21.1 |
John Pairman Brown, "Peace symbolism in ancient military vocabulary," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 1-23. |
John A. Emerton, "Some false clues in the study of Genesis 14," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 24-47. |
Jacob Leveen, "Textual problems in the Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 48-58. |
M. Mannati, "Sur le quadruple "avec toi" de Ps 73:21-26," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 59-67. |
Johann Michael Schmidt, "Gedanken zum Verstockungsauftrag Jesajas (Is 6)," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 68-90. |
James G. Fraser, "Ussher's sixth copy of the Samaritan Pentateuch," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 100-102. |
Jan Heller, "Zephanjas Ahnenreihe: eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Bemerkung zu Zeph 1," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 102-104. |
Christian Jeremias, "Zu Jes 38:21f," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 104-111. |
G.M. Lee, "Apocryphal cats: Baruch 6," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 111-112. |
Edward Noort, "Eine weitere Kurzbemerkung zu 1 Samuel 14:41," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 112-116. |
Philippe de Robert, "Juges ou tribus en 2 Samuel 7:7," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 116-118. |
Jacobus Franken Hendricus & W.J.A. Power, "Explorations in Eastern Palestine," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 119-123. |
Taeke Jansma, "Peshitta Institute Communications X: a note on dislocated extracts from the book of Genesis in the Syriac Massoretic manuscripts," Vetus Testamentum 21.1 (Jan. 1971): 127-129. |
21.2 |
Robert P. Carroll, "Psalm 78: vestiges of a tribal polemic," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 133-150. |
Michael A. Fishbane, "Jeremiah 4:23-6 and Job 3:3-13: a recovered use of the creation pattern," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 151-167. |
Donald E. Gowan, "Use of ya'an in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 168-185. |
Samson H. Levey, "Date of Targum Jonathan to the prophets," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 186-196. |
Prince E.S. Thompson, "Yahwist creation story," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 197-208. |
Eberhard Ruprecht, "Das Nilpferd im Hiobbuch," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 209-231. |
Frederick W. Bassett, "Noah's nakedness and the curse of Canaan: a case of incest?," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 232-237. |
Jacob Milgrom, "Sin-offering or purification-offering," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 237-239. |
Bustenay Oded, "Note on Josh 13:25," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 239-241. |
Stefan C. Reif, "Note on G`R," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 241-244. |
Roberts, J J M, "Hand of Yahweh," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 244-251. |
Robert B. Salters, "Word for "God" in the Peshitta of Koheleth," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 251-254. |
Horst Seebass, "Zum text von Gen 16:13b," Vetus Testamentum 21.2 (April 1971): 254-256. |
21.3 |
Warren Malcolm Clark, "Righteousness of Noah," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 261-280. |
Matthieu Collin, "Recherches sur l'histoire textuelle du prophète Michée," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 281-297. |
Jan Holman, "Structure of Psalm 139," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 298-310. |
J.W. McKay, "Exodus 23:1-3, 6-8: a decalogue for the administration of justice in the city gate," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 311-325. |
Roy F. Melugin, "Deutero-Isaiah and form criticism," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 326-337. |
Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle, "Covenant lawsuit of the prophet Amos: 3:1-4:13," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 338-362. |
Bezalel Porten & Uriel Rappaport, "Poetic structure in Genesis 9:7," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 363-369. |
B. Köhler, "Sacharja 9:9: ein neuer Ubersetzungsvorschlag," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 370. |
Edward Lipinski, "Israelite king of Hamat," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 371-373. |
Simon B. Parker, "Exodus 15:2 again," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 373-379. |
Horst Seebass, "Zu 1 Reg 22:35-38," Vetus Testamentum 21.3 (July 1971): 380-383. |
21.4 |
Robert B. Coote, "Hosea 12," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 389-402. |
John A. Emerton, "Riddle of Genesis 14," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 403-439. |
George E. Howard, "Frank Cross and recensional criticism," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 440-450. |
Graham S. Ogden, "Time, and the verb hyh in (Oct. T prose," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 451-469. |
Perry B. Yoder, "A-B pairs and oral composition in Hebrew poetry," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 470-489. |
Leslie C. Allen, "Isaiah 53:2 again," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 490. |
Derek R.G. Beattie, "Kethibh and qere in Ruth 4:5," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 490-494. |
Etan B. Levine, "Paleographic note on the colophon of MS Neofiti 1," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 494-497. |
Daniel Lys, "Résidence ou repos: Notule sur Ruth 2:7," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 497-501. |
Antoon Schoors, "Two notes on Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 21.4 (Oct. 1971): 501-505. |
21.5 |
Anthony Gelston, "Some notes on Second Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 517-527. |
Jean Georges Heintz, "Aux origines d'une expression biblique: umusu qerbu, in A R M 10/6, 8'?," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 528-540. |
Bastiaan Jongeling, "Jeux de mots en Sophonie 3:1 et 3," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 541-547. |
Andrew Alexander Macintosh, "Exodus 8:19, distinct redemption and the Hebrew roots Pdh and pdd," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 548-555. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Die Wurzeln 'YQ, Y'Q und 'WQ," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 556-564. |
J. Alberto Soggin, "Textkritische Untersuchung von Ps 8:2-3 und 6," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 565-571. |
G.R.H. Wright, "Shechem and league shrines," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 572-603. |
John B. Geyer, "2 Kings 18:14-16 and the annals of Sennacherib," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 604-606. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "A peculiar question: a note on 2 Sam 15:27," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 606-609. |
G.M. Lee, "Song of Songs 5:16, "My beloved is white and ruddy"," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 609. |
W. Eugene March, "Note on the text of Psalm 12:9," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 610-612. |
Takamitsu Muraoka, "Did the Septuagint translators confuse gimel with 'ain," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 612-618. |
Wilhelm Th in der Smitten, "Der Tirschata in Esra-Nehemia," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 618-620. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Jeremiah 33:18," Vetus Testamentum 21.5 (Dec. 1971): 620-622. |
22.1 |
W.A.M. Beuken, "Mispat: the first servant song and its context," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 1-30. |
Jörg Jeremias, "Mispat im ersten Gottesknechtslied (Jes 42:1-4)," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 31-42. |
Martin Jan Mulder, "Versuch zur Deutung von sokènèt in 1 Kön 1:2,4," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 43-54. |
Lothar Ruppert, "Das Motiv der Versuchung durch Gott in vordeuteronomischer tradition," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 55-63. |
John Van Seters, "Terms Amorite and Hittite in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 64-81. |
Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen [1917-2002], "Der Infinitivus constructus mit l im Hebräischen," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 82-90. |
Robert R. Wilson, "Interpretation of Ezekiel's dumbness," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 91-104. |
Anthony Phillips, "Additional bibliography of the writings of David Winton Thomas," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 105-106. |
William L. Holladay, "Amos 6:1Bb: a suggested solution," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 107-110. |
Jack M. Sasson, "Note on sarbit," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 111. |
Seybold, Klaus, "Zwei Bemerkungen zu gml/gmwl," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 112-117. |
Jacob Weingreen, "Case of the blasphemer, Leviticus 24:10ff," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 118-123. |
Yair Zakovitch, "Yptch=bdn," Vetus Testamentum 22.1 (Jan. 1972): 123-125. |
George W. Coats [1936-2006], "Structural transition in Exodus," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 129-142. |
22.2 |
Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "Psalm 29 in the Hebrew poetic tradition," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 143-151. |
Graham I. Davies, "Hagar, el-Hegra and the location of Mount Sinai: with an additional note on 1Reqem," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 152-163. |
Roger Le Déaut, "Critique textuelle et exégèse, Exode 22:12 dans la Septante el le Targum," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 164-175. |
Jean Bernard Dumortier, "Un rituel d'intronisation: le Ps 89:2-38," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 176-196. |
Henry Snyder Gehman, "Episkepomai, episkepsis, episkopos, and episkope in the Septuagint in relation to pqd and other Hebrew roots – A Case of Semitic Development Similare tothat of Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 197-207. |
Jürgen-Christian Lebram, "Purimfest und Estherbuch," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 208-222. |
Walter Vogels, "Invitation à revenir à l'alliance et universalisme en Amos 9:7," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 223-239. |
Kamol Arayaprateep, "A note on yr' in Jos 4:24," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 240-242. |
K.M. Campbell, "Rahab's covenant: a short note on Joshua 2:9-21," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 243-244. |
John Barclay Burns, "Interpretation of Psalm 141:7b," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 245-246. |
Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "Isaiah 1:31," Vetus Testamentum 22.2 (April 1972): 246-248. |
22.3 |
Ernest G. Clarke, "Neofiti I marginal glosses and the fragmentary Targum witnesses to Gen 6-9," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 257-265. |
David J.A. Clines, "X, X ben Y, ben Y: personal names in Hebrew narrative style," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 266-287. |
George W. Coats [1936-2006], "Exposition for the wilderness traditions," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 288-295. |
Frank Charles Fensham, "First Ugaritic text in Ugaritica V and the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 296-303. |
Gwilym H. Jones, "Abraham and Cyrus: type and anti-type?," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 304-319. |
Jean De Savignac, "Les seraphim," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 320-325. |
Gordon J. Wenham, "Betûlah, a girl of marriageable age," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 326-348. |
Peter C. Craigie [1938-1985], "Some further notes on the Song of Deborah," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 349-353. |
Howard E. Hanson, "Num 16:30 and the meaning of bara'," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 353-359. |
M. Mannati, "Remarques sur Ps 16:1-3," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 359-361. |
Masao Sekine, "Beobachtungen zu der josianischen Reform," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 361-368. |
A. de Wilde, "Eine alte crux interpretum: Hiob 23:2," Vetus Testamentum 22.3 (July 1972): 368-374. |
22.4 |
Riekele Borger, "Die Waffenträger des Königs Darius: ein Beitrag zur alttestamentlichen. Exegese und zur semitischen Lexikographie," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 385-398. |
Carl-A. Keller, "Die theologische Bewältigung der geschichtlichen Wirklichkeit in der Prophetie Nahums," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 399-419. |
M. Mannati, "Les adorateurs de Môt dans le Psaume 73," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 420-425. |
J.W. McKay, "Man's love for God in Deuteronomy and the father/teacher--son/pupil Relationship," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 426-435. |
André Pelletier, "Sabbata transcription grecque de l'arameen," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 436-447. |
John Van Seters, "Confessional reformulation in the exilic period," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 448-459. |
Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Fixed pairs in Ugaritic and Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 460-468. |
Charles F. Whitley, "Deutero-Isaiah's interpretation of Sedeq," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 469-475. |
G.R.H. Wright, "Joseph's grave under the tree by the omphalos at Shechem," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 476-486. |
Pierre Grelot, "Note de critique textuelle sur Job 39:27," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 487-489. |
Michael L. Klein [1940-2000], "Text und Vorlage in Neofiti 1," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 490-491. |
Wilhelm Th in der Smitten, "Zur Pagenerzählung im 3. Esra (3 Esr 3:1-5:6)," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 492-495. |
Stefan C. Reif, "Dedicated to chnk," Vetus Testamentum 22.4 (Oct. 1972): 495-501. |
23.1 |
Philip John Budd, "Priestly instruction in pre-exilic Israel," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 1-14. |
Sidney Jellicoe, "Some reflections on the kaige recension," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 15-24. |
Ernst Kutsch, "Das sog Bundesblut in Ex 24:8 und Sach 9:11," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 25-30. |
José Loza, "Exode 32 et la redaction JE," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 31-55. |
Andrew Alexander Macintosh, "Psalm 91:4 and the root schr," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 56-62. |
Moshe Weinfeld, "Origin of the apodictic law: an overlooked source," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 63-75. |
Helga Weippert, "Das geographische System der Stämme Israels," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 76-89. |
Ina Willi-Plein, "chn: ein Ubersetzungsproblem; Gedanken zu Sach 12:10," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 90-99. |
Sebastian P. Brock, "Unrecognised occurrence of the month name Ziw, 2 Sam 21:9," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 100-103. |
Albert Ehrman, "Note on Micah 6:14," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 103-105. |
R.A. Pearce, "Shiloh and Jer 7:12, 14 15," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 105-108. |
Klaus D. Schunck, "Der fünfte Thronname des Messias, Jes 9:5-6," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 108-110. |
Raymond Jacques Tournay [1912-1999], "Note sur le Psaume 22:17," Vetus Testamentum 23.1 (Jan. 1973): 111-112. |
23.2 |
James C. VanderKam, "Theophany of Enoch 1:3b-7, 9," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 130-150. |
A.D.H. Mayes, "Israel in the pre-monarchy period," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 151-170. |
Peter K.D. Neumann, "Das Wort, das Geschehen ist... zum Problem der Wortempfangsterminologie in Jer 1-25," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 171-217. |
John F.A. Sawyer, "Hebrew words for the resurrection of the dead," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 218-234. |
