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ABTAPL is the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, an organisation formed to help those working in libraries containing theological, philosophical and related materials by sharing information and experience. ABTAPL provides for its members an informal network for consultation, advice and support in both individual and continuing professional problems. The Bulletin is published by the ABTAPL as a forum for professional exchange and development in the fields of theological and philosophical librarianship. It is published three times a year (March, June and November) and now has a circulation of approximately 300 copies, with about one third of that number going to libraries in Europe, North America and the Commonwealth.

Index 1981 -1996
Vol. 1 (1974-1987)
Vols. 2 - 9 (1988-2002)
Vols. 10 - 19 (2003-2012)
Vols. 20 - (2013- )
Vol. 1

Volume 1 (1974-1987)


December 1974. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Editorial, 1.
Reports of 1974 meetings, 2.
Notice of 1975 meetings, 3.
Libraries 1 - Birmingham Public Libraries Philosophy and Religion Department, 4.
Libraries 2 - Sion College, London, 5-6.
Societies 1 - Institute of Religion and Theology, 7-8.
Bibliographies & References Books 1 - Handbook of the Institute of Religion and Theology, 9-10.
Other recent British publications, 11-12.
ABTAPL: Past, Present and Future, 12-15.
Handbook of theological libraries, 16.


March 1975. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Editorial, 1.
Personalities, 2.
Anglo-American Cataloging Rules 1967, 3.
Exchange & Mart, 4.
Reference section:
Libraries 3 - Dr Williams's Library, 5-6.
Societies 2 - Catholic Record Society, 7.
Bibliographies & Reference Books:
2 - Nonconformist Congregations in G.B., 8.
3 - Readers' Guide to Books on Philosophy and Readers' Guide to Books on Religion, 9-10.
Shorter book notes, 11-12.
ABTAPL: past, present and future - Part 2, 13-16.


June 1975. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements
Editorial, 1.
Guildford Meeting, 2.
Birmingham and Lancaster Meetings, 3.
Reference section:
Libraries 4 - St. David's U.C., Lampeter, 4-5.
Societies 3 - Scottish Institute of Missionary Studies, 6-
Bibliographies & Reference Books 4 -Schwertner, IATG, 7-
Historical Exhibitions, 9-
Blairs College Library, 11-
R.J. Duckett, Religious material in public libraries, 14-17.


December 1975. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Editorial, 1..
A.G.M. and Birmingham visits, 2.
Reference section:
Libraries 5 - British & Foreign Bible Society, 3-4.
Societies 4- Henry Bradshaw Society, 5.
Bibliograohies & Reference Books:
5- Walford, Guide to Reference Books, vol. 2, 6-9.
6- Classified Catalog of the Ecumenical Movement, 10-11.
Frank Whaling, World Methodism, 12-16.


March 1976. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Editorial, 1.
Obituary: Dr. J.A. Lamb, 2.
Visit, etc., 3.
Reference section:
Libraries 6 - Franciscan Central Library, Canterbury, 4-5.
Societies 5 - Church Service Society, 6.
Bibliographies & Reference Works - 7: A Baptist Bibliography, 7.
8 - A select book guide, March, 1976, 8-9.
The lost libraries of Suffolk, 10-11.
G.P. Cornish, Provision for philosophy and theology at the British Library Lending Division, 12-16.


June 1976. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Editorial, 1.
Visit, 2.
World of Islam Festival, 2.
Reference section:
Libraries 7 - Catholic Central Library, 3.
Bibliographies etc. 8 - Current serials lists, 4-5.
9 - Bibliography of the Reform (Baker), 6.
Briefer book notes, 7-8.
Brief guide to abstracting & indexing services (Cornish), 16.
J.V.H., A new Roman Catholic classification, 9-12.
Julia Bellord, Uniform liturgical headings, 13-16.


November 1976. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Annual General Meeting, 1.
Oxford visitation, 2.
New College, London, 2-3.
Reference section:
Recent articles in I ibrary journals, 3.
Societies 6 - Society for the Study of Medical Ethics, 4.
LeRoy Walters, Information retrieval in bioethics, 5-9.
G.E. Gorman, Information retrieval in New Testament studies, 10-16.


