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1880 - 1889
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Vols. 98 - 107 (1980 - 1989)
Vols. 108 - 117 (1990 - 1999)
Vols. 118 - 127 (2000 - 2009)
Vols. 128 - (2010 - )

Volume 108 (1990)

Article in Journal or Book Sebastian Moore, "Jesus the Liberator of Desire," 108 (1990): 1-
Article in Journal or Book J.A. McGrath, "The Rights and Limits of History," 108 (1990): 20-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Peter and the tabernacles (Mark 9:5-7)," Downside Review 108 (Jan. 1990): 37-48.
Article in Journal or Book H.W. Owen, "Extracts from the Upholland Anthology: an Augustine Baker Manuscript," 108 (1990): 49-
Article in Journal or Book M.H. Hastings, "Christmas at Stanbrook in 1904," 108 (1990): 62-
Article in Journal or Book P. Cusack, "Lanfranc Congress, Pavia," 108 (1990): 66-
Article in Journal or Book Gregory Murray, "Five gospel miracles," Downside Review 108 (April 1990): 79-90.
Article in Journal or Book R.K. Tacelli, "Of One Substance: Saint Athanasius and the Meaning of Christian Doctrine," 108 (1990): 91-
Article in Journal or Book

Barbara Newman, "Some mediaeval theologians and the Sophia tradition," Downside Review 108 (April 1990): 111-130.

Article in Journal or Book H.W. Owen, "More Extracts from the Upholland Anthology: an Augustine Baker Manuscript," 108 (1990): 131-
Article in Journal or Book N.A.D. Scotland, "Essays and Reviews (1860) and the Reaction of Victorian Churches and Churchmen," 108 (1990):146-
Article in Journal or Book G. Corcoran, "Prayer and Solidarity in Saint Augustine," 108 (1990): 157-
Article in Journal or Book D.J. Billy, "The Retrieval of Perfection: William of Saint-Thierry's Theology of Conversion," 108 (1990): 175-
Article in Journal or Book M. See, "A Baker Crux," 108 (1990): 188-
Article in Journal or Book Andrew Nugent, "What did Jesus write (John 7:53-8:11)," Downside Review 108 (July 1990): 193-198.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Orchard, "Dei verbum and the synoptic gospels," Downside Review 108 (July 1990): 199-213.
Article in Journal or Book R. Tixier, "Good Gamesumli Pley, Games of Love in The Cloud Of Unknowing," 108 (1990): 235-
Article in Journal or Book T. Merrigan, "One Momentous Doctrine which Enters into my Reasoning," 108 (1990): 254-
Article in Journal or Book Stanley L. Jaki, "Newman and Science," 108 (1990): 282-
Article in Journal or Book

César Izquierdo, "History and Truth: The Exegetical Position of Baron von Hügel," Downside Review 108 (Oct. 1990): 295-312.

Volume 109 (1991)

Article in Journal or Book Ben F. Meyer, "Jesus's Scenario of the Future," Downside Review 109 (Jan. 1991): 1-15.
Article in Journal or Book Stanley L. Jaki, "Newman and Evolution," Downside Review 109 (1991): 16-
Article in Journal or Book D.L. Dombrowski, "Was Saint Teresa a Shrew," Downside Review 109 (1991): 35-
Article in Journal or Book H. Rollmann, "Franz Xaver Kraus and John Henry Newman," Downside Review 109 (1991): 44-
Article in Journal or Book Rawlinson of Ewell, "Europe: the Greater Unity," Downside Review 109 (1991): 52-
Article in Journal or Book K. Ware, "The Sacrament of Love: the Orthodox Understanding of Marriage and its Breakdown," Downside Review 109 (1991): 79-
Article in Journal or Book A. Cosgrove, "Consent, Consummation and Indissolubility: Some Evidence from Mediaeval Ecclesiastical Courts," Downside Review 109 (1991): 94-
Article in Journal or Book L. Reynolds, "Marriage, Sacramental and Indissoluble: Sources of the Catholic Doctrine," Downside Review 109 (1991): 105-
Article in Journal or Book E. Sarmiento, "On the Poem Llama de Amor Viva (The Living Flame of Love) by St John of the Cross," Downside Review 109 (1991): 151-
Article in Journal or Book I. Trethowan, "Grace as Union with God: Edward Yarnold's Enormous Paradox," Downside Review 109 (1991): 157-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Bankruptcy and the New Testament," Downside Review Downside Review 109 (July 1991): 173-182.
Article in Journal or Book M. Kitchen, "Karl Barth and the Weimar Republic," Downside Review 109 (1991): 183-
Article in Journal or Book H. Rollmann, "Liberal Catholicism, Modernism and the Closing of the Roman Mind; Franz Xaver Kraus and Friedrich von Hugel," Downside Review 109 (1991): 202-
Article in Journal or Book Gregory Murray, "Jesus and the Feasts of the Jews," Downside Review 109 (July 1991): 217-225.
Article in Journal or Book S. Foster, "Continuity Collegiality and the Prospects for Ecumenism," Downside Review 109 (1991): 235-
Article in Journal or Book J.P.H. Clark, "Time and Eternity in Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 109 (1991): 259-
Article in Journal or Book J. Russell & H. Bailey, "The Triumph of Humility," Downside Review 109 (1991): 277-
Article in Journal or Book Gregory Murray, "The Gospels and History," Downside Review 109 (Oct. 1991): 290-296.
Article in Journal or Book Paul Trudinger, "Hosanna to the Son of David: St John's Perspective," Downside Review 109 (Oct. 1991): 297-301.