D.J. Kamhi, "Root hlq in the Bible," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 235-239. |
André Lemaire, "Asriel, sr'l, Israel et l'origine de la confederation israelite," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 239-243. |
André Lemaire, "Note epigraphique sur la pseudo-attestation du mois "sh"," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 243-245. |
Edward Lipinski, "Le L L Isaïe 7:3," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 245-246. |
Edward Lipinski, "Les voyantes des rois en Prov 31:3," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 246. |
Edward Lipinski, "On the comparison in Isaiah 55:10," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 246-247. |
J.J.M. Roberts, "New root for an old crux, Ps 22:17c," Vetus Testamentum 23.2 (April 1973): 247-252. |
23.3 |
Ronald E. Bee, "Use of statistical methods in Old Testament studies," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 257-272. |
Bernard S. Jackson, "Problem of Exod 21:22-5, Ius talionis," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 273-304. |
Othmar Keel, "Das Vergraben der Fremden Götter in Genesis 35:4b," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 305-336. |
Burke O. Long, "2 Kings 3 and genres of prophetic narrative," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 337-348. |
Anthony Phillips, "Some aspects of family law in pre-exilic Israel," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 349-361. |
Klaus Koch, "Die Herkunft der Proto-Theodotion-übersetzung des Danielbuches," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 362-365. |
Edward Lipinski, "La colombe du Ps 68:14," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 365-368. |
Edward Lipinski, "Obadiah 20," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 368-370. |
William J. Horwitz, "Another interpretation of Jonah 1:12," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 370-372. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Note on Numbers 18:9," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 373-375. |
H.G.M. Williamson, "Note on 1 Chronicles 7:12," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 376-379. |
Edward Lipinski, "L'étymologie de Juda," Vetus Testamentum 23.3 (July 1973): 380-381. |
23.4 |
Moise Ohana, "Agneau pascal et circoncision: le probleme de la halakna premlshnalque dans le Targum palestinien," Vetus Testamentum 23.4 (Oct. 1973): 385-399. |
Joel P. Weinberg, "Das beit 'abot im 6-4 Jh v u z," Vetus Testamentum 23.4 (Oct. 1973): 400-414. |
Manfred Weippert, "Fragen des israelitischen Geschichtsbewusstseins," Vetus Testamentum 23.4 (Oct. 1973): 415-442. |
Edward Lipinski, "Beth-Schemesch und der Tempel der Herrin der Grabkammer in den Amarna-Briefen," Vetus Testamentum 23.4 (Oct. 1973): 443-445. |
Jacob Hoftijzer, "Nominal clause reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 23.4 (Oct. 1973): 446-510. |
24.1 |
Joseph Blenkinsopp, "Did Saul make Gibeon his capital," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 1-7. |
John A. Emerton, "Meaning of séna' in Psalm 127:2," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 15-31. |
Bastiaan Jongeling, "L'Expression my ytn dans l'Ancien Testament," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 32-40. |
Edward Lipinski, "'Anaq-Kiryat 'arba'--Hébron et ses sanctuaires tribaux," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 41-55. |
Heinrich Margulies, "Das Rätsel der Biene im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 56-76. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Interpretation of Exodus 24:9-11," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 77-97. |
David J.A. Clines, "Tree of knowledge and the law of Yahweh, Psalm 19," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 8-14. |
Marco Treves, "Isaiah 53," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 98-108. |
Alfred Felix Landon Beeston [1911-1995], "What did Anah see," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 109-110. |
Alan D. Crown, "Alternative meaning for 'îs in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 110-112. |
Edward Lipinski, "Prose ou poésie en Jér 34:1-7," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 112-113. |
Albert Pietersma, "F G Kenyon's text of Papyrus 963: Numbers and Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 113-118. |
A. Robinson, "Zion and Saphon in Psalm 48:3," Vetus Testamentum 24.1 (Jan. 1974): 118-123. |
24.2 |
Publications in honor of E. Hammershaimb |
R.A. Carlson, "Anti-Assyrian character of the oracle in Is 9:1-6," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 130-135. |
John A. Emerton, "Neglected solution of a problem in Psalm 76:11," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 136-146. |
Gillis Gerleman [1912-1993], "Der Nicht-Mensch: Erwägungen zur hebräischen Wurzel NBL," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 147-158. |
Hans Gottlieb, "El und Krt--Jahwe und David: zum Ursprung des alttestamentlichen Monotheismus," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 159-167. |
Svend Holm-Nielsen, "On the interpretation of Qoheleth in early Christianity," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 168-177. |
Arvid S. Kapelrud [1912-1994], "Mythological features in Genesis chapter 1 and the author's intentions," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 178-186. |
Johannes Lindblom, "Erwägungen zu Psalm XVI," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 187-195. |
Benedikt Otzen, "Traditions and structures of Isaiah 24-27," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 196-206. |
Helmer Ringgren, "Behold your king comes," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 207-211. |
Thorir Kr Thordarson, "Mythic dimension: hermeneutical remarks on the language of the Psalter," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 212-220. |
George Wishart Anderson, "Note on Psalm 1:1," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 231-233. |
Pieter Arie Hendrik de Boer [1910-1989], "yhwh as epithet expressing the superlative," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 233-235. |
Henri Cazelles, "Déborah (Jud 5:14), Amaleq et Mâkîr," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 235-238. |
Herbert Gordon May [1904-1977], "Revised standard version Bible," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 238-240. |
Eduard Nielsen, "1 QH, V, 1:20-27: an attempt at filling out some gaps," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 240-243. |
Knud Jeppesen, Editor, "Bibliography of E Hammershaimb," Vetus Testamentum 24.2 (April 1974): 244-249 |
24.3 |
Derek R.G. Beattie, "Book of Ruth as evidence for Israelite legal practice," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 251-267. |
Pierre Buis, "Qadesh, un lieu maudit," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 268-285. |
David M. Gunn, "Narrative patterns and oral tradition in Judges and Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 286-317. |
Zecharia Mayani, "Un Apport a la discussion du texte Deir 'Allah," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 318-323. |
Franz Schicklberger, "Jonatans Heldentat: textlinguistische Beobachtungen zu 1 Sam 14:1-23a," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 324-333. |
J.A. Thompson, "Significance of the verb love in the David-Jonathan narratives in 1 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 334-338. |
William A. Ward, "Semitic biconsonantal root SP and the common origin of Egyptian cwf and Hebrew sûp: marsh (-plant)," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 339-349. |
David Aberbach, "mnh 'cht 'pym, 1 Sam 1:5: a new interpretation," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 350-353. |
Nigel Allan, "Jeroboam and Shechem," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 353-357. |
Gerald J. Blidstein, "'Atimia a Greek parallel to Ezra 10:8 and to post-biblical exclusion from the community," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 357-360. |
Jeffrey M. Cohen, "Samaritan authentication of the rabbinic interpretation of Kephî Tahra'," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 361-366. |
