"Tomorrow, A Survey of 1954," Eternity 6.1 (Jan. 1955):
4- |
Roy L. Aldrich, "Imitation Words of the Bible," Eternity 6.1
(Jan. 1955): 6- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "The Parables and the Papyri," Eternity 6.1
(Jan. 1955): 10- |
Walter R. Martin & Norman H. Klaan, "The Myth of Mother Eddy," Eternity 6.1 (Jan. 1955): Eternity 6.1 (Jan. 1955):
14- |
"Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.1 (Jan. 1955):
16- |
Norman Bartlett, "The Triunity of God," Eternity 6.1 (Jan. 1955):
18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: Satan's Organization part
2," Eternity 6.1 (Jan. 1955): 20- |
Gordon H. Fraser, "Missionary Internships," Eternity 6.2 (Feb.
1955): 4- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Unity Cult," Eternity 6.2 (Feb. 1955):
8- |
Armin R. Gesswein, "Is Revival the Normal?" Eternity 6.2 (Feb.
1955): 12- |
"Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.2 (Feb. 1955):
14- |
Furman Miller, "God's Recipe for a Different Tomorrow," Eternity 6.2
(Feb. 1955): 16- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The Battle of the Soul, part l," Eternity 6.2 (Feb. 1955): 18- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "Waiting for His Coming," Eternity 6.2 (Feb.
1955): 20- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "Toynbee; A Modern Pilgrim in Progress," Eternity 6.3 (March 1955): 6- |
Paul H. Sheetz, "The Campus Looks at the World," Eternity 6.3
(March 1955): 10- |
John F. Walvoord, "What Is the Future of Communism," Eternity 6.3 (March 1955): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.3 (March 1955): 16- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Archaeology and the Acts of the Apostles," Eternity 6.3 (March 1955): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War, Chap. 12, pt. 2," Eternity 6.3 (March 1955): 20- |
Northcote Deck, "This Passover with You," Eternity 6.4 (April
1955): 6- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "The Resurrection and the Second Coming," Eternity 6.4 (April 1955): 10- |
Vernon Grounds, "Modern Psychology and the Gospel," Eternity 6.4 (April 1955): 12- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Archaeology and the Resurrection," Eternity 6.4 (April 1955): 17- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.4 (April 1955): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The Devices of Satan, part
1," Eternity 6.4 (April 1955): 20- |
Warwick Aiken, "They Besought the Lord," Eternity 6.5 (May
1955): 6- |
"Bible for the World," Eternity 6.5 (May 1955):
10- |
E.M. Blaihlock, "Archaeology and the Epistles," Eternity 6.5
(May 1955): 15- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.5 (May 1955): 16- |
Vernon Grounds, "Modern Psychology and the Gospel, part 2," Eternity 6.5 (May 1955): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The Devices of Satan, part
2," Eternity 6.5 (May 1955): 20- |
Dwight H. Small, "Whom God Hath Joined," Eternity 6.6 (June
1955): 6- |
Harold Key, "Emergency Call," Eternity 6.6 (June 1955): 10- |
Carl F.H. Henry, "Christianity and the Economic Crisis," Eternity 6.6 (June 1955): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.6 (June 1955): 16- |
Orville S. Walters, "Mental Illness and Christian Faith," Eternity 6.6 (June 1955): 18- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Archaeology and the Apocalypse," Eternity 6.6
(June 1955): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil,
Part 1," Eternity 6.6 (June 1955): 22- |
Howard W. Oursler, "Is It Revival?" Eternity 6.7 (July 1955):
2- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "Proclaim Liberty!" Eternity 6.7 (July 1955):
5- |
Vernon Grounds, "How Pursuit Becomes Possession," Eternity 6.7
(July 1955): 8- |
Andrew MacBeath, "Worldwide Hits Scotland," Eternity 6.7 (July
1955): 12- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.7 (July 1955): 14- |
Dwight H. Small, "The Christian View of Sex," Ernest F. Kevan, "The
Puritan Doctrine of Conversion," Eternity 6.7 (July 1955):
16- |
Ernest F. Kevan, "Archaeology and the Early Church," Eternity 6.7
(July 1955): 18- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Archaeology and the Early Church," Eternity 6.7 (July 1955): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The World, the Flesh, and
the Devil, Part 2,"Eternity 6.7 (July 1955): 22- |
Howard W. Oursler, "Not Bondage but Blessing," Eternity 6.8
(August 1955): 2- |
Joseph T. Bayly, "The Christian View of Science and Scripture," Eternity 6.8 (August 1955): 4- |
Walter R. Martin, "Father Divine... King of Cultists," Eternity 6.8 (August 1955): 8- |
Betty Kazbek, "God and the Iron Curtain," Eternity 6.8 (August
1955): 10- |
Rowan Pearce, "Art Thou He," Eternity 6.8 (August 1955):
14- |
Frank E. Gaebelein, "Whither Bound," Eternity 6.8 (August
1955): 16- |
Dwight H. Small, "Christian Married Love," Eternity 6.8
(August 1955): 18- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Archaeology and the Early Church," Eternity 6.8 (August 1955): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: Satan and History, Part
1," Eternity 6.8 (August 1955): 22- |
Stafford Young, "Awakening in Borneo," Eternity 6.9 (Sept. 1955):
4- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Gospel in Latin Europe," Eternity 6.9 (Sept. 1955): 8- |
Kenneth Strachan, "Needed: A New Emphasis in Missions," Eternity 6.9
(Sept. 1955): 10- |
Charles Caldwell Ryrie, "Joy in Cana," Eternity 6.9 (Sept.