Volume 110 (1992)

Article in Journal or Book John Saward, "The Flesh Flowers Again: St Bonaventure and the Aesthetics of the Resurrection," Downside Review 110 (Jan. 1992): 1-29.
Article in Journal or Book A. Baxter, "The Relevance of a Liturgical Language," Downside Review 110 (1992): 30-
Article in Journal or Book G. Scarre, "Tillotson and Hume on Miracles," Downside Review 110 (1992): 45-
Article in Journal or Book "Obituary: Dom Mark Pontifex," Downside Review 110 (1992): 82-
Article in Journal or Book George Wesley Buchanan, "Meyer's Support for Weiss's Eschatology," Downside Review 110 (April 1992): 83-96.
Article in Journal or Book G.W. Buchanan, "Meyer's Support for Weiss's Eschatology," Downside Review 110 (1992): 83-
Article in Journal or Book Stanley L. Jaki, "Christ And Science, " Downside Review 110 (1992): 110-
Article in Journal or Book B.C. Butler & R. Ricketts, "Letters to a Man of Letters, Part 1 The Correspondence," Downside Review 110 (1992): 131-
Article in Journal or Book "Obituary: Dom Gregory Murray," 110 (1992): Downside Review 159-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Unappreciated Legal Aspects of the Eucharist," Downside Review 110 (July 1992): 161-176.
Article in Journal or Book B.C. Butler & R. Ricketts, "Letters to a Man of Letters, Part 2 The Correspondence," Downside Review 110 (1992): 177-
Article in Journal or Book P. King, "A Baptist Looks at Thomas Merton," Downside Review 110 (1992): 195-
Article in Journal or Book C. Brooke, "Dom David Knowles and his Vocation as a Monastic Historian," Downside Review 110 (1992): 209-
Article in Journal or Book A. Bellenger, "Dom David Knowles and Outram Evennett - A Correspondence," Downside Review 110 (1992): 226-
Article in Journal or Book P.L. Buck, "Tractarian Doctrine in Keble's The Christian Year," Downside Review 110 (1992): 239-
Article in Journal or Book J. Theisen, "The Church and the Cenobium," Downside Review 110 (1992): 259-
Article in Journal or Book S. Theron, "Philosophical Ethics or Secularist Ethics?" Downside Review 110 (1992): 284-
Article in Journal or Book D. Rutledge, "The Mystery Of Faith," 110 (1992): Downside Review 308-

Volume 111 (1993)

Article in Journal or Book I. Trethowan, "Augustine's Discovery: Dominique Dubarle on Awareness of God, Selections Translated and Discussed Part 1," Downside Review 111 (1993): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian Greiner, "The Power of Prayer," Downside Review 111 (Jan. 1993): 31-44.
Article in Journal or Book A. Louth, "The Image of Heloise in English Literature," Downside Review 111 (1993): 45-
Article in Journal or Book A. Van Eyken, "Chance and Chaos," Downside Review 111 (1993): 65-
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian Moore, "Four Steps Towards Making Sense of Theology," Downside Review 111 (1993): 79-
Article in Journal or Book