Alan D. Crown, "Messengers and scribes: the spr and ml'k in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 366-370. |
Mitchell Joseph Dahood [1922-1982], "Verb Arah, to pick clean, in Ps 22:17," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 370-371. |
Jan Heller, "Textkritisches zu 2 Chr 19:8," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 371-373. |
Niels Peter Lemche, "chpshy in 1 Sam 17:25," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 373-374. |
Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "Observation on source-criticism of the plaguepericope, Ex 7-11," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 374-378. |
A. Robinson, "Three suggested interpretations in Ps 84," Vetus Testamentum 24.3 (July 1974): 378-381. |
24.4 |
Brevard S. Childs, "Etiological tale re-examined," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 387-397. |
Ronald E. Clements, "Deuteronomistic interpretation of the founding of the monarchy in 1 Sam 8," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 398-410. |
Pierre Gibert, "Legende ou saga," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 411-420. |
Ihromi, "Die Königinmutter und der amm ha'arez im Reich Juda," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 421-429. |
Edward Lipinski, "Le Récit de 1 Rois 12:1-19 à la lumière de l'ancien usagé de l'Hébreu et de nouveaux textes de Mari," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 430-437. |
Mario Liverani, "L'Histoire de Joas," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 438-453. |
Andrew Alexander Macintosh, "Third root dh in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 454-473. |
Horst Seebass, "Der Fall Naboth in 1 Reg 21," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 474-488. |
Graham I. Davies, "Hebrew text of Exodus 8:19 (Evv 23): an emendation," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 489-492. |
Grace I. Emmerson, "Fertility goddess in Hosea 4:17-19," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 492-497. |
Edward Lipinski, "Nagid, der Kronprinz," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 497-499. |
A. Robinson, "Meaning of rî and the dubiety of the form harrê and its variants," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 500-504. |
Neville Tidwell, "Linen ephod: 1 Sam 2:18 and 2 Sam 6:14," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 505-507. |
Manfred Görg, "Zum Skorpionenpass: (Num 34:4; Jos 15:3)," Vetus Testamentum 24.4 (Oct. 1974): 508-509. |
25.1 |
J.V. Kinnier Wilson, "Return to the problems of Behemoth and Leviathan," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 1-14. |
André Lemaire, "Zamir dans la tablette de Gezer et le Cantique des cantiques," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 15-26. |
E.C.B. MacLaurin, "Joseph and Asaph," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 27-45. |
Henry McKeating, "Development of the law on homicide in ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 46-68. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Antiquity of the tradition in Exodus 24:9-22," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 69-79. |
Simon J. De Vries, "Temporal terms as structural elements in the Holy-War tradition," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 80-105. |
Gösta W. Ahlström [1918-1992], "An Israelite God figurine, once more," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 106-109. |
Godfrey Rolles Driver [1892-1975], "Gen 36:24, mules or fishes," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 109-110. |
Johan Lust, "Gentle breeze or a roaring thunderous sound: Elijah at Horeb, 1 Kings 19:12," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 110-115. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Meaning of s'îrîm," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 115-118. |
Gerhard Wilhelmi, "Weg mit den vielen Altären, Jeremia 11:15," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 119-121. |
Gerhard Wilhelmi, "Polster in Babel: eine überlegung zu Jesaja 21:5, 8," Vetus Testamentum 25.1 (Jan. 1975): 121-123. |
25.2 |
Niels Peter Lemche, "The Hebrew slave: comments on the slave law, Ex 21:2-11," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 129-144. |
J. Maxwell Miller, "Geba/Gibeah of Benjamin," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 145-166. |
John G. Snaith, "Ben Sira's supposed love of liturgy," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 167-174. |
Horst Seebass, "Tradition und Interpretation bei Jehu ben Chanani und Ahia von Silo," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 175-190. |
John Strange, "Joram, King of Israel and Judah," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 191-201. |
Manfred Weippert, "Zum Präskript der hebräischen Briefe von Arad," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 202-212. |
Peter R. Ackroyd, "Verb love--'Aheb in the David-Jonathan narratives: a footnote," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 213-214. |
Anthony Gelston, "Note on the text of Psalm 28:7b," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 214-216. |
Robert P. Gordon, "Inner-Targum corruption (Zech 1:8)," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 216-221. |
William L. Holladay, "Jeremiah 2:34b--A fresh approach," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 221-225. |
John S. Kselman, "Note on Isaiah 2:2," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 225-227. |
Jack R. Lundbom, "Double-Duty subject in Hosea 8:5," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 228-230. |
P.G. Maxwell-Stuart, "1 Maccabees 6:34 again," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 230-233. |
Martin J. Mulder, "Ezekiel 20:39 and the Pesitta version," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 233-236. |
Anthony Phillips, "Nebalah: a term for serious disorderly and unruly conduct," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 237-242. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Verbs zabah and sahat," Vetus Testamentum 25.2 (April 1975): 242-246. |
25.2a |
A. Graeme Auld, "Judges I and history: a reconsideration," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 261-285. |
Hans M. Barstad, "Die Basankühe in Amos 4:1," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 286-297. |
Richard J. Clifford, "Proverbs 9: a suggested Ugaritic parallel," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 298-306. |
M. Delcor, "Quelques cas de survivances du vocabulaire nomade en hébreu biblique," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 307-322. |
William J. Dumbrell, "Midian: a land or a league?," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 323-337. |
John A. Emerton, "Some problems in Genesis 38," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 338-361. |
Alexander Globe, "Judges 5:27," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 362-367. |
Robert P. Gordon, "Second Septuagint account of Jeroboam: history or Midrash?," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 368-393. |
William L. Holladay, "Fresh look at "Source b" and "Source c" in Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 394-412. |
Othmar Keel, "Kanaanäische Sühneriten auf ägyptischen Tempelreliefs," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 413-469. |
Harald Motzki, "Ein Beitrag zum Problem des Stierkultes in der Religionsgeschichte Israels," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 470-485. |
René Péter, "Par et sor note de lexicographie hébraïque," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 486-496. |
Albert Pietersma, "Lost folio of the Chester Beatty Ecclesiasticus," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 497-499. |
Andor Szabó, "Textual problems in Amos and Hosea," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 500-524. |
Rudolf Smend [1932- ], "Das Wort Jahwes an Elia: Erwägungen zur Komposition von 1 Reg 17-19," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 525-543. |
Raymond Jacques Tournay [1912-1999], "Abraham et le Cantique des cantiques," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 544-552. |
