12.2 |
12.3 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 3. |
Rev. A.J.N Cook, "The Scriptures and Economic Life," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 4-9. |
"I.V.F. Conference, 1940," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 9-10. |
"William Arthur Pitt-Pitts," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 11. |
Rev. J.E. Douglas Jones, "'A Demand the National Righteousnss'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 12-16. |
Rev. Vyryan Banham, "Vice or Virtue," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 17-20. |
Canon Archibald C. Hutchinson, "The Inadequacy of Non-Christian Religion," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 20-23. |
"Missionary Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 23-25. |
Winifred M. Pearce, "Medicine for India," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 25-27. |
H. Trevor Hughes, "The Field in the World," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 27-28. |
"'"Who Will God'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 28. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 29-30. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 12.3 (June, 1940): 30-32. |
13.1 |
13.2 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 3. |
John Henderson Seaforth Burleigh [1895-1985], "The Hand of God in Human History," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 4-7. |
"Alfred R. Buxton," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 7-9. |
Prebendary W. Wilson Cash, "Is Christianity at a Halt?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 10-12. |
Rev. W.H. Aldis, "Christian Certitiudes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 12-14. |
John Vernon Taylor [1914-2001], "Why I Do Not Call This War a Crusade," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 15-18. |
Captain K.D. Moynagh, "How Can I Pray - the Protection?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 18-20. |
"The Judgements of God - A Bible Study," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 21-24. |
Dr. J.W.C. Symonds, "A Missionary Looks at England," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 24-25. |
B.Sc. Agric., "'A Few Months Out'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 26-27. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 27-29. |
"Missionary Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 30. |
"Notes on Contributors," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 30. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.2 (Lent Term, 1941): 31-32. |
13.3 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 3. |
Prof. Alexander Ross, "The Kingdom of God - Here or Hereafter?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 4-7. |
Mrs Howard Taylor, "'The Valley of Weeping'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 7-9. |
Rev. J.P. Thornton-Duesbery, "Karma, Kismet or Providence?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 10-13. |
Mrs Howard Hooker, "The Message of Malachi for To-day," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 14-17. |
Frederick Cawley [?], "The Unique Nature of the Christian Faith," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 18-21. |
Dr. J.H. Jeffrey, "The Missionary's Preparation," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 21-23. |
"'From a London Parish in War-time'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 24-25. |
"The I.V.F. Evangelistic Campaign," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 25-27. |
"The Services," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 27. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 27-29. |
"Missionary Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 29. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 29-32. |
"Notes on Our Contributers," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 13.3 (Summer Term, 1941): 32. |
14.1 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 3. |
Pastor F. Hildebrandt, "How Far Must I Obey?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 4-8. |
"'What the Evangelical Union Has Meant to Me," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 8-10. |
Rev. G.J. Rogers, "Christian Duty," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 10-13. |
McNicol [1869-1956], "Prophecy in Wartime," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 13-15. |
G.T. Manley, "Archdeacon Guillebaud," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 15-16. |
Rev. Alan M. Stibbs, "The Sermon on the Mount," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 17-21. |
Rev. A.T. Houghton, "Missions and the Burma Road," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 21-23. |
"Missionary Expeditionary Force," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 23-24. |
J.R. Pope, "Are Christians Exempt from Trouble?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 25-27. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 27-29. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.1 (Michaelmas Term, 1941): 30-32. |
14.2 |
14.3 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 1. |
Rev. T.W. Isherwood, "Wherein is Totalitarianism Non-Christian?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 2-5. |
David Tryon, "Obedience," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 5-6. |
Rev. F. Noel Palmer, "Fellowship in the Prayer of Faith," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 7-10. |
Sir Ivor Beauchamp, "Pressure on the China Front," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 10-12. |
Lionel Edmund Howard Stephens-Hodge [1914-2001],, "The Sermon on the Mount - III," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 12-15. |
Rev. A.T. Houghton, "Impressions and Prospects," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 15-17. |
"What is Your Excuse?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 17. |
Kenneth Mackenzie, "The Christian and the World," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 18. |