M. Kochanski, "Physics and Free Will, Part 1 The Abolition of Time," Downside Review 111 (1993): 101-

Article in Journal or Book K. Tortorelli, "Balthasar and the Theodramatic Interpretation of St Irenaeus," Downside Review 111 (1993): 117-
Article in Journal or Book I. Trethowan, "Augustine's Discovery: Dominique Dubarle on Awareness of God, Selections Translated and Discussed Part 2," Downside Review 111 (1993): 127-
Article in Journal or Book J.T. Rhodes, "Dom Augustine Baker's Reading Lists," Downside Review 111 (1993): 157-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Miriam and the Resurrection (John 20:16)," Downside Review Downside Review 111 (July 1993): 174-186.
Article in Journal or Book M. Kochanski, "Physics and Free Will, Part 2 Analysis of Action," Downside Review 111 (1993): 187-
Article in Journal or Book A. Bellenger, "The French Revolution and the English Benedictines, Part 2 The English Communities in France," Downside Review 111 (1993): 198-
Article in Journal or Book B. Brooks, "Archbishop Wulfred (805-832) and the Lordship of Minster-in-Thanet in the Early Ninth Century," Downside Review 111 (1993): 211-
Article in Journal or Book D.A. Withey, "John Henry Newman and Dr Charles Lloyd," Downside Review 111 (1993): 235-
Article in Journal or Book V.F. Blehl, "The Intellectual and Spiritual Influence of JH Newman," Downside Review 111 (1993): 251-
Article in Journal or Book S.S. Ringel, "John Henry Newman: Human Being," Downside Review 111 (1993): 258-
Article in Journal or Book J. Tolhurst, "The Church of the Multitudes Downside Review 111 (1993): 273-
Article in Journal or Book J. Vanden Bussche, "Father Ignatius Spencer and Newman," Downside Review 111 (1993): 284-

Volume 112 (1994)

Article in Journal or Book Ben F. Meyer, "The Relevance of 'Horizon'," Downside Review 112 (Jan. 1994): 1-14.
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian Moore, "'Why Did God Kill Jesus?'," Downside Review 112 (Jan. 1994): 15-25.
Article in Journal or Book J.M.C. James, "Lead Kindly Light Ä the Swansea Connection," Downside Review 112 (1994): 26-
Article in Journal or Book Gregory Murray, "New Light on St Matthew's Gospel," Downside Review 112 (Jan. 1994): 34-43.
Article in Journal or Book Mark A. McIntosch, "The Eastering of Jesus: Resurrection and the Witness of Christian Spirituality," Downside Review 112 (Jan. 1994): 44-61.
Article in Journal or Book G. Marc'hadour, "WE Campbell and Thomas More," Downside Review 112 (1994): 62-
Article in Journal or Book A. Baxter, "Illtyd Trethowan as Thinker: an Appreciation," Downside Review 112 (1994): 75-
Article in Journal or Book Dennis Joseph Billy, "Redemption and the Order of Love in Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermon 20 on 'The Canticle of Canticles'," Downside Review 112 (April 1994): 88-102.
Article in Journal or Book I. Davie, "Anselm's Argument Re-assessed," Downside Review 112 (1994): 103-
Article in Journal or Book J.P. Marmion, "Purgatory Revisited," Downside Review 112 (1994): 121-
Article in Journal or Book A. Nichols, "Barth's Theology of Revelation, Part 1 The Setting in Life," Downside Review 112 (1994): 153-
Article in Journal or Book W.G. East, "Goddes Pryvetee," Downside Review 112 (1994): 164-
Article in Journal or Book R. Holyer, "Christianity and Culture Ä a Retrospect," Downside Review 112 (1994): 170-
Article in Journal or Book Stanley L. Jaki, "Computers: Lovable but Unloving," Downside Review 112 (1994): 185-
Article in Journal or Book Bernard P. Robinson, "The Venerable Bede as Exegete," Downside Review 112 (July 1994): 201-226.
Article in Journal or Book Francis J. Moloney, "John 18:15-27: A Johannine View of the Church," Downside Review 112 (Oct. 1994): 231-248.
Article in Journal or Book K.M. Tepas, "Amor, Amicitia and Misericordia: a Critique of Aelred's Analysis of Spiritual Friendship," Downside Review 112 (1994): 249-
Article in Journal or Book D. O'Keeffe, "The Via Media of Monastic Theology: the Debate on Grace and Free Will in Fifth-Century Southern Gaul Part 1," Downside Review 112 (1994): 264-
Article in Journal or Book B. Norquist, "The Cloud's Widening Circulation and Association with People of Distinction," Downside Review 112 (1994): 284-