1955): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.9 (Sept. 1955): 16- |
David.Howard Adeney [1911-1994], "Communism and Christianity," Eternity 6.9
(Sept. 1955): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: Satan and History, Part
2," Eternity 6.9 (Sept. 1955): 20- |
Paul A. Hopkins, "Television: 'Man to Man'," Eternity 6.10
(Oct.. 1955): 6- |
"Tomorrow: Peron and the Vatican," Eternity 6.10 (Oct.. 1955):
8- |
Erich Sauer, "The Obstacle Race," Eternity 6.10 (Oct.. 1955):
10- |
Theodore Hax, "The Growing Cult of Mary Worship: Is Mary the Mother
of God?" Eternity 6.10 (Oct.. 1955): 14- |
"Reaction on Ramm," Eternity 6.10 (Oct.. 1955):
18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: Satan and History, Part 3," Eternity 6.10 (Oct.. 1955): 20- |
John Lawrence, "Here are the Facts about Russian Protestants," Eternity 6.11 (Nov. 1955): 8- |
Oswald J. Smith, "Victory through Christ," Eternity 6.11 (Nov.
1955): 10- |
Donald Davidson, "John Did No Miracle," Eternity 6.11 (Nov.
1955): 14- |
Donald Barnhouse, Jr., "Trend in Tracts," Eternity 6.11 (Nov.
1955): 16- |
Albert C. Strong, "The Queen of Sheba in Solomon's Court," Eternity 6.11 (Nov. 1955): 20- |
Theodure Hax, "The Growing Cult of Mary Worship: The Immaculate
Conception," Eternity 6.11 (Nov. 1955): 22- |
Herb Jauchen, "Prayer
Foundation for any Building," Eternity 6.11 (Nov. 1955): 24- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The Battle of the Cross,
Part 1," Eternity 6.11 (Nov. 1955): 26- |
De Witt Whistler Jayne, "Behold There Came Magi From the East," Eternity 6.12 (Dec. 1955): 8- |
Paul White, "African Magnificat," Eternity 6.12 (Dec. 1955):
12- |
Merrill C. Tenney, "The Evangelist and the Scholar," Eternity 6.12 (Dec. 1955): 16- |
"Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 6.12 (Dec.
1955): 18- |
F.W. Boreham, "Alpha and Omega," Eternity 6.12 (Dec. 1955):
19- |
Theodore Hax, "Mary's Perpetual Virginity," Eternity 6.12
(Dec. 1955): 20- |
Theodore Hax, "Mary's Bodily Assumption into Heaven," Eternity 6.12 (Dec. 1955): 21- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The Battle of the Cross,
Part 2," Eternity 6.12 (Dec. 1955): 22- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "Prosperous and Successful New Year," Eternity 7.1 (Jan. 1956): 7- |
"Tomorrow, A Survev of 1955," Eternity 7.1 (Jan. 1956):
8- |
Charles A. Malik, "Peace of Man and the Peace of God," Eternity 7.1 (Jan. 1956): 10- |
Wilbur Helmbold, "The Dead Sea Scrolls: Friend or Foe?" Eternity 7.1
(Jan. 1956): 14- |
George Scotchmer, "Charge to a Pastor," Eternity 7.1 (Jan.
1956): 18- |
Walter R. Martin, "The International Congress on Prophecy," Eternity 7.1 (Jan. 1956): 19- |
Robert S. Lutz, "Saviour on His Throne," Eternity 7.1 (Jan.
1956): 20- |
Theodore Hax, "The Worship of Mary," Eternity 7.1 (Jan. 1956):
22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: Satan's Great Frustration,
Part 1," Eternity 7.1 (Jan. 1956): 24- |
Arch Campbell, "Christ of the Korean Heart," Eternity 7.2
(Feb. 1956): 7- |
Frank E. Gacbelein, "Portrait of a Christian College," Eternity 7.2 (Feb. 1956): 8- |
Vernon Grounds, "The Nature of Evangelicalism," Eternity 7.2
(Feb. 1956): 12- |
"Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 7.2 (Feb. 1956):
14- |
Roy Aldrich, "Walking with the Lord," Eternity 7.2 (Feb.
1956): 16- |
Theodore Hax, "The Final Blasphemy," Eternity 7.2 (Feb. 1956):
20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: Satan's Great Frustration,
Part 2," Eternity 7.2 (Feb. 1956): 22- |
David W. Baker, "Earth in Upheaval, Reviewed," Eternity 7.3
(March 1956): 6- |
Bernard Ramm, "Earth in Upheaval, Reviewed," Eternity 7.3
(March 1956): 7- |
Stacey Woods, "You Are Challenged to Endure," Eternity 7.3 (March 1956):
8- |
Ernest M. Wadsworth, "R.A. Torrey as I knew Him," Eternity 7.3
(March 1956): 12- |
Paul S. Rees, "Empowered Witnesses," Eternity 7.3 (March
1956): 13- |
Carl F.H. Henry, "The Unity Christ Sustains," Eternity 7.3
(March 1956): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: "The Sky and the Weather",
Part 1," Eternity 7.3 (March 1956): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Burning Heart," Eternity 7.4
(April 1956): 8- |
Vance Hauner, "The Price of Discipleship," Eternity 7.4 (April
1956): 10- |
Northcote Deck, "Singing Unto Death," Eternity 7.4 (April
1956): 14- |
Max Morris, "Kikuyu Drama," Eternity 7.4 (April 1956):
16- |
Neville Langford Smith, "Mau Mau up to the Moment," Eternity 7.4 (April 1956): 17- |
Charlotte E. Arnold, "The Unworthy Right Hand," Eternity 7.4
(April 1956): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Invisible War: "The Sky and the Weather,"
Part 2," Eternity 7.4 (April 1956): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Editor Visits Mexico's 'Mayan Ruins," Eternity 7.5 (May 1956): 6- |
Stephen W. Paine, "Why the Christian College?" Eternity 7.5
(May 1956): (April 1956): 8- |
Walter L. Liefeld, "College: Christian or Secular," Eternity 7.5 (May 1956): 9- |
Addison H. Leitch, "The Theological Conflict," Eternity 7.5
(May 1956): 12- |
Gordon Harman, "Chastity," Eternity 7.5 (May 1956): 16- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Invisible War: The Phases of His Coming, Part
1," Eternity 7.5 (May 1956): 18- |
Benjamin Marais, "The Church and Racial Tension in South Africa," Eternity 7.6 (June 1956): 6- |
Walter R. Martin, "Christian Education and the Sex Problem," Eternity 7.6 (June 1956): 8- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Public Confession God Asks," Eternity 7.6 (June 1956): 12- |
