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The Victoria InstituteJournal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute was first published in 1867 and continued through to 1957 when its name was changed to Faith and Thought. Articles appear here by permission of the Committee of the Victoria Institute.

Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute
Vols. 1 - 19 (1865-1887)
Vols. 20 - 39 (1888-1907)
Vols. 40 - 59 (1908-1927)
Vols. 60 - 79 (1928-1947)
Vols. 80 - 89 (1948-1957)

Faith and Thought

Vols. 90 - 99 (1958-1971)
Vols. 100 - 109 (1972-1982)
Vols. 110 - 114 (1983-1988)

Faith and Thought Newsletter / Faith and Thought Bulletin / Faith & Thought

No.'s. 1-25 (1985-1999)
No.'s 26-50 (1999-2011)
No.'s. 51- (2011-)

  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 26 (Oct. 1999): 1-14. View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • A.G.M. 1999
    • The Lord Denning (1899- 1999). An Appreciation – J.W Montgomery
    • The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith – T.H Lim
    • Correspondence
    • Book Reviews
    • The Victoria Institute – Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 27 (April 2000): 1-36.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Prize Essay for 2000 - 2001
    • Accounts of the Victoria Institute "What a Piece of Work is Man" - Humanism, Religion and the New Cosmology – Theodore Roszak
    • Bioethics and the New Biology Joint meeting of CIS and CMF, September 1999
    • The Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute
    • Author Index for the Transactions – 1867 to 1911
    • Book Reviews
    • The Victoria Institute - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 28 (Oct. 2000): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Annual General Meeting 2000
    • Prize Essay Competition
    • What is Man?
    • Evolution and the Laws of Thermodynamics Chapter 4 of a manuscript of 1932 - 1940 (abridged) – R.E.D. Clark
    • Index to Authors Vais 44 - 70 (1912 - 1938)
    • Book Reviews
    • The Victoria Institute – Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 29 (April 2001): 1-36.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • David Ingram – An Appreciation – Philip McNair
    • Prize Essay Competition
    • New Members
    • Where Science and History Meet – C.A. Russell
    • Scientific Ethics – Catherine H. Crouch
    • Book Reviews
    • Cumulative Index to Vols 71 - 100 (1939 - 1973) A- E
    • The Victoria Institute - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 30 (Oct. 2001): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Annual General Meeting 2001
    • The Sources of the Words of New Testament Scripture – J. Neville Birdsall
    • Correspondence
    • Book Reviews
    • Cumulative Index to Vols 71 - 100 (1939 - 1973) F - L
    • The Victoria Institute - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 31 (April 2002): 1-32.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Christian Implications of the Human Genome Project – Jacqueline Engel (Prize Essay Winner)
    • Book Reviews
    • Cumulative Index to Vais 71 - 100 (1939 - 1973) M - Z
    • The Victoria Institute - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 32 (Oct. 2002): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • The Victoria Institute A.G.M. May 2002
    • New Developments in Genetics – Health or Hazard – Dr: Caroline Berry
    • Ancient Aramaic Texts from Egypt – Terence C. Mitchell
    • The Public Understanding of Science and Religion
    • Correspondence
    • Cumulative Index to Vols 101-105 (1974 - 1978) A-M
    • Faith and Thought – Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 33 (April 2003): 1-24.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Prize Essay for 2003 - 2004
    • Suffering and Hope: A Forum for Persecuted Religious Minorities – A.B. Robins
    • What is the Hebrew Language? – Terence C. Mitchell
    • Religion, Science and a New World View: Report of a meeting attended by the Editor
    • Correspondence
    • Cumulative Index to Vols 101-105 (1974 - 1978) N - end
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 34 (Oct. 2003): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • New Members
    • Annual General Meeting, May 2003
    • "Explanation" - what did Darwin mean? Life in a Determinist straight-jacket - Duncan Vere
    • Book Review
    • Cumulative Index to vols 106-110 (1979-1983) A - D
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 35 (April 2004): 1-36.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • New Members
    • Obituary, Sir Robert Boyd
    • Molecular Biology in the Twentieth Century – Editor
    • Professor Sir John Ambrose Fleming – Brian Bowers
    • Evangelical Engineering – R.H. Allaway
    • Science and Faith in a Pastoral Context – R.H. Allaway
    • Symposium on Biblical Archaeology
    • Correspondence
    • Book Review
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 36 (Oct. 2004): 1-32.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Prize-winning essay: Did Christ die for E.T. as well as for homo sapiens? – John Warwick Montgomery
    • Book Reviews
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 37 (April 2005): 1-32.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Faith and Thought Prize Essay Competition 2005
    • Notice of Forthcoming Symposium
    • Prize-winning essay: Did Christ die for E.T. as well as for homo sapiens? – Tom Hartman
    • New Light on the Siloam Tunnel Inscription – T.C. Mitchell
    • Correspondence
