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Mainstream - Baptists for Life & Growth Mainstream (renamed Fresh Streams in 2011) began in 1978 as a ‘ginger group’ within the Baptist Union "to encourage, co-ordinate, publicise and support every venture that will lead to further life and growth." Over the years it became a Word and Spirit network of church leaders, largely Baptist, "passionate about God, real in relationships, getting stuck into God’s mission". It is reproduced by permission of the current editor. Visit the Fresh Streams website here.

Vols. 1 - 10 (1979-1982)
Vols. 11 - 20 (1982-1985)
Vols. 21 - 30 (1986-1988)
Vols. 31 - 40 (1989-1991)
Vols. 41 - 50 (1991-1994)
Vols. 51 - 60 (1994-1997)
Vols. 61 - 70 (1998-2001)
Vols. 1 - 10 (2001 - 2010)

Volume 41 (July 1991)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: The Changing Face of the Church in England," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 1-2.
On-line Resource Derek Tidball, "Reflections on the Presidency," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 3-5.
On-line Resource Alistair Brown, "Baptists in Scotland," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 6.
On-line Resource Andrew Fitz-Gibbon, "Days of Heaven on Earth," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 7-8.
On-line Resource Peter Jamieson, "The Co$t of Di$ciple$hip," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 8-10.
On-line Resource Stephen Ibbotson, "The Failure of Association," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 10-12.
On-line Resource "Reviews," Mainstream 41 (July 1991): 12-14.

Volume 42 (October 1991)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Mission 2000," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 1-2.
On-line Resource David Goodyear, "One plus one = one," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 2-3.
On-line Resource Andy Twilley, "Escape from the Watchtower," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 4-6.
On-line Resource Andy Twilley, "Pressures v. Priorities," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 6-8.
On-line Resource Steven Hemberry & Roy Searle, "Study Guide to 'Challenge to Change'," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 8-14.
On-line Resource David Glen, "Nowhere to lay their heads," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 14-16.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Mainstream 42 (Oct. 1991): 16-17.

Volume 43 (January 1992)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: The Cross and Racism," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 1-2.
On-line Resource Justin Dennison, "Willow Creek Community Church," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 2-3.
On-line Resource

Eric Westwood, "An Experiment in Associational Mission," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 4.

On-line Resource Derek J. Tidball, "The BU and Church Planting," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 5.
On-line Resource Roger Sutton, "A Dream for the Year 2000," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 5-6.
On-line Resource Bob & Ada Hiley, "Still Hungry for Books," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 7-8.
On-line Resource "Men, Women and God - An Evening Out," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 8.
On-line Resource "Books Reviews - Tidball's Top Ten for 1991," Mainstream 43 (Jan. 1992): 9.

Volume 44 (May 1992)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: An Impossible Task," Mainstream 44 (May 1992): 1-2.
On-line Resource Stephen Ibbotson, "2,000 by 2000," Mainstream 44 (May 1992): 2-4.
On-line Resource David Slater, "Church Membership," Mainstream 44 (May 1992): 4-8.
On-line Resource "Endangered Species?" Mainstream 44 (May 1992): 9.
On-line Resource "Battle for Central Asia," Mainstream 44 (May 1992): 9.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Mainstream 44 (May 1992): 10-11.

Volume 45 (August 1992)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Baptist Evangelicals and Evangelical Baptists," Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 1-2.
On-line Resource Andrew Green, "An American Reflection," Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 2-4.
On-line Resource Penny Snowdon, "Church Planting - Learning From Others," Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 4-5.
On-line Resource Ron Viner, "Democratic Government Through the Church Meeting. Biblical, Baptist or What?" Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 5-8.
On-line Resource Derek C. James, "Teach Them," Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 8-9.
On-line Resource M. Smith, "An Endangered Species - a Reply," Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 10.
On-line Resource "Details of the 1993 Mainstream Conference," Mainstream 45 (August 1992): 11.

Volume 46 (November 1992)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Baptists in Renewal - a New Mainstream Netowrk?" Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 1.
On-line Resource Ron Viner, "Democratic Government Through the Church Meeting Part 2," Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 2-4.
On-line Resource Rod Ruston, "The Role of the Church Meeting," Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 4-6.
On-line Resource Steven Hembery, "Superintendents Revisited," Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 7-8.
On-line Resource "Charismatic Renewal in the German Baptist Union: A Statement of the Church and Charisma Study Group," Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 9-11.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "There's a World Beyond the Church," Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 11-13.
On-line Resource "Books for Christmas," Mainstream 46 (Nov. 1992): 14.

Volume 47 (March 1993)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: Too Many Ministers?" Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 1-2.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "Ordination: Another Perspective," Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 2-3.
On-line Resource Stephen Ibbotson, "Where Are Baptists Going?" Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 3-6.
On-line Resource Michael I. Bochenski, "Growing Together as Leaders: Minister / Deacons / Church Meeting," Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 7-8.
On-line Resource Rob Warner, "Mainstream and Church Planting," Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 9.
On-line Resource Paul Matimore, "Decision-Making in the Thought and Practice of Early English Baptists," Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 10-19.
On-line Resource "Minstream Conference Jan 17th - 19th 1994," Mainstream 47 (March 1993): 20.

Volume 48 (November 1993)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: A Whole Lot of Shakin' Goin' On?" Mainstream 48 (Nov. 1993): 1-2.
On-line Resource Roger Sutton, "God Comes in Pale Blue and Peach," Mainstream 48 (Nov. 1993): 24.
On-line Resource Paul Beasley-Murray, "From College to Church From Principal to Pastor: Reflections on Returning to the Pastorate," Mainstream 48 (Nov. 1993): 4-6.
On-line Resource Justin Dennison, "Letter From (North) America," Mainstream 48 (Nov. 1993): 7-9.
On-line Resource Glen Marshall, "Associations - A Sign of Hope?" Mainstream 48 (Nov. 1993): 9-10.

Volume 49 (February 1994)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

On-line Resource "Editorial: The Church Isn't.....!" Mainstream 49 (Feb. 1994): 1-2.
On-line Resource David Slater, "Leaders Under Pressure," Mainstream 49 (Feb. 1994): 3-5.
On-line Resource Brian Andrews, "Building a Bridge," Mainstream 49 (Feb. 1994): 5-7.
On-line Resource Jane Thorington-Hassell, "Urban Ministry," Mainstream 49 (Feb. 1994): 7-11.
On-line Resource John Weaver, "Preparing the Church for Ministry in the 21st Century," Mainstream 49 (Feb. 1994): 11-14.
On-line Resource John Weaver, "Reviews," Mainstream 49 (Feb. 1994): 14-15.

Volume 50 (June 1994)Click here to download View in PDF format pdf

  Issue Theme: Word and Spirit
On-line Resource Steve Gaukroger, "Letter to the Churches," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 3-5.
On-line Resource Michael Bochenki, "Editorial: Re-Cycling Baptists," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 6-8.
On-line Resource Michael Bochenki, "A Word and Spirit Network - the Story so far," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 9.
On-line Resource The Mainstream Executive, "A Word and Spirit Network," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 10-11.
On-line Resource Mark Abernethy, "Reflections on A Word and Spirit Network," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 12-15.
On-line Resource Roy Searle, "Out of the Depths," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 16-17.
On-line Resource "News from the Executive," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 18.
On-line Resource "And Finally...," Mainstream 50 (June 1994): 19.

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