Andrew MacBeath, "Learning The Art of Hospitality," Eternity 7.6 (June 1956): 14- |
Herbert W. Butt, "The Paradox of Shipwreck," Eternity 7.6
(June 1956): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Invisible War: The Phases of His Coming. Part 2," Eternity 7.6 (June 1956): 20- |
"The Word Is Mightier than the Simi," Eternity 7.6 (June
1956): 22- |
Paul A. Napkins, "Dr. Barnhouse Moves to N.B.C. Network July 1st," Eternity 7.7 (July 1956): 6- |
Vernon C. Grounds, "Has Freud Anything for Christians?" Eternity 7.7 (July 1956): 8- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Near-Last Pressure Cooker," Eternity 7.7 (July 1956): 10- |
Stacey Woods, "Are Bible Schools and Seminaries Doing the Job?" Eternity 7.7 (July 1956): 14- |
Furman Miller, "The Christian's Declaration of Independence," Eternity 7.7 (July 1956): 16- |
Howard W. Oursler, "People," Walter R. Martin, "Reincarnation: The Gospel of
the Second Chance," Eternity 7.7 (July 1956): 17- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Confession and Faith," Eternity 7.7
(July 1956): 22- |
Gordon Chilvers, "Faith That Is Alive," Eternity 7.7 (July
1956): 24- |
Peter Wagner. "You Can't Be a Christian and," Eternity 7.7 (July 1956):
26- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Eyeless in Gaza," Eternity 7.8 (August 1956):
6- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Mixed Marriages," Eternity 7.8 (August
1956): 8- |
Harold Lindsell, "The Bible and Race Relations," Eternity 7.8
(August 1956): 12- |
A.W. Tozer, "The Saint Must Walk Alone," Eternity 7.8 (August
1956): 14- |
William Emmett Shelton, "Charles Wesley's Greatest Hymn," Eternity 7.8 (August 1956): 18- |
Harold W. Fife, "Joy for the Taking," Eternity 7.8 (August
1956): 19- |
Herbert W. Spencer, "God's Revelation of Himself through His Name," Eternity 7.8 (August 1956): 20- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Layman and the Cults," Eternity 7.8
(August 1956): 22- |
"Bible School Heads Reply to Stacey Woods,"Eternity 7.8
(August 1956): 24- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians?" Eternity 7.9 (Sept. 1956): 6- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Shub-Ad--Queen of Another Day," Eternity 7.9
(Sept. 1956): 8- |
Vernon Grounds, "Revolutionarv Gospel," Eternity 7.9 (Sept.
1956): 12- |
Walter R. Martin, "Universal Salvation: Does the Bible Teach It?" Eternity 7.9 (Sept. 1956): 14- |
Frank E. Gaebelein, "A Five-Fold Rule for Godly Living," Eternity 7.9 (Sept. 1956): 18- |
Howard W. Oursler, "A Summons to Thanksgiving," Eternity 7.9
(Sept. 1956): 19- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Does Man have a fart in Salvation?" Eternity 7.9 (Sept. 1956): 20- |
Harold W. Fife, "The Family Likeness," Eternity 7.10 (Oct..
1956): 5- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Truth About Seventh-clay Adventism," Eternity 7.10 (October 1956): 6-7, 38-40. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Joseph T. Bayly, "A Northern Christian Looks at the Race Question," Eternity 7.10 (October 1956): 8- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Report from Hong Kong," Eternity 7.10
(October 1956): 12- |
Bruce, "A Second Look at the Dead Sea Scrolls," Eternity 7.10 (October
1956): 14-15, 29-30. pdf |
A.W. Tozer, "We Are Becoming What We Love," Eternity 7.10
(October 1956): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What Is Salvation?" Eternity 7.10 (October
1956): 20- |
Vernon Grounds, "If Man Ever Reaches Mars," Eternity 7.11
(Nov. 1956): 6- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Typhoon Lillian," Eternity 7.11 (Nov.
1956): 8- |
Harold W. Fife, "The Conquest of Fear," Eternity 7.11 (Nov.
1956): 11- |
Ray C. Stedman, "True Separation," Eternity 7.11 (Nov. 1956):
12- |
William A. Deans, "Appointment With Africa," Eternity 7.11
(Nov. 1956): 14- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Lachish Falls to Invader!" Eternity 7.11
(Nov. 1956): 18- |
Walter R. Martin, "What Sevcnth-Day Adventists Really Believe," Eternity 7.11 (Nov. 1956): 20-21, 38-43. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Howard W. Oursler, "Unused Blessings," Eternity 7.11 (Nov.
1956): 21- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Behold the Lamb," Eternity 7.12 (Dec.
1956): 7- |
Stacey Woods, "The Wheaton College Position on Inspiration," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956): 8- |
Kenneth S. Kantzer, et al, "The Wheaton Statement," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956): 9- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Japan Perspective," Eternity 7.12
(Dec. 1956): 10- |
Vernon Grounds, "Making Jesus Master," Eternity 7.12 (Dec.
1956): 14- |
Robert W. Lasear, Jr., "Fundamentalism's Facades," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956): 16- |
J.J. Lamberts, "Do We Dare to Use Modern English," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956): 20- |
Robert J. Little, "The Gift Still Waiting at the Tree," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956): 22- |
Harold W. Fife, "This Is the Victory," Eternity 7.12 (Dec.
1956): 23- |
Trevor R. Shaw, "Winning the Battle for the Mind," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956): 24- |
Vincent Edwards, "The Writing of a Carol," Eternity 7.12 (Dec.
1956): 25- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Pool of Gibeon," Eternity 7.12 (Dec. 1956):
25- |
Martin Lloyd-Jones, "The Authority of Jesus Christ," Eternity 8.1 (Jan. 1957): 6- |
Donald Grey Barnbouse, "The Tragic Year," Eternity 8.1 (Jan.