M.A., "A Christian in the Schools," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 19. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 20-21. |
"Missionary Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 21. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 14.3 (Summer Term 1942): 22-24. |
15.1 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 1. |
"God Meets a 'Fresiher' - The Result," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 2-4. |
A Lover of Europe, "'Am I my brother's keeper?'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 4-7. |
Rev. Alan Stibbs, "What Do We Mean by 'Original Sin'?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 7-8. |
Bishop Frank Houghton, "Trading for God," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 8-10. |
Mrs Hilda Stovold, "'Africa To-day'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 10-12. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "The Epistle to the Philippians," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 12-15. |
Rev. Howard Guiness, "An Experiment in Evangelism," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 15-16. |
Rev. J. Russell Howden & Mr Harold St. John, "Problems of Faith and Life," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 17-18. |
Capt. Godfrey Buxton, "The Spirit of the Regiment," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 18-19. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 19-20. |
"Missionary Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 20-21. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.1 (Michaelmas Term 1942): 21-23. |
15.2 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 1. |
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "Paul's Order of the Day," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 2-4. |
"One of God's Irregulars," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 4-6. |
F. Derek Kidner, "What do we Mean by - Atonement," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 6-8. pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me] |
Ebenezer B. Vine, "India Today," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 8-10. |
A.C. Grüneberg, "An Opportunity and a Challenge," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 10-12. |
Charles De Wit, "The Strenght of Dutch Calvinism," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 12-13. |
Rev. H.A. Oliver, "The First Epistle to the Thessalonians," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 14-16. |
A Member of the International Committee, "Advance on Other Front," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 16-18. |
A Medical Student, "'Christians Awake!'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 18-19. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "Problems of Faith and Life," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 19-20. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 20-21. |
"Missionary Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 21-22. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.2 (Lent Term 1943): 22-23. |
15.3 |
"Editorial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 1. |
The Rt. Rev. C.M. Chavasse, Bishop of Rochester, "Evangelism in Wartime," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 2-5. |
Frederick Donald Coggan [1909-2000], "The Evangel and the Fellowship," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 5-8. |
"Can God?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 8. |
Gordon Harman, "One by One," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 9-10. |
Rev. Maurice A.P. Wood, "Providence, Guidance and Prayer," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 10-13. |
Norman Baker, "'China To-Day'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 13-15. |
Rev. Ernest F. Kevan, "What Do We Mean By: 'The Grace of God'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 15-17. |
Rev. F. Martyn Cundy, "The Epistle to Titus," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 17-19. |
Kenneth Mackenzie, "Principal Donald Maclean," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 20-21. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 21-22. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 15.3 (Summer Term 1943): 23-24. |
16.1 |
16.2 |
"Editorial: Deo Soli Gloria," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 1. |
Arthur Rendle Short [1880-1953], "The Place of the I.V.F. in the World of To-morrow," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 2-3. |
Norman P. Grubb, "I.V.F. - Retrospect and Prospect," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 3-6. |
Clarence H.M. Foster, "1919 Speaks to 1944: 'The Day of Small Things'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 6. |
Leslie Sutton, "1919 Speaks to 1944: 'The First I.V.F. Conference'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 6-7. |
Capt. Geoffrey Buxton, "1919 Speaks to 1944: 'Let Us Prepare Now'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 7. |
Rev Noel Palmer, "1919 Speaks to 1944: 'The Fire of the Lord'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 7-8. |
Dr. Murray Webb-Peploe, "1919 Speaks to 1944: 'The Challenge of the Far-flung Line'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 8. |
"'Quo Vadis?'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 9-10. |
Dr. Sydney Carter, "The Varsity Days of Martin Luther," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 10-12. |
Arnold Steadman Aldis [1920-1999], "The Christian Use of Sunday," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 13-15. |
Rev. Kenneth Hooker, "Santicitication - II. 'Abiding in Christ'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 15-17. |
David.Howard Adeney [1911-1994],, "Evangelization in the Post-War World," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 17-19. |
Tim Alvarez, "Oxford and West Africa - In Memoriam," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 19-20. |
Rev. Gordon Harman, "Seeking Him Early," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 20-21. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 21-22. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.2 (Lent Term 1944): 22-23. |