March 1977. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements, 1.
Reference section:
Libraries 8 - Swiss Cottage Library, 2-3.
Bibliographies etc. 10- Philosophers Index, 4.
11 - Bibliography of Bioethics, 5-6.
12 - Current Research 1976, 7.
J.V.H., Subject Headings - Theology a Superfluity, 8-10.
Dorothy M. Owen, Anglican Archives, 11-12

1.9 June 1977. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
November meeting and A.G.M., 1.
Canterbury meeting report, 2.
Exchange and mart, 20.
Reference section:
Societies 7 - Hymn Society of G.B., 3-4.
Libraries 9- St Deiniol's, Hawarden, 8-9.
Bibliographies, etc. 13 - Library research guide (Kennedy), 12.
Brief notices - Bibliography of bioethics 2, 7.
Religion and theology 2, 7.
Tools for theological research (Sayre & Hamburger), 19.
Abstracts from professional journals, 11.
Mary ElliotThe Rainbow Collection of hymnbooks (Mary Elliott), 5-6.
Teaching theological bibliography (G.E. Gorman), 13-19.


November 1977. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
London meeting and A.G.M., 2.
Reference section:
Libraries 10- Trinity College, Bristol, 3.
Societies 8 - The Alcuin Club, 4.
Bibliographies, etc. 14- British hymn writers & composers (Hayden & Newton), 5-6.
Further comments on the cataloguing & classification of hymnbooks (Joyce Barrie, John Andrews), 7, 16.
Information retrieval in N.T. studies- 1977 progress report (G.E. Gorman), 9-10.
Problems of classifying religion (Vanda Broughton), 11-12.
Index to new series nos 1 - 10, 13-16.


March 1978. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

The Library at King's College London (Mary Elliott), 2-3.
The Librarians' Christian Fellowship (Elizabeth M Barber), 3-4.
Cathedral Libraries (Frederick Bussby), 4-5.
The Ancient Christian Libraries of the East (Steven Runciman), 6-14.
Co-operation and Co-ordination in Theological Education- the North American Scene (Joan Humphreys), 14-16.


June 1978. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements, 1-2.
Reference Section:
Libraries 12 -The Parkes Library, Southampton, 3-4.
Five Years' Work 1971-75, 4.
The German Scene (abstracts), 5.
Religious documentation in Aberdeen (H.W. Turner), 6-7.
The Trinity College collections at Glasgow University (P.W. Asplin), 9-10.
The Bliss Classification, Class P ( R .J. Duckett), 11-16..


December 1978. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Editorial, 1.
Report of Swiss Cottage meeting & A.G.M., 2.
Exchange and mart, 3.
Reference section:
Libraries 13 - Heythrop College Library, 4-5.
Bibliographies 15, 5-8.
Bibliographies from abroad, 8-9.
The Library of the United Theological College, Aberystwyth (J.T. Williams), 10-11.
Theological resources in Durham libraries (R.C. Norris), 11-12.
Current research projects at the Institute for Theological Research, Univ. of S. Africa (G.E. German), 13-16.


March 1979. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Editorial, 1.
Lists of Subscribers, 14-16.
Reference section:
Societies 9 - United Reformed Church History Society, 2-3.
Libraries -Dominican Chaplaincy, Edinburgh, 3-4.
Bibliographies 16 - Basic Tools of Biblical Exegesis (Marrow), 5-6.
Bibliographies 17 - Latin Vulgate- Computer Concordance, 7-10.
Development Studies Documentation as Theological Source Material (G.E. Gorman), 1113.


June 1979. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Negotiations with Library Association, 1.
Hawarden meeting, 2-3.
London & York meetings, 3.
Exchange & Mart, 16.
Reference section:
Libraries 14 - Church Missionary Society, 4.
Bibliographies 18 - OT/ANE Permucite Index, 5-10.
On first looking into AACR2 (Joyce M. Barrie), 11-12.
Documentation services of religious organisations - Part 1 (G.E. Gorman), 13-15.