1957): 8- |
Walter R. Martin, "Adventist Theology vs. Historic Orthodoxy," Eternity 8.1 (Jan. 1957): 12-13, 38-40. pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder] |
Dwight H. Small, "Don't Take Liberties with your Liberty," Eternity 8.1 (Jan. 1957): 16- |
Andrew MacBeath, "Business-Like Bible Study," Eternity 8.1
(Jan. 1957): 18- |
Howard W. Oursler, "The Return from Christmas," Eternity 8.1
(Jan. 1957): 19- |
Paul S. White, "Jungle Doctor on Night Duty," Eternity 8.1
(Jan. 1957): 20- |
Harold W. Fife, "An All-Sufficient Benediction," Eternity 8.1
(Jan. 1957): 23- |
Carl Armterding, "A Displaced Person," Eternity 8.2 (Feb.
1957): 6- |
Eugene A. Nida, "Each Man in His Own Language," Eternity 8.2
(Feb. 1957): 8- |
Jordan S. Churchill, "Report from Afghanistan," Eternity 8.2
(Feb. 1957): 12- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Korea of the 38th Parallel," Eternity 8.2 (Feb. 1957): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Postscript to 1956," Eternity 8.2
(Feb. 1957): 18- |
Howard W. Oursler, "Spiritual Vision," Eternity 8.2 (Feb.
1957): 19- |
Douglas Feaver, "Paul at Corinth," Eternity 8.2 (Feb. 1957):
20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "We Are One Body in Christ," Eternity 8.3 (March 1957): 4- |
H.M. Arrowsmith, "Is the Church in Red China Flourishing?" Eternity 8.3 (March 1957): 6- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Mystery Ships of Tarshish," Eternity 8.3
(March 1957): 10- |
Emile Cailliet, "Darkness over Broadway," Eternity 8.3 (March
1957): 12- |
Carl F.H. Henry, "The Holy Spirit and Christian Ethics," Eternity 8.3 (March 1957): 16- |
Kenneth Strachan, "Can Latin-America Be Won for Christ," Eternity 8.4
(April 1957): 4- |
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "The Authority of the Scriptures," Eternity 8.4
(April 1957): 6- |
Northcote Deck, "Heaven Made Open," Eternity 8.4 (April 1957):
10- |
"Who's Putting Religion Off the Air: an Editorial Statement," Eternity 8.4 (April 1957): 14- |
Anthony Capon, "Five Steps for Daily Devotion," Eternity 8.4
(April 1957): 16- |
Dewey M. Beegle, "The Yonan Codes," Eternity 8.4 (April 1957):
18- |
"Billy in Manhattan, An Editorial Statement," Eternity 8.5
(May 1957): 7- |
George E. Ladd, "The Rapture Question: When Will Christ Come Again?" Eternity 8.5 (May 1957): 8- |
John F. Walvoord, "The Rapture Question: When Will Christ Come
Again?" Eternity 8.5 (May 1957): 9- |
Gordon Chilvers, "The Heavenly Background of Temptations," Eternity 8.5 (May 1957): 11- |
Bernard Ramm, "The Revolution in Theology," Eternity 8.5 (May
1957): 14- |
Grosvenor C. Rust, "Public School vs. Christian School," Eternity 8.5
(May 1957): 18- |
Roy W. Lowrie, Jr., "Public School vs. Christian School," Eternity 8.5 (May 1957): 19- |
"Responses to Eternity's Statement on Broadcasting," Eternity 8.5 (May 1957): 20- |
Clyde S. Kilby (Reviewer), Through Gates of Splendor," Eternity 8.6 (June 1957): 5- |
John F. Walvoord, "What's Right About Fundamentalism?" Eternity 8.6 (June 1957): 6- |
Bernard Ramm, "Junior Goes to College," Eternity 8.6 (June
1957): 10- |
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "The Authority of the Holy Spirit," Eternity 8.6
(June 1957): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 8.6 (June 1957): 16- |
Bernard Ramm, "The Major Theses of Orthodoxy," Eternity 8.6
(June 1957): 18- |
Bernard Ramm, "Karl Barth: the Theological Avalanche," Eternity 8.7 (July 1957): 4- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "When Men Are Truly Free," Eternity 8.7
(July 1957): 6- |
Herbert F. Stevenson, "These Also Wrought," Eternity 8.7 (July
1957): 10- |
Donald Barnhouse, Jr., "Madison Square Garden," Eternity 8.7
(July 1957): 12- |
Alfred G. Glass, "Vacationing With Christ," Jordan C. Churchill,
"Christian Witness in Russia," Eternity 8.7 (July 1957): 14- |
Jordan C. Churchill, "Christian Witness in Russia," Eternity 8.7 (July 1957): 18- |
Edwin Houk, "An Untouchable Touched by Jesus," Eternity 8.7 (July 1957):
20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Cry Out for Insight," Eternity 8.7
(July 1957): 21- |
Guy T. Gillespie, "A Southerner Looks at the Race Question," Eternity 8.7 (July 1957): 22- |
Martin H. Scharlemann, "The Church Must Be Color-Blind," Eternity 8.7
(July 1957): 23- |
Thomas J. Bell, "The Little Lame Prince," Eternity 8.7 (July
1957): 25- |
Herbert F. Stevesnon, "Leah: The Problem of Life's Inequalities," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957): 4- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Twentieth Century Pharisaism," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957): 6- |
Elizabeth Strachan, "Formulas," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957):
9- |
Kenneth L. Pike, "Prescription for Intellectuals," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957): 11- |
Richard I. McNeely, "Is Your Singing Biblically," Eternity 8.8
(August 1957): 12- |
Alan Redpath, "The Fear of God," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957):
16- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957): 18- |
Bernard Ramm, "Bultmann's Theological Dust Storm," Eternity 8.8 (August 1957): 20- |
Arthur Hedley, "Thou Must Save and Thou Alone," Eternity 8.8
(August 1957): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Restoration of Jonathan Edwards," Eternity 8.9 (Sept. 1957): 4- |
Paul R. Edwards, "Some Thoughts on Fundamentalist Infallibility," Eternity 8.9 (Sept. 1957): 6- |
Herbert F. Stevenson, "Asaph: the Chief Musician," Eternity 8.9 (Sept. 1957): 11- |
Peter Wagner, "The Origin of Life - a Christian View," Eternity 8.9
(Sept. 1957): 12- |
Gordon Harman, "Was God Fair to the Canaanites?" Eternity 8.9
(Sept. 1957): 16- |
Walter Mueller, "Is the Bible the Only Inspired Revelation of God?" Eternity 8.9 (Sept. 1957): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in The Book of Isaiah," Eternity 8.9 (Sept. 1957): 20- |
Walter R. Martin, "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Gospel of Confusion," Eternity 8.9 (Sept. 1957): 22- |
Clate A. Risley, "Sunday School IS Important," Eternity 8.10
(Oct. 1957): 6- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The New Luther," Eternity 8.10 (Oct.