16.3 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 1. |
Simeonanus, "Both Extremes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 2-4. |
Rev L.F. Wilkinson, "Santification - Growth in Grace," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 4-7. |
Arthur Dakin [1884-?], "The Varsity Days of John Calvin," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 7-9. |
"The Cost of Christian Discipleship," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 9-11. |
C.H. de Wit, "Christianity and International Relationships," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 12-14. |
Rev. E.J.H Nash, "Some Principles of Divine Guidance," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 14-16. |
H.P. Haile, "Ambition," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 17-18. |
"'More than Conquerors'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 18. |
"Correspondence," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 19-21. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 21-22. |
"Filling the Gaps," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 22-23. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 16.3 (Summer Term 1944): 23-24. |
17.1 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 1. |
Rev. F. Noel Palmer, "The Awe of God," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 2-5. |
Rev. Laurence P. Sheath, "The Gospel We Preach," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 5-8. |
G.H. Lang, "Prayer," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 8-11. |
F.T. Farmer, "The Limitations of Science," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 12-14. |
Norman P. Grubb, "The Dominating Motive," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 14-16. |
Rev. A.T. Houghton, "South India Church Union," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 16-19. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "2 Corinthians 1, i-vii. i: A Summary of the Message and Argument," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 19-21. |
Norman C. Pateman, "China's Students," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 21-22. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 23-24. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 2427. |
"An Invitation," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 27. |
"Special Departments," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.1 (Michaelmas Term 1944): 27-28. |
17.2 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 1. |
"Duncan MacCullen Blair, M.B., B.Ch., D.Sc.," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 2-4. |
Rev. J.W. Meiklejohn," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 5-6. |
Rev. J. Russell Howden, "The Christian's Attitude to the World," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 7-8. |
A Cambridge Man, "Some Aspects of Personal Work," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 9-10. |
"Spiritual Allies in Europe," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 11-12. |
J.E. Richardson, "A Christian Witness in Technical Colleges," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 13. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "Argument of the Epistle to the Galatians," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 14-16. |
C.G. Scorer, "Missionary Prospect," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 16-19. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 20-21. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.2 (Spring Term 1945): 21-24. |
17.3 |
Editorial, "The Cost of Discipleship," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 1. |
Rt. Rev. J.C. Mann, "Christianity in the New Japan," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 2-4. |
Rev. Andrew MacBeath, "Christian Marriage," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 4-6. |
A Recent Graduate, "Long Term Evangelism," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 6-9. |
Oliver R. Barclay, "Scientific Difficulties," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 10-12. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "Arguments of the Epistle to the Philippians," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 12-14. |
Rev. Alan M. Stibbs, "The Authority of Scripture," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 14-16. |
A Cambridge Graduate, "Getting Your Man," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 17-19. |
R. Alan Cole, "Oxford Conference Retrospect," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 19-20. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 20-22. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 17.3 (Summer Term 1945): 22-24. |
18.1 |
"Editorial: 'Whom Shall we Fear?'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 1. |
C. Stacey Woods, "Taboo?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 2-5. |
George Coton Steward [1896-1989], "Values," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 6-9. |
Roland Hart, "The Holy Club at Oxford," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 9-12. |
David Bentley-Taylor [1915-2005], "What is a Missionary's Life Really Like," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 13-15. |
Leslie T. Lyall, "China's Student World," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 15-17. |
Rev. Alan M. Stibbs, "Christ Crucified and Risen," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 18-20. |
A.C. Stanley Smith, "The Meaning of the Cross," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 20-22. |
Rev. Gordon Harman, "Thank God for the Enthusiasts!" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 23-24. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 25. |
"Second Irish I.V.F. Conference," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 26. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.1 (Michaelmas Term 1945): 26-27. |
18.2 |
"Editorial: Not Good Enough," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 1.