Volume 113 (1995)

Article in Journal or Book Bernard Beatty, "Who Wears the Crown(s)? A Rationale for Editing Forwards," Downside Review 113 (Jan. 1995): 1-19.
Article in Journal or Book A. Nichols, "Barth's Theology of Revelation, Part 2 Theology and Church," Downside Review 113 (1995): 20-
Article in Journal or Book Paul Trudinger, "The Priority of 2 Thessalonians Revisited: Some Fresh Evidence," Downside Review 113 (Jan. 1995): 31-35.
Article in Journal or Book A.B. Chappell, "Walter Hilton: a Contemplative Spirituality for All the Baptized," Downside Review 113 (1995): 36-
Article in Journal or Book D. O'Keeffe, "The Via Media of Monastic Theology: the Debate on Grace and Free Will in Fifth-Century Southern Gaul Part 2," Downside Review 113 (1995): 54-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Gratitude and the Ten Lepers (Luke 17,11-19)," Downside Review 113 (April 1995): 79-95.
Article in Journal or Book Henry Wansbrough, "The Book of the Acts and History," Downside Review 113 (April 1995): 96-103.
Article in Journal or Book P. Bristow, "Dualism: the Obstacle to Understanding Humanae Vitae," Downside Review 113 (1995): 104-
Article in Journal or Book A. Beards, "Anti-Realism and Critical Realism: Dummett and Lonergan," Downside Review 113 (1995): 119-
Article in Journal or Book D. O'Keeffe, "The Via Media of Monastic Theology: the Debate on Grace and Free Will in Fifth-Century Southern Gaul Part 3," Downside Review 113 (1995): 157-
Article in Journal or Book E. Stopp, "Saint Francis de Sales: Attitudes to Friendship," Downside Review 113 (1995): 175-
Article in Journal or Book Paul Trudinger, "A Prophet Like Me (Deut 18:5): Jesus and Moses in St Johns Gospel, Once Again," Downside Review 113 (July 1995): 193-195.
Article in Journal or Book I. Davie, "Inverse Analogy," Downside Review 113 (1995): 196-
Article in Journal or Book M. Goffin, "Fighting Under the Lash," Downside Review 113 (1995): 203-
Article in Journal or Book S. Coates, "Bede Ä The Miraculous and Episcopal Authority in Early Anglo-Saxon England," Downside Review 113 (1995): 219-
Article in Journal or Book Jeremy Moiser, "The Resurrection: Recent Official Pronouncements and Recent Exegesis," Downside Review 113 (Oct. 1995): 235-247.
Article in Journal or Book Bernard Orchard, "Josephus and the Unnamed Priests of His Roman Mission," Downside Review 113 (Oct. 1995): 248-270.
Article in Journal or Book D. O'Keeffe, "Dom Jean Leclercq and the Concept of Monastic Theology," Downside Review 113 (1995): 271-
Article in Journal or Book Paul Trudinger, "Two Ambiguities in Habakkuk's 'Unambiguous' Oracle," Downside Review 113 (Oct. 1995): 282-283.
Article in Journal or Book P. Jebb, "The Archives of the English Benedictine Congregation," Downside Review 113 (1995): 284-
Article in Journal or Book M.W. Fowler, "Zen Buddhist Meditation and The Cloud Author's Prayer of Love," Downside Review 113 (1995): 289-

Volume 114 (1996)