1957): 8- |
William A. Smalley, "Proximity or Neighborliness," Eternity 8.10 (Oct. 1957): 11- |
Kenneth Slrachan, "Candlelight in Colombia," Eternity 8.10 (Oct. 1957):
12- |
Russell T. Hitt, "A Courageous Press in a Chaotic World," Eternity 8.10 (Oct. 1957): 14- |
David W. Baker, "The Religious Motivations of Christopher Columbus," Eternity 8.10 (Oct. 1957): 18- |
Harold J. Whitney "Three Steps to Revival," Eternity 8.10
(Oct. 1957): 20- |
A.J. Dain, "Foreign Missions Tomorrow," Eternity 8.10 (Oct.
1957): 22- |
Raymond Edman, "Thanksgiving, 1857," Eternity 8.11 (Nov. 1957):
8- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "After the Garden," Eternity 8.11 (Nov.
1957): 10- |
Don Barnhouse, Jr., "Every Person a Story," Eternity 8.11
(Nov. 1957): 11- |
Antha E. Card, "They Knew They Were Pilgrims," Eternity 8.11
(Nov. 1957): 12- |
Walter R. Martin, "Oberlin Report," Eternity 8.11 (Nov. 1957):
14- |
Eunice J. Fischer, "Leading the Young Child to Christ," Eternity 8.11 (Nov. 1957): 16- |
F.F. Bruce, "The Apocrypha, Revised and
Introduced," Eternity (November 1957): 18-19, 42. |
Billy Graham, "The Offense of the Cross," Eternity 8.11 (Nov.
1957): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Postscript on Seventh-day Adventism," Eternity 8.11 (Nov. 1957): 22- |
David W. Baker, "The Miracle of Christmas," Eternity 8.12
(Dec. 1957): 10- |
B.M. Nottage, "You've Neglected My People," Eternity 8.12
(Dec. 1957): 12- |
Lois E. LeBar, "Teaching for Results," Eternity 8.12 (Dec.
1957): 14- |
Ruth Livingston Hill, "The Little Sister of the Bride," Eternity 8.12 (Dec. 1957): 17- |
Eugene A. Nida, "How Mary Holds Allegiance," Eternity 8.12
(Dec. 1957): 19- |
Joseph T. Bayly, "The Day That Santa Claus Died," Eternity 8.12 (Dec. 1957): 20- |
William Thorn, "Tax Deductions, the Lord's Money and YOU," Eternity 8.12 (Dec. 1957): 22- |
Jack L. Willcuts, "Christianity Condensed," Eternity 8.12
(Dec. 1957): 25- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in the Book of Isaiah," Eternity 8.12 (Dec. 1957): 42- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Giant among Bible Teachers," Eternity 9.1 (Jan. 1958): 7- |
Arno C. Gaebelein, "Imagine His Voice," Eternity 9.1 (Jan.
1958): 8- |
Bernard Ramm, "The Coming Crisis in our Christian Colleges," Eternity 9.1 (Jan. 1958): 10- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "1957-Sputnik's Year," Eternity 9.1
(Jan. 1958): 13- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "The Other Comforter," Eternity 9.1 (Jan.
1958): 18- |
Ray C. Stedman, "Is Suicide an Answer?" Eternity 9.1 (Jan.
1958): 20- |
Joseph T. Bayly, "Customers and Sons," Eternity 9.1 (Jan.
1958): 23- |
Margaret Clarkson, "New Year's at Niagara," Eternity 9.1 (Jan. 1958):
24- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Things God Cannot Do," Eternity 9.1
(Jan. 1958): 26- |
Herbert F. Stevenson, "Barnabas: the 'Son of Consolation'," Eternity 9.1 (Jan. 1958): 28- |
Robert W. Garmatz, "Can the Church Use More Modern Methods?" Eternity 9.1 (Jan. 1958): 31- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Special Mission to Ghana," Eternity 9.2 (Feb. 1958): 7- |
S.E. Slocum, Jr., "Are We Misleading Our Future Missionaries," Eternity 9.2 (Feb. 1958): 11- |
George B. Duncan, "Maturity Can Be Dangerous," Eternity 9.2
(Feb. 1958): 14- |
Harold C. Mason, "The Holy Spirit in Your Sundae School," Eternity 9.2 (Feb. 1958): 16- |
Arthur B. Crabtree, "Theologian Evaluates Science," Eternity 9.2 (Feb. 1958): 18- |
Vernon Grounds, "Test Your Salvation," Eternity 9.2 (Feb.
1958): 20- |
Panel of physicians, "Tranquilizing Drugs and the Christian," Eternity 9.2 (Feb. 1958): 22- |
Joseph T. Bayly, "Dandelions," Eternity 9.2 (Feb. 1958):
25- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Why God Saved You," Eternity 9.2 (Feb.