    • Book Reviews
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 38 (Oct. 2005): 1-36.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • New Members
    • Annual General Meeting 2004
    • Annual General Meeting 2005
    • James Clerk Maxwell's Refusal to Join the Victoria Institute – Jerrold L. McNatt
    • A Pastor's View of 'the Mind' – Bob Allaway
    • Faith and Thought Prize Essay Competition 2005
    • Death and the Outcast; a new discovery relevant to bibical studies? – Duncan Vere
    • Cumulative Index Part 4: E - Ha
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 39 (April 2006): 1-36.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • The Challenge of Sustainability – Sir John Houghton
    • Einstein, God and Time – Jason Runyan & Justin Walker
    • Book Reviews
    • Cumulative Index Part 5: He - Rese
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 40 (Oct. 2006): 1-43.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • New Members
    • Annual General Meeting
    • Is God to Blame for Human Suffering? – Russ Whitten
    • Is God to Blame for Human Suffering? – Elizabeth James
    • Book Reviews
    • Cumulative Index Part 5: Rest - Tel
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 41 (April 2007): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • October Special Edition
    • Joint Symposium on Sustainability
    • New Members
    • Letter to the Editor
    • Symposium on New Testament Archaeology
    • Christian Beliefin the Afterlife in the Light of Science and Philosophy – Reg. Luhman
    • Review Article: Islam Pure and Simple...
    • Book Reviews
    • Cumulative Index
    • Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 42 (Oct. 2007): 1-39.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Pain in Theological Persepctive – John Warwick Montgomery
    • Understanding Pain and Anlagesia: an integrated molecolur, cellular and systems physiological approach – Alun Morinan
    • Human Suffering at the End of Life: a view from the bedside – Robert Twycross
    • Spiritual Pain in the Dying Patient: A Pastoral Approach – Andrew Goodhead
    • Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 43 (Oct. 2007): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial – T.C. Mitchell
    • Introduction
    • Abbreviations
    • The Old Testament in its World Today – K.A. Kitchen
    • The Bible and Archaeology: Friend or Foes? – Alan Millard
    • Foreign Words in the Old Testament – Clues to Dating? – T.C. Mitchell
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 44 (April 2008): 1-28.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • New Members
    • AGM 2007
    • F.F.Bruce
    • Prize Essay
    • October Symposium
    • Obituary: Gordon Barnes
    • Book Reviews
    • Contents
    • Scientific Understanding and the Point of the Universe – Keith Ward
    • Free Will in a Deterministic Universe – Peter G. Nelson
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 45 (Oct. 2008): 1-32.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Prize Essay
    • Book Review
    • The Frst Christians – Archaeologically Invisible? – Alan Millard
    • Who Were the Philippians? – Peter Oakes
    • Corinth off the Rocks – Bruce Winter
    • Faith and Thought - Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 46 (Oct. 2009): 1-36.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • AGM 2008
    • Medical Ethics - Playing God?
    • Prize Essay
    • The Challenge of Evolutionary Theory for the 21st Century Church – John Weaver
    • Dementia and Spirituality – A.B. Robins
    • Nebo-Sarsekim (Jeremiah 39 .3) Mentioned in a Recently Noticed Babylonian Text – T.C. Mitchell
    • Book Reviews
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 47 (Oct. 2009): 1-48.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • AGM 2008
    • Prize Essay Erratum from previous issue
    • Do Miracles Happen Today? – Bill Lees
    • Claimed Contemporary Miracles Making – Peter May
    • Ethical Decisions: Dualism and Personhood – Sally Nelson
    • Book Reviews
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 48 (April 2010): 1-43.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Symposium 2010
    • Obituary - Professor Donald John Wiseman – Terence Mitchell
    • AGM 2009
    • A Brief Look at Ps.139 – Terence Mitchell
    • The Tyranny of Ethics in Medical Ethics and Law – Charles Foster
    • Ethical Issues in Early Life – Caroline Berry
    • 'Trust me, I'm a doctor'! Historic Abuses and Lessons to be Learned – Andrew Fergusson
    • Whence are Ethics, Whither go they and Why Do Medical Ethics Matter? – Duncan Vere
    • Book Reviews
    • Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 49 (Oct. 2010): 1-44.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Evolutionary Theory for the 21st Century Church. Reflections on Dr John Weaver's Paper – Terence. C. Mitchell
    • Darwin: Bane or Blessing? – P.G. Nelson
    • Another Look at Mature Creation – Chris Knight
    • Book Reviews
    • Application for Enrolment
  • Faith and Thought Bulletin No. 50 (April 2011): 1-40.View in PDF format pdf
    • Editorial
    • Faith and Thought Symposium 2011
    • Company of Educators (Master's Seminar)
    • AGM 2010
    • The Goodness, Wisdom and Patience of the Living God – Nigel Wright
    • Is God to Blame for Natural Disasters? – Ernest Lucas
    • Pain and Personal Transformation – Sally Nelson
    • Book Reviews
    • Application for Enrolment

Next Volume

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