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The McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry is an electronic and print journal that seeks to provide pastors, educators, and interested lay persons with the fruits of theological, biblical, and professional studies in an accessible form. Published by McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, it continues the heritage of scholarly inquiry and theological dialogue represented by the College’s previous print publications: the Theological Bulletin, Theodolite, and the McMaster Journal of Theology. Print versions of the Journal will be available from Wipf & Stock every September for the previous academic year, beginning with the 2007-2008 volume.

1-10 (1998-2009)
11- (2009- )
Vol. 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16

Volume 11 (2009-2010)

On-line Resource Michael P. Knowles, "Preaching Like Paul? Lessons from Ancient Corinth," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 3-27.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Patrick Franklin, "Teaching, Scholarship, and Christian Worldview: A Review of Recent Literature," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 28-61.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Craig A. Noll, "Biblical Meditation: A Forgotten Resource in Learning New Testament Greek?" McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 62-67.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Noel Bullock, "First Timothy 2:8-15," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 68-88.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Benjamin J. Baxter, "The Meanings of Biblical Words," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 89-120.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stanley E. Porter, "The Future of Theology and Religious Studies from a Confessional Standpoint," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 121-138.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Mark J. Boda, "Theological Commentary: A Review and Reflective Essay," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 139-150.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Cynthia Long Westall, "I Don't Know Why You Say Goodbye I Say Hello: Paul's Farewell Speech at the Crossroads," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 11 (2009-2010): 151-166.View in PDF format pdf

Volume 12 (2010-2011)

On-line Resource Benjamin J. Baxter, "Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 3-32.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul S. Evans, "Living by Faith and Not By Signs: Seeking But Not Divining the Will of God," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 33-60.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Gordon L. Heath, "Canadian Churches and War: An Introductory Essay and Annotated Bibliography," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 61-124.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stanley E. Porter, "Pillars of Worship," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 125-131.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Wendy Porter, "May This Always Be A Place," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 132.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource E. Louise Adnams, "Pilgrimage: A Paradigm for Spiritual Formation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 133-166.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Lee Beach, "Why I Don't Hate School Anymore: Theological Education as Mission," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 167-178.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Bryan R. Dyer, "'A Great Conflict Full of Suffering': Suffering in the Epistle to the Hebrews in Light of Feminist Concerns," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 12 (2010-2011): 179-198.View in PDF format pdf

Volume 13 (2011-2012)

On-line Resource Michael Knowles, "The Reformation of Worship," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 13 (2011-2012): 3-14.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource James P. Danaher, "The Problem of Evil," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 13 (2011-2012): 15-23.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Anna Suk Yee Lee, "Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Old Testament Sacrifice," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 13 (2011-2012): 24-44.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stanley E. Porter, "A Single Horizon Hermeneutics: A Proposal for Interpretive Identification," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 13 (2011-2012): 45-66.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul S. Evans, "Creation, Progress, and Calling: Genesis 1-11 as Social Commentary," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 13 (2011-2012): 67-100.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Russell D. Kosits, "Whose Psychology? Which Christianity?" McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 13 (2011-2012): 101-195.View in PDF format pdf

Volume 14 (2012-2013)

On-line Resource Eugene A. Curry, "Spiritual Formation, Evangelicals, and the Christian Year," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 3-16.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stanley E. Porter, "Canadian Theological Education in the Twenty-First Century--An Update and Evaluation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 17-41.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Karyn Carlo, "The Cross and the Women of Galilee: A Feminist Theology of Salvation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 42-58.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource William R. Osborne, "Nature Language in Isaiah 1-39 and Its Implications for Environmental Ethics: Interacting with Hilary Marlow's Biblical Prophets and Contemporary Environmental Ethics," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 59-71.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Brian Peterson, "Is Breast Milk a 'Kinship-Forging Substance' in the Hebrew Bible? A Response to Cynthia Chapman," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 72-97.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Hughson T. Ong, "Has the True Meaning and Purpose of the Lord's Prayer Been Lost? A Sociolinguistic Study of the Lord's Prayer in Dialogue with Wilson-Kastner and Crossan," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 98-123.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Kojo Okyere, "An Empowered People: A Literary Reading of 1 Kings 12:1-20," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 124-147.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Bradley K. Broadhead, "An Overview and Analysis of the Present Discussion between Theology and Music," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 148-170.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource David I. Yoon, "The Life and Career of Spinoza: A Lesson in Biblical Interpretation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 14 (2012-2013): 171-199.View in PDF format pdf

Volume 15 (2013-2014)

On-line Resource Mark Jokinen, "The Four Canonical Gospels were Never Anonymous," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 3-16.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Colin Godwin & Kelvin Mutter, "Hero, Privilege, Partnership, Incarnational Practice: Examining the Narratives of Missionary Practice," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 17-50.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Matthew Hoven, "Recovering Spiritual Centers of Gravity through Sport," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 51-78.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stanley L. Porter, "Distinguishing a Christian Worldview and Supposed Cultural Absolutes," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 79-99.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Phil C. Zylla, "Cultivating the Resilient Congregation: Theoretical Reflections and Constructive Proposals," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 100-118.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Deven K. MacDonald, "The Characterization of a False Disciple: Judas Iscariot in Mark's Gospel," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 119-135.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Brett D. Potter, "Living in the Moment: Mission as Improvisation in Samuel Wells, Kevin Vanhoozer, and Hans Urs von Balthasar," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 136-164View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Gordon L. Heath, "Canadian Baptists and Late-Victorian Imperial Spirituality," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 15 (2013-2014): 165-196.View in PDF format pdf

Volume 16 (2014-2015)

On-line Resource Stanley E. Porter, "C.S. Lewis's Worldview and His Literary Criticism," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 3-50.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stanley E. Porter, "Who is Roy Hope, and Why Should We Care? Developing a Christian Worldview," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 51-64.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Paul S. Evans, "The End of Kings as Presaging as Exodus: The Function of the Jehoiachin Epilogue (2KGS 25:27–30) in Light of Parallels with the Joseph Story in Genesis," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 65-100.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource James Japheth Sudarshan Harrichand, "Recovering the Language of Lament for the Western Evangelical Church: A Survey of the Psalms of Lament and Their Appropriation within Pastoral Theology," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 101-130.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Lee Beach, "The Minister as Artist: Bruce Springsteen and Ministry Formation," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 131-150.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Christopher G. Woznicki, "Bad Books and the Glorious Trinity: Jonathan Edwards on the Sexual Holiness of the Church," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 151-176.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Gordon L. Heath, "The Armenian Genocide and Its Implications for the Teaching of Global Christianity: Some Reflections for Evangelicals," McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry 16 (2014-15): 177-195.View in PDF format pdf

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