1958): 26- |
Sherman Roddy, "Peacemaker of the Reformation," Eternity 9.3
(March 1958): 8- |
Elizabeth F. Isais, "Should Furloughs Be Changed?" Eternity 9.3 (March 1958): 10- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Blossom Like a Rose," Eternity 9.3 (March
1958): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Chain of Glory," Eternity 9.3 (March
1958): 16- |
Leon Morris, "Even Harder than Taxpaying," Eternity 9.3 (March
1958): 19- |
Thomas O. Figart, "Satellites, Saucers and Signs," Eternity 9.3 (March 1958):20- |
Edmund M. Janss, "Real Learning Demands Pupil-Involvement," Eternity 9.3 (March 1958): 22- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "Where the Bible Draws the Lines," Eternity 9.3 (March 1958): 26- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in Isaiah," Eternity 9.3
(March 1958): 45- |
Neil M. Fraser, "The Ninth Hour," Eternity 9.4 (April 1958):
6- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Finding Fellowship with Pentecostals," Eternity 9.4 (April 1958): 8- |
Arno C. Gaebelein, "That Which Endures," Eternity 9.4 (April
1958): 11- |
V. Raymund Edman,
"What Means the Triumphal Entry?" Eternity 9.4 (April 1958): 12- |
Joseph T. Bayly,
"End of the Shift," Eternity 9.4 (April 1958): 15- |
Everett L. Cattell, "Living in a Tension," Eternity 9.4 (April
1958): 16- |
Gordon S. Jaeck, "Christian Social Workers," Eternity 9.4
(April 1958): 18- |
William R. Moore, "Person to Person Please," Eternity 9.4
(April 1958): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "One World," Eternity 9.4 (April 1958):
23- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Christian and Soul Sleep," Eternity 9.4
(April 1958): 26- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in Isaiah," Eternity 9.4
(April 1958): 46- |
Oswald Sanders, "Crown Him Lord of All," Eternity 9.5 (May 1958): 8- |
Malcolm Forsberg, "How Mona Was Converted," Eternity 9.5 (May
1958): 10- |
Bob Pierce, "Too Late for America?" Eternity 9.5 (May 1958):
13- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What I Think of Bob Pierce," Eternity 9.5 (May 1958): 14- |
Robert T. Sutherland, "Prescription for Peace," Eternity 9.5
(May 1958): 16- |
Joseph T. Bayly, "Wives for the Heart," Eternity 9.5 (May 1958): 18- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Christian and the Sabbath," Eternity 9.5 (May 1958): 20- |
Dorothy L. Braun, "Important Things Can't Be Counted," Eternity 9.5 (May 1958): 24- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations in Isaiah," Eternity 9.5
(May 1958): 44- |
Billy Graham, "Christ Demands No Less," Eternity 9.6 (June
1958): 7- |
Dale G. Foster, "Master of the Universe," Eternity 9.6 (June
1958): 10- |
Leslie B. Flynn, "What Is Spirituality?" Eternity 9.6 (June
1958): 12- |
Ben J. Marais, "A Million Danger Signals Ahead," Eternity 9.6
(June 1958): 14- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Christian and the Law," Eternity 9.6 (June 1958):
17- |
David W. Baker, "Down-to-earth Theologian," Eternity 9.6 (June
1958): 20- |
Charles Hodge, "The Unity of the Church," Eternity 9.6 (June
1958): 21- |
Ronald E. Schlosser, "Haste Wastes at Sunday School," Eternity 9.6 (June 1958): 29- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations: Satan's Destiny," Eternity 9.6 (June 1958): 45- |
Bernard Ramm, "Kierkegaard: The Danish Timebomb," Eternity 9.7
(July 1958): 5- |
John Schmidt, "Life's Most Important Question," Eternity 9.7
(July 1958): 8- |
George E. Ladd, "Justification," Eternity 9.7 (July 1958): 10- |
"Reaction to 'The Unity of the Church'," Eternity 9.7 (July
1958): 13- |
E.M. Blaiklock, "Frontier of Strife," Eternity 9.7 (July
1958): 14- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "One Church," Eternity 9.7 (July 1958):
17- |
Warren W. Filkin, "When Time Is Too Short," Eternity 9.7 (July
1958): 24- |
Elizabeth Strachan, "More and More Missionaries?" Eternity 9.7
(July 1958): 27- |
Walter R. Martin, "The Christian and the Judgment," Eternity 9.7 (July 1958): 30- |
A.C. Gaebelein, "What He Is," Eternity 9.7 (July 1958): 33- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Death of the French Republic," Eternity 9.8 (August 1958): 5- |
Oswald Sanders, "What Christ Is Doing Right Now," Eternity 9.8 (August
1958): 10- |
Lloyd M. Perry & Walden Howard, "How To Study the Bible," Eternity 9.8 (August 1958): 12- |
Vernon Grounds, "Do All Things Really Work Together for Good?" Eternity 9.8 (August 1958): 15- |
Charles Hummel, "God and Your Faith," Eternity 9.8 (August
1958): 18- |
Frank Horton, "What the French Think of Our Missionaries," Eternity 9.8
(August 1958): 21- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What Is God to You?" Eternity 9.8
(August 1958): 24- |
Herman A. Hoyt, "What Is Scriptural Healing?" Eternity 9.8
(August 1958): 27- |
Margaret E. Clarkson, "Better Music-Better Teaching," Eternity 9.8 (August 1958): 30- |
William J. Petersen, "J. B. Phillips: The Man and His Version," Eternity 9.9 (Sept. 1958): 7- |
Stacey Woods, "Is the Church the Center of Evangelism?" Eternity 9.9
(Sept. 1958): 11- |
Henry Jacobsen, "Adults in the Sundae School," Eternity 9.9
(Sept. 1958): 14- |
Kenneth L. Pike, "The Individual," Eternity 9.9 (Sept. 1958):
18- |
John T. Galloway, "Paul's Answer to Peyton Place," Eternity 9.9 (Sept.
1958): 20- |
William G. Rusch, "Cities of Everywhere," Eternity 9.9 (Sept.
1958): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "One Lord," Eternity 9.9 (Sept. 1958):
25- |
Robert St. Clair, "A Fresh Look at the Devil," Eternity 9.9
(Sept. 1958): 28- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations: the Final Invasion of Israel," Eternity 9.9 (Sept. 1958): 32- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "A Text That Changed a Nation," Eternity 9.10 (Oct. 1958): 7- |
Peter Wagner, "Bibliolatry," Eternity 9.10 (Oct. 1958): 10- |
Harriet J. Kolton, "How Jewish Was Jesus?" Eternity 9.10 (Oct.
