas," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 32-48.
Article in Journal or Book Michael M. Shurman, "Wilson Bench Marks in the Old City of Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 49-51.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan N. Tubb & Peter G. Dorrell, "Tell Es-Sa'idiyeh 1993: Interim Report on the Seventh Season of Excavations," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 52-67.
Article in Journal or Book Claudine Dauphin, "The Cities of the Byzantine Negev: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 68-70.
Article in Journal or Book F. Nigel Hepper & Shimon Gibson, "Abraham's Oak of Mamre: The Story of a Venerable Tree," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 94-105.
Article in Journal or Book Lucy-Anne Hunt, "The Byzantine Mosaics of Jordan in Context: Remarks on Imagery, Donors and Mosaicists," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 106-126.
Article in Journal or Book Ruba Kana'an & Alison McQuitty, "The Architecture of Al-Qasr on the Kerak Plateau: An Essay in the Chronology of Vernacular Architecture," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 127-153.
Article in Journal or Book David Livingston, "Further Considerations on the Location of Bethel at El-Bireh," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994): 154-159.
Article in Journal or Book W.G. Lambert, "The Mari Texts and the Old Testament: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1994):

Volume 127 (1995)

Article in Journal or Book Zvi Abbells & Asher Arbit, "Some New Thoughts on Jerusalem's Ancient Water Systems," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 2-7.
Article in Journal or Book Russell Adams & Hermann Genz, "Excavations at Wadi Fidan 4: A Chalcolithic Village Complex in the Copper Ore District of Feinan, Southern Jordan," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 8-20.
Article in Journal or Book David Kennedy, "The Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-5 and 1909 Relating to Southern Syria," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 21-32.
Article in Journal or Book A.D. Petersen, "Khirbat Ja'thun: An Ottoman Farmhouse in Western Galilee," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 33-40.
Article in Journal or Book Bruce Routledge, "'For the Sake of Argument': Reflections on the Structure of Argumentation in Syro-Palestinian Archaeology," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 41-49.
Article in Journal or Book Avinoam Shalem, "Bi'r Al-Waraqa: Legend and Truth: A Note on Medieval Sacred Geography," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 50-61.
Article in Journal or Book N. Wyatt, "Jonathan's Adventure and a Philological Conundrum," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 62-69.
Article in Journal or Book Shimon Gibson & Rupert L. Chapman, "The Mediterranean Hotel in Nineteenth-Century Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 93-105.
Article in Journal or Book Haim Goren, "An Imaginary European Concept of Jerusalem in a Late Sixteenth-Century Model," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 106-121.
Article in Journal or Book Chang-Ho C. Ji, "Iron Age I in Central and Northern Transjordan: An Interim Summary of Archaeological Data," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 122-140.
Article in Journal or Book Eveline Van Der Steen, "Aspects of Nomadism and Settlement in the Central Jordan Valley," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 141-158.
Article in Journal or Book John Wilkinson, "The Inscription on the Jerusalem Ship Drawing," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995): 159-160.
Article in Journal or Book Graham Philip, "Jawa and Tell Um Hammad - Two Early Bronze Age Site in Jordan: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127 (1995):

Volume 128 (1996)

Article in Journal or Book Nurit Feig, "New Discoveries in the Rephaim Valley, Jerusalem," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 3-7.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony J. Frendo, "The Particles Beth and Waw and the Periodic Structure of the Nora Stone Inscription," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 8-11.
Article in Journal or Book Burton Macdonald, "The Route of the Via Nova Traiana Immediately South of Wadi Al Hasa," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 12-15.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan N. Tubb, Peter G. Dorrell & Felicity J. Cobbing, "Interim Report on the Eighth (1995) Season of Excavation at Tell Es Sa'idyieh," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 16-40.
Article in Journal or Book H.G.M. Williamson, "Tell Jezreel and the Dynasty of Omri," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 41-51.
Article in Journal or Book Boaz Zissu, "A Graffito Depicting a Horseman from the Judaean Foothills," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 52-56.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen Bourke, "Megiddo, City-State and Royal Centre: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 57-62.
Article in Journal or Book Peter Parr, "The Architecture of Petra: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 63-70.
Article in Journal or Book Rupert L. Chapman III & Shimon Gibson, "A Note on T.E. Lawrence as Photographer in the Wilderness of Zin," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 94-102.
Article in Journal or Book Haim Goren & Rehav Rubin, "Conrad Schick's Models of Jerusalem and Its Monuments," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 103-124.
Article in Journal or Book Jum'a Kareem, "A Newly Discovered Tombstone from North Shuneh, Jordan," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 125-130.
Article in Journal or Book Stephany Leach & Elizabeth Rega, "Interim Report on the Human Skeletal Material Recovered from the 1995 Tell Es Sa'idyieh Excavations, Areas BB and DD," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996): 131-138.
Article in Journal or Book Nicoletta Momigliano, "Duncan Mackenzie and the Palestine Exploration Fund," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 128 (1996):