Pieter Arie Hendrik de Boer [1910-1989], "Preface," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 257-260. |
Peter B. Dirksen, "Peshitta institute communication XI, 15C2, a copy of 10C1," Vetus Testamentum 25.2a (May 1975): 562-564. |
25.3 |
W. Boyd Barrick, "Funerary character of high-places in ancient Palestine: a reassessment," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 565-595. |
John Joseph Collins [1946- ], "Mythology of Holy War in Daniel and the Qumran war scroll: a point of transition in Jewish apocalyptic," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 596-612. |
Jörn Halbe, "Gibeon und Israel: art, Veranlassung und Ort der Deutung ihres Verhältnisses in Jos IX," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 613-641. |
Gwilym H. Jones, "Holy War or Yahweh war," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 642-658. |
M. Mannatiarina, "Les accusations de Psaume 50:18-20," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 659-669. |
John A. Davies, "Note on Job 12:2," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 670-671. |
M. Dijkstra, "Note on 1 Chr 4:22-23," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 671-674. |
Henk Jagersma, "YSN in 1 Könige 18:27," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 674-676. |
R. Houberg, "Note sur Jérémie 11:19," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 676-677. |
André Lemaire, "Remarques sur la datation des estampilles LMLK," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 678-682. |
C.F. Whitley, "Further notes on the text of Deutero-Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 25.3 (July 1975): 683-687. |
25.4 |
Lawrence Boadt, "A:B:B:A chiasm of identical roots in Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 693-699. |
Grace I. Emmerson, "Structure and meaning of Hosea 8:1-3," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 700-710. |
Pierre Grelot, "Ariok," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 711-719. |
R. van der Hart, "Camp of Dan and the camp of Yahweh," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 720-728. |
Carola J.L. Kloos, "Zech 2:12 really a crux interpretum," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 729-736. |
Jürgen-Christian Lebram, "König Antiochus im Buch Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 737-772. |
Raija Sollamo, "Some improper prepositions, such as enopion, enantion, enanti, etc, in the Septuagint and early Koine Greek," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 773-782. |
Ziony Zevit, "Misunderstanding at Bethel, Amos 7:12-17," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 783-790. |
Hendrik Antonie Brongers [1904- ], "Jes 56:10a," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 791-792. |
Jon D. Levenson, "Textual and semantic notes on Nah 1:7-8," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 792-795. |
F.C. Fensham, "Medînâ in Ezra and Nehemiah," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 795-797. |
J.J.M. Roberts, "Niskahtî--Milleb, Ps 31:13," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 797-801. |
Charles H. Southwood, "Problematic hadurîm of Isaiah 45:2," Vetus Testamentum 25.4 (Oct. 1975): 801-802. |
26.1 |
Eckart Otto, "Erwägungen zum überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Ursprung und "Sitz im Leben" des jahwistischen Plagenzyklus," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 3-27. |
W.L. Holladay, "Structure, syntax and meaning in Jeremiah 4:11-12a," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 28-37. |
Niels Peter Lemche, "Manumission of slaves - the fallow year - the sabbatical year - the jubilee year," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 38-59. |
Albert Pietersma, "Greek Psalter: a question of methodology and syntax," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 60-69. |
Etan Levine, "Syriac version of Genesis 4:1-16," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 70-78. |
John A. Emerton, "Examination of a recent structuralist interpretation of Genesis 38," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 79-98. |
Adrianus van Selms [1906-1984], "Telescoped discussion as a literary device in Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 99-112. |
B.A. Mastin, "Note on Zechariah 6:13," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 113-116. |
Ze’eb Weisman, "Judges 5:29," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 116-120. |
Edward Lipinski, "L'"esclave hébreu"," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 120-124. |
Edward Lipinski, "Le mariage de Ruth," Vetus Testamentum 26.1 (Jan. 1976): 124-127. |
26.2 |
David J. Halperin, "Exegetical character of Ezek 10:9-17," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 129-141. |
Pierre Auffret, "Note sur la structure littéraire de Ps 51:1-19," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 142-147. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Origin of the tradition in Exodus 24:9-11," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 148-160. |
H. Klein, "Verbot des Menschendiebstahls im Dekalog: Prüfung einer These Albrecht alts," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 161-169. |
Fritz Stolz, "Rausch, Religion und Realität in Israel und seiner Umwelt," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 170-186. |
Burke O. Long, "Recent field studies in oral literature and their bearing on OT criticism," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 187-198. |
Jack M. Sasson, "Isaiah 66:3-4a," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 199-207. |
Vern S. Poythress, "Holy ones of the Most High in Daniel 7," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 208-213. |
David M. Gunn, "Traditional composition in the "succession narrative"," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 214-229. |
John W. Olley, "Forensic connotation of bôs," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 230-234. |
Roland Gradwohl, "Der "Hügel der Vorhäute" (Josua 5:3)," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 235-240. |
John F.A. Sawyer, "Note on the etymology of Saraat," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 241-245. |
Ran Zadok, "On five Iranian names in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 246-247. |
Dale Patrick, "Traditio-history of the Red Sea account," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 248-249. |
Samuel T. Lachs, "Exodus 4:11: evidence for an emendation," Vetus Testamentum 26.2 (April 1976): 249-250. |
26.3 |
Yitzhak Avishur, "KRKR in Biblical Hebrew and in Ugaritic," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 257-261. |
F.C. Fensham, "Rôle of the Lord in the legal sections of the covenant code," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 262-274. |
Arthur Gibson, "Snh in Judges I 14: NEB and AV translations," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 275-283. |
A.K. Jenkins, "Hezekiah's fourteenth year: a new interpretation of 2 Kings 18:13-19:37," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 284-298. |
Klaus Koch, "Saddaj: zum Verhältnis zwischen israelitischer Monolatrie und nordwest-semitischem Polytheismus," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 299-332. |
Jacob Milgrom, "Two kinds of hatta't," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 333-337. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Märchen, Legende und Enderwartung: zum Verständnis des Buches Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 338-350. |
H.G.M. Williamson, "Accession of Solomon in the Books of Chronicles," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 351-361. |
T.J. Wright, "Amos and the "Sycomore fig"," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 362-368. |
Dale Patrick, "Translation of Job 42:6," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 369-371. |
Wilfred G.E. Watson, "Tribute to Tyre (Is 23:7)," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 371-374. |
Markham J. Geller, "New translation for 2 Kings 15:25," Vetus Testamentum 26.3 (July 1976): 374-377. |
26.4 |