1958): 12- |
A.C. Gaebelein, "The Stone," Eternity 9.10 (Oct. 1958):
15- |
Robert K. Bower, "Fortify Your Bible Teaching," Eternity 9.10
(Oct. 1958): 16- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Bishop Oxnam's Testament," Eternity 9.10 (Oct.
1958): 19- |
Honorato Reza, "Latin America's Day Has Come," Eternity 9.10
(Oct. 1958): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Meditations: When God Revisits Israel," Eternity 9.10 (Oct. 1958): 24- |
Russell T. Hitt, "Are the Aucas Ready To Hear?" Eternity 9.11
(Nov. 1958): 7- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Book That Opened the Gate," Eternity 9.11 (Nov. 1958): 10- |
Peter Wagner, "Bibliolatry," Eternity 9.11 (Nov. 1958): 14- |
Billy Graham, "Billy Graham on Separation," Eternity 9.11
(Nov. 1958): 17- |
Merrill C. Tenney, "Books: St. Paul and You," Eternity 9.11 (Nov. 1958):
20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Did Luther Believe in Verbal Inspiration?" Eternity 9.11 (Nov. 1958): 22- |
James T. Womack, Jr., "How To Sing a Hymn," Eternity 9.11
(Nov. 1958): 25- |
Samuel M. Shoemaker, "He Gave His Only Son," Eternity 9.12
(Dec. 1958): 7- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Temptation and How To Meet It," Eternity 9.12 (Dec. 1958): 9- |
Margaret Clarkson, "Christmas Pageant-Sunday School Tragedy," Eternity 9.12 (Dec. 1958): 12- |
Oswald Sanders, "Whose Mind Do You Have?" Eternity 9.12 (Dec. 1958):
15- |
Samuel M. Zweiner, "The Mother of Our Lord," Eternity 9.12
(Dec. 1958): 18- |
C. Emanuel Carlson, "Religion in Public Education," Eternity 9.12 (Dec.
1958): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Ransom of a Slave Trader," Eternity 9.12 (Dec. 1958): 23- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Survey of the Year," Eternity 10.1
(Jan. 1959): 6- |
Schuyler English, "How To Read the Bible," Eternity 10.1 (Jan. 1959):
10- |
Douglas Young, "This Is Archaeology's Big Day," Eternity 10.1 (Jan.
1959): 12- |
Dale G. Foster, "Escape to Littleness," Eternity 10.1 (Jan.
1959): 15- |
Ruthe T. Spinnanger, "Christianity or Conformity," Eternity 10.1 (Jan. 1959): 17- |
Russell T. Hitt, "Headshrinkers Turned Saints," Eternity 10.1 (Jan.
1959): 18- |
Daniel P. Fuller, "Do We Need the Holy Spirit To Understand the
Bible?" Eternity 10.1 (Jan. 1959): 22- |
Harold C. Mason, "Christian Education: Is It Going Too High-Brow?" Eternity 10.1 (Jan. 1959): 24- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Thoughts," Eternity 10.1 (Jan. 1959):
27- |
Donald Grey Burnhouse, "'Return to Biblical Theology'," Eternity 10.2 (Feb. 1959): 7- |
"Emergency Session of the Council of Devils," Eternity 10.2
(Feb. 1959): 11- |
James Curry, "Politics, the Pope and the Presidency," Eternity 10.2 (Feb. 1959): 13- |
Harold John Ockenga, "Any Hope for the World?" Eternity 10.2
(Feb. 1959): 16- |
Rudolph F. Norden, "Is Discrimination Always Wrong?" Eternity 10.2 (Feb. 1959): 18- |
V. Raymond Edman, "Why Pre-Millennialism Makes Sense," Eternity 10.2
(Feb. 1959): 20- |
"They Walked in Africa's Front Door," Eternity 10.2 (Feb.
1959): 23- |
Mary LeBar, "We've Been Doing It Backwards," Eternity 10.2
(Feb. 1959): 26- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "In God We Trust," Eternity 10.2 (Feb.
1959): 28- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Thoughts," Eternity 10.2 (Feb. 1959):
31- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Second Coming of Christ: Israel Returns
to Her Land," Eternity 10.3 (March 1959): 6- |
Ben Marais, "The World Is Just Beginning," Eternity 10.3
(March 1959): 10- |
Vernon Grounds, "The Possible You," Eternity 10.3 (March
1959): 13- |
Frances Tucker, "How Christian Are Our Funerals?" Eternity 10.3 (March 1959): 16- |
Margaret C. Clarkson, "Christian Music Is Going Downhill," Eternity 10.3 (March 1959): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Thoughts," Eternity 10.3 (March 1959): 21- |
Emile Cailliet, "J.B.: A Shock-Treatment on Broadway," Eternity 10.3 (March 1959): 23- |
Donald Black, "What Makes Our Mission So Hard?" Eternity 10.3
(March 1959): 26- |
Aelfric, "The Paschal Lamb," Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 7- |
Bernard Ramm, "Europe, God and Karl Barth," Eternity 10.4
(April 1959): 10- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Roman Empire Is Revived," Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 13- |
Cyril D. Garrett, "Is Your Job Sacred or Secular?" Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 16- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Thoughts," Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 19- |
David H.C. Read, "The Memory of Easter Is Not Enough," Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 20- |
George l. Mavrodes, "Can Our Sunday Schools Survive?" Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "How Is the Bible Inspired?" Eternity 10.4 (April 1959): 25- |
Alan Redpath, "How City Churches Can Succeed," Eternity 10.5
(May 1959): 7- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Evangelizing by Mission Magazines," Eternity 10.5 (May 1959): 10- |
Trevor Shaw, "How .Mission Strategy Must Change," Eternity 10.5 (May 1959): 13- |
Robert James St. Clair, "Beyond Perfection," Eternity 10.5
(May 1959): 14- |
Arvid E. Carlson, "Homes Don't Just Happen," Eternity 10.5
(May 1959): 18- |