1.16 November 1979. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Association news and announcements:
New subscribers, 2.
Alson on ESTC, 2.
A.G.M., 2-3.
Negotiations with L.A., 4.
Exchange & Mart, 15
Reference section:
Libraries 15 - The Methodist Archives, 5-7.
Societies 10 - Keston College, 6-7.
Documentation services of religious organisations - Part 2 (G.E. German), 9-14.

March 1980. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Grant for catalogue of MSS at Bible Society, 6.
Reference Section:
Libraries 16 - New College Library, Edinburgh, 2-3..
Bibliography - Care of the dying and the bereaved, 7-16.


June 1980. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Autumn meeting, 1.
York meeting, 2-3,
Reference section:
Libraries 17 - Theology Faculty, Oxford, 4-5.
Societies 11 - The Teilhard Centre, 6.
Bibliographies 19- A hymn book survey 1962-1980 (Leaver), 7-8.
Bibliographies 20- Book publishers directory in the field of religion; Theological & religious index; Primitive Methodist bibliography, 10-11.
On being 'philosophical' about ABTAPL (P. Larkin), 3.
Philosophy and religion in Dewey 19 (R.J. Duckett), 12-16.


November 1980. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Bible Society ·meeting, 31st October, 2.
Exhibitions, 3.
Manning Archive, 15.
Exchange & Mart, 16.
Reference section:
Libraries 18 - The Council for Places of Worship, 4-5.
Societies 12 - Ecclesiological Society, 6.
Bibliographies 21 - Philosopher's Index Retrospective Indexes, 7-8.
Bibliographies 22 - U.K. Christian Handbook, 10-11.
Ecumenism in action -the library of the Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax, Nova Scotia, - Alice W. Harrison, 12-15.


March 1981. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Locations please, 1.
Hebraica Libraries Group, 2.
MSS on Anglican Church in India, 2-3.
Reference section:
Libraries 19 -The Gamble Library, Belfast, 4-5.
Bibliographies 23 - Christian Communication Directory, Africa, 7-8.
Pettee Matters- Joyce M. Barrie, 5-6.
Serials in Theology - J.V. Howard, 10-12.
Semper aliquid novi ex Africa - G.E. Gorman, 13-16.


June 1981. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Weekend meeting at Bristol, 2-3.
Reference section:
Libraries 20 - Tyndale Library, Cambridge, 4-5.
Religion on-line, or is it?- R.J. Duckett, 6-10.
Five regional Christian councils, Part 1 - G.E. Gorman, 12-16.


November 1981. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news and announcements:
Annual General Meeting, 2.
Visit to British Library, Reference Division, 2-3.
Reference section:
Libraries 21 - Divinity School Library, Cambridge, 3-5.
Bibliographies 24 - Religious Bibliographies in Serial Literature (Walsh), 7-10.
Bibliographies 25 - Reference Works for Theological Research (Kepple), 10-11.
Hymnology: new guides and indexes (Andrews), 13-16,


March 1982. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Reference section:
Libraries 22 - Westcott House Library, Cambridge, 2-3.
Bibliographies 26 - Philosophy, 3-5.
A Festschrift Reviewed - Essays on theological librarianship ed. de Klerk and Hilgert, 6-11.
Five Regional Christian Councils, Part 2 - Gorman, 11-15.
C.E. Stowe, Pioneer Librarian of the Old West- Hilgert, 16.


June 1982. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
October meeting, 1982, 1
Spring weekend meeting (Cambridge) 1982, 2-3.
Spring weekend meeting (Edinburgh) 1983, 3.
Reference section:
Libraries 23 - Westminster College, Cambridge, 4-6.
Bibliographies 27 - Religious books & serials in print, 7-8.
Centre for New Religious Movements, 10.
The library of Lactantius, 9.
The Continental connexion - Conseil International 1961-1981; Handbuch der AKThB, 2 Aufl., 11-12.