Duane L. Christensen, "March of conquest in Isaiah 10:27c-34," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 385-399. |
P.W. Coxon, "Daniel 3:17: a linguistic and theological problem," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 400-409. |
Friedemann W. Golka, "Aetiologies in the Old Testament, pt 1," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 410-428. |
John F. Healey, "Syriac nsr, Ugaritic nsr, Hebrew nsr II, Akkadian nsr II," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 429-437. |
David L. Petersen, "Yahwist on the flood," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 438-446. |
Martin Rose, "Siebzig Könige aus Ephraim (Jdc 5:14)," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 447-452. |
Klaus Seybold, "Der Turmbau zu Babel: zur Entstehung von Genesis 11:1-9," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 453-479. |
Gerhard Wallis, "Jerusalem und Samaria als Königsstädte: Auseinandersetzung mit einer These albrecht Alts," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 480-496. |
Moshe Anbar (Bernstein), "Les Ismaélites et les nomades chameliers," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 497. |
Manfred Görg, "Aram und Israel," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 499-500. |
John S. Kselman, "Note on Numbers 12:6-8," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 500-505. |
Hartmut Rösel, "Wer Kämpfte auf kanaanäischer Seite in der Schlacht bei Gibeon, Jos 10," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 505-508. |
R.W. Corney, "Isaiah 50:10," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 497-498. |
Friedemann W. Golka, "Aetiologies in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 26.4 (Oct. 1976): 410-428. |
27.1 |
Pierre Auffret, "Note sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 136," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 1-12. |
W. Dietrich, "Josia und das Gesetzbuch (2 Reg XXII)," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 13-35. |
Friedemann W. Golka, "Aetiologies in the Old Testament," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 36-47. |
René Péter, "L'imposition des mains dans l'Ancien Testament," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 48-55 |
Gnana Robinson, "Is 2 Kings 11:6 a gloss," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 56-61. |
Ina Willi-Plein, "Das Geheimnis der Apokalyptik," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 62-81. |
Anthony D. York, "Ezekiel I: inaugural and restoration visions?," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 82-98. |
D. Aberbach, "W'tn lhm ybrwm (Jeremiah 8:13): the problem and its solution," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 99-101. |
R. Borger, "Hiob XXXIX 23 nach dem Qumran-Targum," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 102-105. |
Graham I. Davies, "Uses of rucc qal and the meaning of Jonah IV," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 105-110. |
J.M. Grintz, "Some observations on the "High-Place" in the history of Israel," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 111-113. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Blood-spattered altars," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 113-117. |
Emile Puech, "Milkom, le dieu Ammonite, en Amos 1:15," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 117-125. |
Walther Zimmerli [1907-1983], "IOSOT congress in Göttingen in 1977," Vetus Testamentum 27.1 (Jan. 1977): 126-127. |
27.2 |
Jean Noel Aletti, "Seduction et parole en Proverbes I-IX," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 129-144. |
Dale Patrick, "Covenant code source," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 145-157. |
Horst Seebass, "Die Stämmeliste von Dtn XXXIII," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 158-169. |
Jan de Waard, "Chiastic structure of Amos 5:1-17," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 170-177. |
Moshe Weinfeld, "Ancient Near Eastern patterns in prophetic literature," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 178-195. |
Gerhard Wilhelmi, "Der Hirt mit dem eisernen Szepter: Uberlegungen zu Psalm 2:9," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 196-204. |
Ferdinand Deist [1944-1997], "Appayim (1 Sam 1:5) ul *pym," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 205-209. |
Y. Hoffmann, "Did Amos consider himself as a nabi'," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 209-212. |
Mario Liverani, "Chêne de Sherdanu," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 212-216. |
Stefan Schreiner, "Psalm 110 und die Investitur des Hohenpriesters," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 216-222. |
K.A. Tångberg, "Note on pistî in Hosea 2:7,11," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 222-224. |
Michael M. Winter, "Origins of ben Sira in Syriac (part I)," Vetus Testamentum 27.2 (April 1977): 237-253. |
27.3 |
Raymond Abba, "Priests and Levites in Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 257-267. |
Edward Ball [1952- ]"Co-regency of David and Solomon," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 268-279. |
M. Barnouin, "Recensements du livre des Nombres et l'astronomie Babylonienne," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 280-303. |
Siegfried Bergler, "Threni v - nur ein alphabetisierendes Lied: Versuch einer Deutung," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 304-320. |
Helmut Hollenstein, "Literarkritische Erwägungen zum Bericht über die Reformmassnahmen Josias 2 Kön 23:4 ff.," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 321-336. |
C. Houtman, "What did Jacob see in his dream at Bethel: some remarks on Genesis 28:10-22," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 337-351. |
Samuel E. Loewenstamm, "Exodus 21: 22-25," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 352-360. |
Jarl Henning Ulrichsen, "Jhwh Malak: einige sprachliche Beobachtungen," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 361-374. |
Muraoka Takamitsu, "Status constructus of adjectives in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 27.3 (July 1977): 375-380. |
27.4 |
Menahem Haran, "From early to classical prophecy: continuity and change," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 385-397. |
Peter Höffken, "Zu den Heilszusätzen in der Völkerorakelsammlung des Jeremiabuches," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 398-412. |
R.A. Mason, "Purpose of the "editorial framework" of the book of Haggai," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 413-421. |
Ernest W. Nicholson, "Decalogue as the direct address of God," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 422-433. |
Eckhard von Nordheim, "König und Tempel," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 434-453. |
Armin Schmitt, "Die Totenerweckung in 1 Kön 17:17-24," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 454-474. |
J.A. Thompson, "Israel's "lovers"," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 475-481. |
Michael M. Winter, "Peshitta Institute Communication XIII: the origins of Ben Sira in Syriac, pt 2," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 494-507. |
Mitchell Joseph Dahood [1922-1982], "The word-pair akal // kalah in Jeremiah 30:16," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 482. |
Mitchell Joseph Dahood [1922-1982], "Word and witness: a note on Jeremiah 29:23," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 483. |
Graham I. Davies, "New solution to a crux in Obadiah 7," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 484-487. |
John A. Emerton, "Note on Isaiah 35:9-10," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 488-489. |
Gerhard Larsson, "Chronological parallels between the creation and the flood," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 490-492. |
P.D.M. Turner, "Anoikodomein and intra-Septuagintal borrowing," Vetus Testamentum 27.4 (Oct. 1977): 492-493. |
28.1 |
Raymond Abba, "Priests and levites in Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 1-9. |
Daniel Bach, "Rite et parole dans l'Ancien Testament: nouveaux éléments apportés par.