Walter R. Martin, "Jesus Christ Is God," Eternity 10.5 (May 1959): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Religion Joins the Antichrist," Eternity 10.5 (May 1959): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Thoughts," Eternity 10.5 (May 1959):
25- |
John Fisher, "Can God Contradict His Universe?" Eternity 10.5
(May 1959): 26- |
Marjorie E. Soderholm, "The Cart Before the Horse," Eternity 10.5 (May 1959): 29- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "A Christian View of the Space Age," Eternity 10.6 (June 1959): 7- |
"Thousands Heard the Word," Eternity 10.6 (June 1959):
11- |
Native, "Why Latin Americans Dislike Some American Missionaries," Eternity 10.6 (June 1959): 12- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What About Paul Tillich?" Eternity 10.6 (June 1959): 15- |
Charles J. Miller, "June Love," Eternity 10.6 (June 1959):
19- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "When Russia Descends on Israel," Eternity 10.6
(June 1959): 20- |
Henry Brandt, "Marriage Tensions," Eternity 10.6 (June 1959):
23- |
Eunice J. Fischer, "Teachers Talk Too Much," Eternity 10.6
(June 1959): 26- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Thoughts," Eternity 10.6 (June 1959):
29- |
Gregg Singer, "America's First Founding Father," Eternity 10.7 (July
1959): 5- |
Dennis Clark, "Church on Tibet's Doorstep," Eternity 10.7
(July 1959): 8- |
Stacey Woods, "If You Want To Glorify God," Eternity 10.7 (July 1959):
11- |
Margaret Clarkson, "Perils of Children's Evangelism," Eternity 10.7
(July 1959): 14- |
Warren Weaver, "Why a Scientist Must Believe," Eternity 10.7
(July 1959): 17- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Power of Negative Thinking," Eternity 10.7 (July 1959): 22- |
C. Stanley Lowell, "The Pope and Your Freedom," Eternity 10.7 (July
1959): 24- |
Ralston Smith, "What About Non-denominational Movements?" Eternity 10.7
(July 1959): 26- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Who's To Blame?" Eternity 10.7 (July
1959): 27- |
Walter R. Martin, "God in Three Persons," Eternity 10.7 (July
1959): 29- |
Herbert Henry Ehrenste, "Is Church Evangelism Obsolete?" Eternity 10.8 (August 1959): 7- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What Is the World Coming To?" Eternity 10.8 (August 1959): 10- |
Ben Marais, "Scripture and the Race Problem," Eternity 10.8
(August 1959): 14- |
Martin Scharlemann, "Toward a Revised RSV," Eternity 10.8
(August 1959): 16- |
Vernon C. Grounds, "Fellowship Is Not for Porcupines," Eternity 10.8 (August 1959): 18- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "New Job for Missionaries," Eternity 10.8 (August
1959): 21- |
Morris A. Inch, "Family, Stewardship and Sunday School," Eternity 10.8 (August 1959): 23- |
Ralph Keiper, "How Do You Pray?" Eternity 10.8 (August 1959):
26- |
Walter R. Martin, "Born of a Virgin," Eternity 10.8 (August
1959): 29- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Brazil Report," Eternity 10.9 (Sept.
1959): 7- |
Mark O. Hatfleld, "Christian Must Be Practical," Eternity 10.9
(Sept. 1959): 11- |
Everett F. Harrison & John R. Stott, "Must Christ Be Lord To Be
Savior?" Eternity 10.9 (Sept. 1959): 13- |
Cornelius Van Til, "What About Karl Barth?" Eternity 10.9
(Sept. 1959): 19- |
Dwight H. Small, "Birth Control: Is It Christian?" Eternity 10.9 (Sept. 1959): 22- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Today the Savior, Tomorrow the King," Eternity 10.9 (Sept. 1959): 24- |
Walter R. Martin, "Christ Died for Us," Eternity 10.9 (Sept.
1959): 27- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What's Behind the Pope's Ecumenical Council?" Eternity 10.10 (Oct. 1959): 7- |
Leon Morris, "Jesus Was a Man," Eternity 10.10 (Oct. 1959):
10- |
A.C. Gaebelein, "I Have Called You Friends," Eternity 10.10
(Oct. 1959): 13- |
James E. Curry, "Lady Luck Goes to Church." Eternity 10.10
(Oct. 1959): 14- |
Ralph L. Keiper, "Theology of Bingo," Eternity 10.10 (Oct.
1959): 15- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "Will the Church Save the World?" Eternity 10.10 (Oct. 1959): 18- |
Walter R. Martin, "He Is Risen," Eternity 10.10 (Oct. 1959):
21- |
Warren Filkin, "Sunday School's Number 1 Enemy," Eternity 10.10 (Oct.
1959): 25- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Stage Is Set," Eternity 10.11
(Nov. 1959): 11- |
C.S. Lewis, "Will We Lose God in Outer Space?" Eternity 10.11
(Nov. 1959): 14- |
Rudy Nelson, "The Cultural Barrenness of Today's Evangelicals," Eternity 10.11 (Nov. 1959): 18- |
Walter R. Martin, "More about Karl Barth," Eternity 10.11
(Nov. 1959): 21- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "The Road Back," Eternity 10.11 (Nov.
1959): 24- |
Name Withheld, "Visitors on the Mission Field," Eternity 10.11 (Nov.
1959): 31- |
Vernon Grounds, "Incarnation," Eternity 10.12 (Dec. 1959):
9- |
Paul R. Edwards, "Is Peace Possible?" Eternity 10.12 (Dec.
1959): 10- |
Paul E. Little, "Foreign Mission Frontier at Home," Eternity 10.12 (Dec. 1959): 12- |
William Culbertson, "The Blood of Christ," Eternity 10.12
(Dec. 1959): 15- |
Neil Winegarden, "How to Listen to a Sermon," Eternity 10.12 (Dec.
1959): 17- |
Frank Gaebelein, "Secularism: What's the Christian Answer?" Eternity 10.12 (Dec. 1959): 20- |
Donald Grey Barnhouse, "What's Behind the Pope's Ecumenical Council?" Eternity 10.12 (Dec. 1959): 22- |
Raymond Ortlund, "Are You a Cookie-Cutter Christian?" Eternity 10.12 (Dec. 1959): 28- |