Article in Journal or Book A.W. Keaty, "Newman's Account of the Real Apprehension of God," Downside Review 114 (1996): 1-
Article in Journal or Book John S. Custer, "The Psaltery, the Harp and the Fathers: A Biblical Image and Its Interpreters," Downside Review 114 (Jan. 1996): 19-31.
Article in Journal or Book R. Moloney, "Spiritual Progress and the Three Ways," Downside Review 114 (1996): 32-
Article in Journal or Book Sebastian Moore, "The New Convivium," Downside Review 114 (Jan. 1996): 40-55.
Article in Journal or Book A. Hastings, "The Contribution of St Benedict to European Civilization," Downside Review 114 (1996): 56-
Article in Journal or Book John Saward, "Regaining Paradise: Paul Claudel and the Renewal of Exegesis," Downside Review 114 (April 1996): 79-95.
Article in Journal or Book J. Aberth, "Pseudo-Dionysius as Liberator," Downside Review 114 (1996): 96-
Article in Journal or Book N. Ormerod, "Original Sin: Good News for the Poor," Downside Review 114 (1996): 116-
Article in Journal or Book Laurent Guyénot, "A New Perspective on John the Baptist's Failure to Support Jesus," Downside Review 114 (April 1996): 129-152.
Article in Journal or Book A. Van Eyken, "Catharsis Ä The Freudian Dichotomy," Downside Review 114 (1996): 157-
Article in Journal or Book S. Coates, "Dwellings of the Saints Ä Monasticism in the Scottish Borders," Downside Review 114 (1996): 166-
Article in Journal or Book D.R. Law, "Kierkegaard on Monasticism," Downside Review 114 (1996): 185-
Article in Journal or Book Stanley L. Jaki, "A Gentleman and Original Sin," Downside Review 114 (1996): 192-
Article in Journal or Book Jane M.C. James, "Newman and Moses," Downside Review 114 (July 1996): 215-220.
Article in Journal or Book W.C. Marceau, "Recusant Translations of St Francis de Sales," Downside Review 114 (1996): 221-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Sleeping at Gethsemane," Downside Review 114 (Oct. 1996): 235-245.
Article in Journal or Book C. Wybourne, "Seafarers and Stay-at-homes," Downside Review 114 (1996): 246-
Article in Journal or Book

C. Abbot, "Piety and Egoism in Julian of Norwich," Downside Review 114 (1996): 267-

Article in Journal or Book C. Scott, "The Vision and Legacy of Christopher Dawson," Downside Review 114 (1996): 283-
Article in Journal or Book B. Guevin, "Dominici Schola Servitii," Downside Review 114 (1996): 294-

Volume 115 (1997)

Article in Journal or Book C. Abbot, "His Body, the Church: Julian of Norwich's Vision of Christ," Downside Review 115 (1997): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Paul Trudinger, "On Not Seeing the "Tree" Because of the 'Wood': A Note on Isaiah 40:18-20," Downside Review 115 (Jan. 1997): 23-28.
Article in Journal or Book R.M. Vallee, "Gabriel Marcel's Critique of Heideggerian Existentialism," Downside Review 115 (1997): 29-
Article in Journal or Book A. Nichols, "Zion and Philistia: the Liturgy and Theological Aesthetics Today," Downside Review 115 (1997): 53-
Article in Journal or Book W.G. East, "Thoughts on a Collect," Downside Review 115 (1997): 74-
Article in Journal or Book D.T. Rakus, "Augustinian Libertas: the Foundations of an Ethics of Being," Downside Review 115 (1997): 79-
Article in Journal or Book Bernard P. Robinson, "The Anointing by Mary of Bethany (John 12)," Downside Review 115 (April 1997): 99-111.
Article in Journal or Book R. Fox, "Can There be a Reason to Believe in Angels and Demons?" Downside Review 115 (1997): 112-
Article in Journal or Book J.K. Newman, "JH Newman as Musician: an Insight from Bakhtin," Downside Review 115 (1997): 139-
Article in Journal or Book M. Truran, "True Christian Amazons," Downside Review 115 (1997): 157-
Article in Journal or Book T.E. Schaefer & C. Rhodes, "Realism and the Reclamation of Sociology," Downside Review 115 (1997): 181-
Article in Journal or Book Stanley L. Jaki, "Newman and Miracles," Downside Review 115 (1997): 193-
Article in Journal or Book O.F. Cummings, "John Macquarrie: Model of Systematic Theology," Downside Review 115 (1997): 215-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "'I Adjure Thee' (Matthew 26,63)," Downside Review 115 (July 1997): 225-234.
Article in Journal or Book William F. Hodapp, "Sacred Time and Space Within: Drama and Ritual in Late Medieval Affective Passion Meditations," Downside Review 115 (Oct. 1997): 235-248.
Article in Journal or Book G. Scott, "The Early Career of Bishop Charles Walmsley," Downside Review 115 (1997): 249-
Article in Journal or Book T. McKenna, "Jacopone of Todi and the Soteriological Implications of Poverty," Downside Review 115 (1997): 271-
Article in Journal or Book B. Beatty, "Inspirational Literature: the Heresy of Historicism," Downside Review 115 (1997): 282-
Article in Journal or Book Selman, "Defending the Angels: a Letter to the Editor," Downside Review 115 (1997): 300-