November 1982. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Spring meeting (Edinburgh) 1983, 1.
October meeting and A.G.M. 1982, 2.
Selly Oak Colleges Library extension, 3.
Reference section:
Libraries 24 - United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 4-5.
Bibliographies 28 - World Christian Encyclopedia, 6-9.
Bibliographies 29 - Introduction to theological research; Research, a practical guide, 12
Religious periodicals directory, 5.
China mission resources project, 10.
Boston serials list, 10.
Franciscan Printing Press, Jerusalem, 20.
Training for a relevant ministry -the Theological Education Fund (C. Lienemann- Perrin), 14-16.
Catalogue of the Jackson Collection of MS Fragments in the Royal Library, Windsor Castle (J. Stratford), 17.


March 1983. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Thanks to retiring officers (J. Creasey), 2.
Periodical parts available, 16.
Reference section:
Libraries 25 - Cambridge University library, 3-6.
"Topics in Religion" series, 7.
Bibliographies 30 - Handbook; Member Churches; W.C.C., 12-13.
Bibliographies 31 - RIC Supplements 67/68,69, 13-14.
Bibliographies 32 -Catalogue of MSS of Bible House, 15-16.
A study of German hymns in current English hymnals, by J.S. Andrews, 9-11.


June 1983. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Edinburgh meeting, March 1983, 2.
Australian library lost in bush fire, 5-6.
New Zealand library plans extension, 6.
The Christian Librarian 1983, 4.
Cathedral libraries catalogue, 7.
Reference section:
Bibliographies 33 - Newman, 7.
Bibliographies 34 - Encyclopedia of Librarianship, 8-9.
Bibliographies 35- U.K. Christian Handbook 1983, 10-11.
Serials on microfilm from ATLA, 12-13.
Monks, hunters and fishermen (JVH at ATLA), 14-16.


November 1983. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Lambeth Palace Library, October 1983, 2.
Tower of Babel (Conseillnternational, Lyon, September 1983), 3-4.
Periodical parts wanted (St Andrews Univ. Library), 16.
Reference section:
Libraries 27 - London Mennonite Centre, 5.
Bibliographies 36 - Buber/Schopenhauer/Augustine, 6-7.
Bibliographies 37 - Walford's Guide, Vol. 2, 4th ed., 7-8.
Bibliographies 38 - Walsh: Vatican City State, 10.
Bibliographies 39 - Ellis & Trisco: American Catholic History, 11.
Concordances for biblical studies (Gorman), 12-16.


March 1984. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Handbook, 1.
Australian & New Zealand libraries, 2.
Reference section:
Libraries 28 - Wesley Historical Society Library, 3-4.
Bibliographies 40 - Current Research, 1983, 4-5.
Bibliographies 41 - Methodism in the South-West, 6.
What is Religious Studies? (Whaling), 6-16.


June 1984. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Manchester meeting, April 1984, 1-2.
Cathedral libraries conference, Salisbury, June 1984, 3.
News from other associations, 4.
Index to Bulletin 1-20 -free offer, 16.
Reference section:
Libraries 29 -India Office Library and Records, 5-7.
Bibliographies 42 - Research Guide to Philosophy, 7-9.
Bibliographies 43 - Religious Books 1876 - 1982, 11-12.
Bibliographies 44 - Religion in America (Geisendorfer), 12.
The Christian Brethren Archive (Brady), 13-16.


November 1981. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
General Meeting, 26th October 1984, 2.
Conseillnternational, Cologne, 2-3 October 1984, 3.
Visit to Evangelical Library, 4.
Reference Section:
Theological libraries for the twenty-first century, 4.
Bible Society Library moves from London, 5.
Libraries 30 - Evangelical Library, 6-7.
Bibliographies 45 - French 15th and 16th century bibles, 8.
Bibliographies 46 - China Mission Resources: Pennsylvania, 9.
Bibliographies 47 - Theological libraries & librarianship (C. Jenkin), 9-11.