"A True Story," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 2-3. |
David.Howard Adeney [1911-1994],, "The I.V.F. in America," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 4-7. |
Gordon S. Humphreys, "The Christian and Culture," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 7-11. |
Rev. C. Sydney Carter, "The Early Puritans," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 11-15. |
Edmund Kidley Simpson [1874-1961], "The Epistle to Titus," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 15-18. |
Stanley G. Browne, "Medical Missionary: Doctor or Evangelist?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 18-22. |
Oliver Barclay, "After Graduation," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 22-23. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 23-25. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.2 (Spring Term 1946): 25-27. |
18.3 |
Fraser of Luisland, "Seeing it Through," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 1. |
Daniel Lamont [1870-1950], "Jesus is Lord," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 1-4. |
Jean Benson, "Spiritual Priorities," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 4-6. |
Rev. Gerald T. Manley, "Compromise," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 7-8. |
Charles Gordon Scorer [1912-1981], "Forgotten Treasure," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 9-11. |
Stanley Smith, "A Visit to Norway," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 11-12. |
Helge Hallesby, "A Movement Among Students in Norway," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 12-15. |
Ronald Inchley, "Tracts," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 15-18. |
A.J.B., "Inter-Varsity Conference at Oxford," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 19-20. |
H.A.E.H., "Scottish Conference at St. Andrews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 20. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 21-22. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 18.3 (Summer Term 1946): 23-26. |
19.1 |
"Editorial: Personality and Character," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 1. |
A recent Graduate of Cambridge, "The First Big Choice," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 2-4. |
Nina T. Cole, "As Others See Us," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 4-6. |
"A Letter and an Answer," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 6-10. |
Eric R. Liberty, "A Visit to Two of China's Univesities," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 10-13. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "The Climax of History," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 13-16. |
"A Swiss Student's Appeal," ," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 16-18. |
Rev. L.F.E. Wilkinson, "The Discipline of Worship," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 18-21. |
McNicol [1869-1956], "Concerning Spiritual Gifts," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 22-23. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 23-25. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.1 (Michaelmas Term 1946): 25-30. |
19.2 |
"Editorial: Uniform Doctrine," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 1. |
Rev. H.A. Evan-Hopkins, "The Plan of Emotion in the Christian Life," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 2-5. |
A Visitor, "The Cambridge Mission," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 6-7. |
Rev. George F. Dempster, "Personal Evangelism," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 7-11. |
A Personal Testimony, "Jesus Christ became Real to Me," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 11-12. |
F.C.C., "Faith and Facts," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 12-18. |
Norman Anderson, "Tyndale House," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 18-20. |
"Concerning Evangelicals," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 20-25. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 25-26. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.2 (Spring Term 1947): 26-30. |
19.3 |
Rev. J.G. Harman, "The Christian in the Common Room," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 1-2. |
Miss. M. Ellis, "The Woman's Privilege," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 3-5. |
"What Shall I Give?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 6-8. |
Gordon Martin, "Verbatim Report from Corinth," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 8-9. |
Stanley Browne, "The Missionary and His Environment," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 10-15. |
John Laird, "The I.V.F. in New Zealand," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 16-18. |
Rev.L.F.E. Wilkinson, "Student Campaigns," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 18-20. |
Miss R.J. Carrick, "The T.C.C.U.," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 20-21. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 22-24. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 19.3 (Summer Term 1947): 25-30. |
20.1 |
A. Barry Blake Lobb, "Miracle, Make-believe or Madness," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 1-3. |
Lt. Gen. Sir William Dobbie, "Loyalty," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 4-7. |
David W.S. Kaye, "The Claims of Jesus Christ," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 7-10. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "The Epistle to the Romans: A Paraphrase," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 11-14. |