Volume 116 (1998)

Article in Journal or Book D. O'Keeffe, "Editorial re The Downside Review," Downside Review 116 (Jan. 1998): 1-
Article in Journal or Book Thomas F. Martin, "'An Abundant Supply of Discourse': Augustine and the Rhetoric of Monasticism," Downside Review 116 (Jan. 1998): 7-25.
Article in Journal or Book Dom Sebastian Moore, "Our Love is Crucified," Downside Review 116 (1998): 27-
Article in Journal or Book Harold Riley, "The Brothers of the Lord," Downside Review 116 (Jan. 1998): 45-54.
Article in Journal or Book D.J. Briel, "Isaac Williams on the Psychology of Newman's Conversion," Downside Review 116 (1998): 55-
Article in Journal or Book R. Fox, "Redefending the Angels: a Letter to the Editor," Downside Review 116 (1998): 65-
Article in Journal or Book S. Theron, "Analogy and the Divine Being," Downside Review 116 (1998): 79-
Article in Journal or Book Paul Trudinger, "Ire or Irony? The Enigmatical Character of the Parable of the Dishonest Steward (Luke 16:1-13)," Downside Review 116 (April 1998): 85-102.
Article in Journal or Book D.R. Law, "Kierkegaard on Truth," Downside Review 116 (1998): 103-
Article in Journal or Book T.E. Johnson, "Evelyn Underhill's Pneumatology: Origins and Implications," Downside Review 116 (1998): 109-
Article in Journal or Book M. Bryden, "The Monastery of Ganagobie: Then and Now," Downside Review 116 (1998): 137-
Article in Journal or Book J.C. Hirsch, "Newman: a Mystic?" Downside Review 116 (1998): 143-
Article in Journal or Book J. Kelly, "Von Hugel on Bremond's L'Histoire du Sentiment Religieux," Downside Review 116 (1998): 157-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "'Dost Thou Teach Us?' (John 9:34c)," Downside Review 116 (July 1998): 183-194.
Article in Journal or Book C. Whitehead, "Regarding the Ark: Revisions of Architectural Imagery in the Writings of the Cloud Author," Downside Review 116 (1998): 195-
Article in Journal or Book Dom Sebastian Moore, "Getting the Fall Right," Downside Review 116 (1998): 213-
Article in Journal or Book E.J. Enright, "Newman and the Process of Religious Commitment: the Letters as Spiritual Direction," Downside Review 116 (1998): 235-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Questioning Jesus's Authority (Mark 11:27-33)," Downside Review 116 (Oct. 1998): 257-270.
Article in Journal or Book "England's Nazareth: the Revival of the Roman Catholic Shrine at Walsingham 1897-1997," Downside Review 116 (1998): 271-
Article in Journal or Book

A.N. Shaw, "The Northern Visitation of 1535-6: Some New Observations," Downside Review 116 (1998): 279-

Article in Journal or Book J.C. Hirsh, "The Middle English Aquinas Prayer: a New Version," Downside Review 116 (1998): 300-

Volume 117 (1999)

Article in Journal or Book A. Barrera, "From Obligations to Rights: Economic Progress and the Language of Ethical Discourse," Downside Review 117 (1999): 41-
Article in Journal or Book J. Beaumont, "The Catholic Witness of J.R.R. Tolkien," Downside Review 117 (1999): 115-
Article in Journal or Book S.M. Beall, "Verbal Iconicity: A Problem in Liturgical Translation," Downside Review 117 (1999): 133-
Article in Journal or Book J. Duncan M. Derrett, "Hating Father and Mother (Luke 14:26; Matthew 10:37)," Downside Review 117 (Oct. 1999): 251-272.
Article in Journal or Book John Fortin, "The Presence of God: A Linguistic and Thematic Link between the Doctrinal and Liturgical Sections of The Rule of Saint Benedict," Downside Review 117 (Oct. 1999): 293-308.
Article in Journal or Book John Aberth & Gregory Randolph, "England's Counter-Reformation: the changing historiography of English religious history," Downside Review 117 (1999): 273-

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