Volume 129 (1997)

Article in Journal or Book Ofer Bar-Yosef & Jane Callander, "Forgotten Archaeologist: The Life of Francis Turville-Petre," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 2-18.
Article in Journal or Book Chang-Ho C. Ji, "The East Jordan Valley During Iron Age I," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 19-37.
Article in Journal or Book William & Fidelity Lancaster, "Jordanian Village Houses and Their Contents: Growth, Decay and Rebuilding," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 38-53.
Article in Journal or Book Jonathan N Tubb, †Peter G. Dorrell & Felicity Cobbing, "Interim Report on the Ninth Season (1996) of Excavations at Tell Es-Sa'idiyeh, Jordan," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 54-77.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen J. Bourke, "Pre-Classical Pella in Jordan: A Conspectus of Ten Years' Work (1985-1995)," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 94-115.
Article in Journal or Book J.A. Emerton, "The Biblical High Place in the Light of Recent Study," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 116-132.
Article in Journal or Book William Horbury, "A Proslyte's Heis Theos Inscription near Caesarea," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 133-137.
Article in Journal or Book David M. Jacobson & Shimon Gibson, "The Original Form of Barclay's Gate," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997): 138-149.
Article in Journal or Book R. Kark, "Land Purchase and Mapping in a Mid-Nineteenth-Century Palestinian Village," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 129 (1997):

Volume 130 (1998)

Article in Journal or Book Zohar Amar, "The Production of Salt and Sulphur from the Dead Sea Region in the Tenth Century According to At-Tamimi," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 3-7.
Article in Journal or Book Doron Bar, "Aelia Capitolina and the Location of the Camp of the Tenth Legion," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 8-19.
Article in Journal or Book Meredith S. Chesson, "Preliminary Results of Excavations at Tell El-Handaduq South (1993-1996)," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 20-34.
Article in Journal or Book J.S. McKenzie, A.T. Reyes & A. Schmidt-Colinet (with an appendix by J.R. Green), "Faces in the Rock at Petra and Medain Saleh," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 35-50.
Article in Journal or Book Dan Bahat, "Two Recent Studies of the Archaeology of Jerusalem: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 51-62.
Article in Journal or Book Claudine M. Dauphin, "Illness and Healing: Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 63-67.
Article in Journal or Book Israel Finkelstein, "Two Notes on Northern Samaria: The 'Einun Pottery and the Date of the Bull Site," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 94-98.
Article in Journal or Book Rafael Frankel, "Some Notes on the Work of the Survey of Western Palestine in Western Galilee," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 99-105.
Article in Journal or Book Rachel Hachlili, "Iconographic Elements of Nilotic Scenes on Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in Israel," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 106-120.
Article in Journal or Book Niccolo Marchetti, Lorenzo Nigro & Issa Sarie, "Preliminary Report of the First Season of Excavations of the Italian-Palestinian Expedition at Tell Es-Sultan/Jericho, April-May 1997," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 121-144.
Article in Journal or Book James L. Phillips, Anna Belfer-Cohen & Iman N. Saga, "A Collection of Natufian Bone Artefacts from Old Excavations at Kebara and El-Wad," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 145-153.
Article in Journal or Book Carey Walsh & Jeffrey R. Zorn, "New Insights from Old Wine Presses," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998): 154-161.
Article in Journal or Book Anthony J. Frendo, "Ancient Israel - An Invention? Review Article," Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130 (1998):

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