l'étude de tôdâh," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 10-19. |
David J.A. Clines; David M. Gunn, "You tried to persuade me and violence outrage in Jeremiah 20:7-8," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 20-27. |
Philip R. Davies, "Dualism and eschatology in the Qumran war scroll," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 28-36. |
C. Houtman, "Jacob at Mahanaim: some remarks on Genesis 32:2-3," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 37-44. |
David Jobling, "Jeremiah's poem in 3:1-4:2," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 45-55. |
Ulrich Kellermann, "Erwägungen zum historischen Ort von Psalm LX," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 56-65. |
Albert Pietersma, "Proto-Lucian and the Greek psalter," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 66-72. |
Eberhard Ruprecht, "Entstehung und zeitgeschichtlicher Bezug der Erzählung von der Designation Hasaels durch Elisa (2 Kön 8:7-15)," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 73-82. |
Magne Saebo, "Vom Grossreich zum Weltreich: Erwägnungen zu Pss 72:8, 89:26; Zech 9:10b," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 83-91. |
Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen [1917-2002], "Der Gebrauch des verbes 'exein in der Septuaginta," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 92-99. |
Gösta W. Ahlström [1918-1992], "KRKR and TPD," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 100-101. |
M.E. Andrew, "Variety of expression in Proverbs 23:29-35," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 102-103. |
Pierre Auffret, "Pivot pattern: nouveaux exemples (Jon 2:10; Ps 31:13; Is 23:7)," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 103-110. |
William L. Holladay, "New proposal for the crux in Psalm 2:12," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 110-112. |
Manfred Weippert, "Ja[a) mar humrî: Joram oder Jehu von Israel?," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 113-118. |
H.G.M. Williamson, "Da'at in Isaiah 53:11," Vetus Testamentum 28.1 (Jan. 1978): 118-122. |
28.2 |
Michael L. Barré, "New light on the interpretation of Hosea 6:2," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 129-141. |
Trent C. Butler, "Forgotten passage from a forgotten era (1 Chr 16:8-36)," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 142-150. |
Gillis Gerleman [1912-1993], "Das übervolle Mass: ein Versuch mit Haesaed," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 151-164. |
L.P.U. Lilley, "By the river-side," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 165-171. |
Siegfried Mittmann, "Komposition und Redaktion von Psalm 29," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 172-194. |
Graham S. Ogden, "Moses and Cyrus," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 195-203. |
Dennis Pardee, "Ypch "witness" in Hebrew and Ugaritic," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 204-213. |
Horst Seebass, "Num 11, 12 und die Hypothese des Jahwisten," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 214-223. |
Emanuel Tov, "Textual history of the Song of Deborah in the a text of the LXX," Vetus Testamentum 28.2 (April 1978): 224-232. |
28.3 |
Pierre Buis, "Conflits entre Moïse et Israël dans Exode et Nombres," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 257-270. |
Simon B. Parker, "Possession trance and prophecy in pre-Exilic Israel," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 271-285. |
Plataroti, Domenico, "Zum Gebrauch des Wortes MLK im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 286-300. |
Jean De Savignac, "Sagesse du Qôhéléth et l'Epopée de Gilgamesh," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 318-323. |
John F.A. Sawyer, "Note on the brooding partridge in Jeremiah 17:11," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 324-329. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Altar at Gilgal: Joshua 22:23-29," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 330-335. |
Gordon J. Wenham, "Coherence of the flood narrative," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 336-348. |
Ariella Deem, "And the stone sank into his forehead: a note on 1 Samuel 17:49," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 349-351. |
Friedemann W. Golka, "Schwierigkeiten bei der Datierung des Fremdgötterverbotes," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 352-354. |
R.P. Gordon, "Micah 7:19 and Akkadian kabasu," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 355. |
L.J. Kaplan, "Maimonides, Dale Patrick, and Job 42:6," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 356-358. |
Shalom M. Paul, "Amos 3:15: winter and summer mansions," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 358-360. |
Judah J. Slotki, "Psalm 49:13,21 (AV 12,20)," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 361-362. |
Jeffrey H. Tigay, "Lifnê hassabbat and 'ahar hassabbat " "On the day before the sabbath" and "On the day after the sabbath" (Nehemiah 13:19)," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 362-365. |
Ze’eb Weisman, "Connecting link in and old hymn: Deuteronomy 33:19a,21b," Vetus Testamentum 28.3 (July 1978): 365-368. |
28.4 |
William H. Brownlee, "Ezekiel's parable of the watchman and the editing of Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 392-408. |
M. Delcor, "Kerethim et les Cretois," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 409-422. |
Diether Kellermann, "Uberlieferungsprobleme alttestamentlicher Ortsnamen," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 423-432. |
Klaus Koch, "Die mysteriösen Zahlen der judäischen Könige und die apokalyptischen.