Miss M.W. Gass, "Can I Say the Lord's Prayer?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 14. |
Arthur Rendle Short [1880-1953], "The Christian Student and His Use of Time," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 15-17. |
Rev. Cecil M. Sohnston, "Work Amongst Children in India," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 17-18. |
"The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 19-20. |
"News of the Unions," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 21-23. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 24-26. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.1 (Michaelmas Term 1947): 26-29. |
20.2 |
"Editorial," ," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 1. |
Fred Mitchell, "David Hill - Saint and Missionary," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 2-4. |
J. Oswald Sanders, "The Neglected Beatitude," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 4-7. |
J. Campbell Andrews, "Teneo or Teneor," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 8-9. |
Frank O. Salisbury, "The Standard of Artistic Values," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 10-11. |
Roland Hart, "Christian Behaviour," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 11-13. |
Rev. J. Clement Connell, "After This - The Judgement," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 14-17. |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "The Epistle to the Romans: A Paraphrase," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 18-20. |
David.Howard Adeney [1911-1994], "The I.V.F. in China," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 21-22. |
"The Nigeria Project," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 22. |
"News of the Unions," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 23-26. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 27-28. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 20.2 (Spring Term 1948): 29-33. |
20.3 |
21.1 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 1. |
Arnold Steadman Aldis [1920-1999], "Is Sincerity Enough?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 2-5. |
Rev. G.C. Robinson, "The Next Step," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 6-9. |
Rev. W. Leslie Land, "What is Man?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 10-14. |
Barry S. MacKay, "The Important of Being Ernest," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 14-16. |
John Stafford Wright [1905-1985], "The Minor Prophets," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 17-19. pdf [ © 1940 The Estate of John Stafford Wright. Reproduced by kind permission of Christopher Stafford Wright.] |
Basil Ferris Campbell Atkinson [1895-1971], "The White Horse Inn," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 20-22. |
R.M. Sibson, "Palestine and the Middle East Today," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 22-24. |
"News of the Unions," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 25-26. |
"'Hoc Signo Vinces'," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 27. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 28-29. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.1 (Michaelmas Term 1948): 30-33. |
21.2 |
21.3 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 1-2. |
Dr. J.E. Richardson, "On Being Independent," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 2-5. |
"Crisis in China," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 5-7. |
David.Howard Adeney [1911-1994], "The Temple of the Resting Cloud," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 7-9. |
Rev. Martin Parsons, "God as Redeemer," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 10-13. |
John Stafford Wright [1905-1985], "Studying the Minor Prophets," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 13-16. pdf [ © 1949 The Estate of John Stafford Wright. Reproduced by kind permission of Christopher Stafford Wright.] |
Robert Gillies, "D.E. Hoste: A Modern Missionary Statesman," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 16-20. |
"News of the Unions," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 21-24. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 25-27. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 21.3 (Summer Term 1949): 27-29. |
22.1 |
"Editorial," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 1. |
Very Rev H.A. Evan Hopkins, "A Sure Foundation," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 2-3. |
Arthur Rendle Short [1880-1953], "Ambition - Vice or Virtue?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 3-5. |
Miss Muriel Crouch, "To What End?" The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 5-7. |
Miss Dorothy M. Barter Snow, "Bluestocking Hannah," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 8-10. |
Rev. John R.W. Stott, "Belief on Testimony," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 11-14. |
Rev. Wilfred Crittle, "Burman Today," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 15-17. |
David Morris & Miss E. Westcott, "News from Nigeria," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 17-19. |
Rev. J.C. Connell, "Studies in Romans I-V," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 19-22. |
"News of the Unions," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 22-24. |
"Secretarial Notes," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 24-26. |
"The Bolton Mission," ," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 26. |
"Book Reviews," The Inter-Varsity Magazine 22.1 (Michaelmas Term 1949): 27-29. |