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David Wenham, "The Resurrection Narratives in Matthew's
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John William Wenham [1913-1996], The Easter Enigma, 2nd revised edition. Carlisle: Paternoster
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Brooke Foss Westcott [1825-1901], Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians: The Greek Text with Notes and Addenda, 8th edn. London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1866, 1906. Hbk. pp.212. pdf [This material is in the Public Domain] |
Rowan D. Williams, Resurrection:
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Wright, Resurrection of the Son of God. London: Society for Promoting
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Tom Wright , Resurrection. St. John's College Nottingham. |
Resurrection and Christian Origins (N.T. Wright) |
Resurrection and the Postmodern Dilemma (N.T. Wright) |
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Myth, Hallucination, or History? (Edwin M. Yamauchi) |