March 1985. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Obituary - Gordon R. Sayer, 1.
Australian reports, 2.
Alan Stephenson Memorial, Ripon, 5.
Baptist Union Library & Archives, 14-15.
Baptist desiderata, 15.
Reference section:
Libraries 31 - Chichester Theological College, 3.
Libraries 32 - Marist Fathers, Rome, 4-5.
Bibliographies 48 - Contemporary approaches to the study of religion (F. Whaling), 6-7.
Bibliographies 49 - Theological libraries at Oxford (T.P. Slavens), 7-8.
North American futures (ATLA's Project 2000), 9-15.


June 1985. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
ABTAPL Conference at Chichester, 2-3.
Reference section:
Libraries 33 -Moorlands Bible College, 4-5.
Bibliographies 50 - John Wesley, London publisher (Baker) English Methodism (Gage), 5-6.
Bibliographies 51 - Religious periodicals (Burns), 7.
The Missionary Collection (Theological libraries today & tomorrow) by Jean M. Woods, 8-9.
Classification of non-Christian religions, 10.
Educating Theological Librarians by Lionel Madden, 11-15.


March 1986. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
Conseil International (M. Elliott), 2.
Formation of ANZTLA (T. Zweck), 3.
ATLA in Ireland and Great Britain (L.H. Hill), 4-10.
Australian Greek Orthodox Seminary library (P. Li:tmbe), 15
Christmas Humphreys Memorial Library, 32.
Reference section:
libraries 34- Spurgeon"s College, 10-11.
Bibliographies 52- Whitley's Baptist Bibliography, 12.
Index to Book Reviews in Religion (Chicago), 10.
Guide to Religious Periodical Literature (Birmingham), 15.
Issues in Librarianship (G. Hedges), 16.
SCOTAPLL and ABTAPL: the early years, by R.L. Collison, 13-15.
The Library of the Theological College of Central Africa, by P.H. Sewell, 17-18.
Collection Development in theological libraries, by G.E. Gorman, 19-31.


June 1986. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
ABTAPL Spring Weekend, Oxford, 1986, 2-3.
Reference section:
Libraries 35 - Society of Friends, 3-4.
Translations of the Prayer Book ( R. F. Buxton), 5-9.
Compiling a Directory (A.F. Jesson), 10-12.
Compiling a Dictionary (E.A. Livingstone), 13-16.


November 1986. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Association news:
ABTAPL chez les Beiges, 2-3.
Re-opening of Bible Society's Library, 8
Reference section:
Libraries 36 - Gillis College, Edinburgh, 4-5.
Bibliographies 53 - British Theological Literature 1850-1940: Hadidian (T. West), 5-6.
Bibliographies 54 - Guide to the Theological Libraries of Great Britain & Ireland: Lea & Jesson (A.J. Walford), 10-12.
Moral tales in the theological library (S. Hannabuss), 13-16.


March 1987. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Reference section:
Libraries 37 - Salisbury & Wells Theological College, 2-3.
Bibliographies 55 - Guide to Libraries of Judaica and Hebraica in Europe,3-4.
Exchange of experience seminar, ABTAPL Conference, April 1986, 5-8.
Church libraries in Hungary (J.S. Andrews), 9-11.
Eurolit seminar, Oxford, September 1986, 12.
Growth of an Asian resource centre in Hong Kong (R M. England), 13-16.


June 1987. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Reference section:
Libraries 38 - York Minster Library, 2-3.
Bibliographies 56 - Theological & religious reference materials (Gorman), 4-7.
Bibliographies 57 - Religious periodicals directory (Cornish), 8-11.
An international perspective on theological libraries (P.J. Lambe), 12-16.


November 1987. Click here to read this issue View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource

Philosophy: a guide to the reference literature (Bynagle) P. Larkin, 2-4.
Literature of philosophy: size, growth and charateristics (Bell) R.J. Duckett, 4-5
Encyclopedia of religion (Eliade) (Frank Whaling), 8-13.
New journals (P.J. Lambe), 14-16.

Next Volume

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