Jahrwochen," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 433-441. |
Jean Marcel Vincent, "Recherches exéàetiques sur le Psaume 23," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 442-454. |
Seán M. Warner, "Dating of the period of the Judges," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 455-463. |
Matthew Black, "Apocalypse of weeks in the light of 4q eng," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 464-469. |
Pierre Buis, "Traité d'Assurbanipal," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 469-472. |
Baruch Halpern, "Yhwh's summary justice in Job XIV 20," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 472-474. |
B. Djongeling, "Hz't nmy (Ruth 1:19)," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 474-477. |
M. Mannatiarina, "Psaume 58:8," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 477-480. |
Paolo Xella, "Episode de Dnil et Kothar (KTU 1:17 [" CTA 17] 5:1-31) et Gen 18:1-16," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 483-488. |
Ziony Zevit, "Exegetical implications of Daniel 8:1, 9:21," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 488-492. |
C.H. Middleburgh, "The mention of "vine" and "fig-tree" in Ps 105:33," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 480-481. |
P.D.M. Turner, "Two septuagintalisms with sterizein," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 481-482. |
Robert Altmann, "Jeremiah 4:11-12: stichometry, parallelism and translation," Vetus Testamentum 28.4 (Oct. 1978): 385-391. |
29.1 |
Ronald E. Bee, "Study of Deuteronomy based on statistical properties of the text," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 1-22. |
Pierre Grelot, "Orchestre de Daniel 3:5,7,10,15," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 23-38. |
Bernhard Lang, "A neglected method in Ezekiel research: editorial criticism," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 39-44. |
Rosario P. Merendino, "Sprachkunst in Psalm 1," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 45-60. |
Nadav Naaman, "Sennacherib's campaign to Judah and the date of the lmlk stamps," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 61-86. |
Stig I.L. Norin, "Jô-Namen und Jehô-Namen," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 87-97. |
Angelo Tosato, "Literary structure of the first two poems of Balaam (Num 23:7-10, 18-24)," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 98-106. |
Michael L. Barré, "Note on Job 19:25," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 107-110. |
John S. Kselman, "Rb//kbd: a new Hebrew-Akkadian formulaic pair," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 110-114. |
Peter, Michal, "Wer sprach den Segen nach Genesis 14:19 über Abraham aus," Vetus Testamentum 29.1 (Jan. 1979): 114-120. |
29.2 |
Calum M. Carmichael, "A common element in five supposedly disparate laws," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 129-142. |
John Day [1948- ], "Echoes of Baal's seven thunders and lightnings in Psalm 29 and Habakkuk 3:9 and the identity of the Seraphim in Isaiah 6," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 143-151. |
Harold H.P. Dressler, "The identification of the Ugaritic Dnil with the Daniel of Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 152-161. |
Terry L. Fenton, "Comparative evidence in textual study: M Dabood on 2 Sam 1:24 and CTA 19 (1 Aqht), 1:44-45," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 162-170. |
Eberhard Ruprecht, "Vorgegebene Tradition und theologische Gestaltung in Genesis 12:1-3," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 171-188. |
Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen [1917-2002], "Die konstruktion des Verbs bei einem Neutrum Plural im griechischen Pentateuch," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 189-199. |
John A. Thompson, "Israel's "haters"," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 200-205. |
A.J. Williams, "A further suggestion about Amos 4:1-3," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 206-211. |
John Joseph Collins [1946- ], "Dualism and eschatology in 1 QM: a reply to P R Davies," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 212-215. |
Michael B. Dick, "Job 28:4 a new translation," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 216-221. |
M. Mannatiarina, "Le Psaume 11," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 222-227. |
G.V. Smith, "The use of quotations in Jeremiah 15:11-14," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 229-231. |
Charles H. Southwood, "The spoiling of Jeremiah's girdle (Jer 13:1-11)," Vetus Testamentum 29.2 (April 1979): 231-237. |
29.3 |
Siegfried Bergler, "Der längste Psalm - Anthologie oder Liturgie," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 257-288. |
John Goldingay, "The arrangement of Isaiah 41-45," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 289-299. |
Jack R. Lundbom, "Poetic structure and prophetic rhetoric in Hosea," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 300-308. |
Kirsten Nielsen [1943- ], "Das Bild des Gerichts (rib-pattern) in Jes 1-12: eine Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen Bildsprache und dem Anliegen der Verkündigung," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 309-324. |
Sean M. Warner, "Primitive saga men," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 325-335. |
Helga Weippert, "Das Wort vom neuen Bund in Jeremia 31:31-34," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 336-351. |
Moshé Anbar, "Une nouvelle allusion à une tradition babylonienne dans Ezéchiel (22:24)," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 352-353. |
John Day [1948- ], "New light on the mythological background of the allusion to Resheph in Habakkuk 3:5," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 353-355. |
Vinton A. Dearing, "Textual analysis: a consideration of some questions raised by M P Weitzman," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 355-359. |
Simon J. De Vries, "A reply to G Gerleman on malkê chesed in 1 Kings 20:31," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 359-362. |
Isaac Rabinowitz, "Sarah's wish (Gen 21:6-7)," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 362-363. |
Norman Henry Snaith [1898-1982], "Psalm 1:1 and Isaiah 40:31," Vetus Testamentum 29.3 (July 1979): 363-364. |
29.4 |
Pierre Auffret, "Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume 86," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 385-402. |
John A. Emerton, "Judah and Tamar," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 403-415. |
Patrick D. Miller, "Poetic ambiguity and balance in Psalm 15," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 416-424. |
Muraoka Takamitsu, "On verb complementation in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 425-435. |
Roland E. Murphy [1917-2002], "The unity of the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 436-443. |
Eberhard Ruprecht, "Der traditionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund der einzelnen Elemente von Genesis 12:2-3," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 444-464. |
John T. Willis, "The juxtaposition of synonymous and chiastic parallelism in tricola in Old.
Testament Hebrew Psalm poetry," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 465-480. |
David J. Lane [1935-2005], ""Lilies that fester": the Peshitta text of Qoheleth (Peshitta Institute Communication 15)," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 481-490. |
John B. Curtis, "A folk etymology of nabî'," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 491-493. |
Graham I. Davies, "A note on the etymology of Histahawah," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 493-495. |
Patrick D. Miller, "Yálpîach in Psalm 12:6," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 495-501. |
George G. Nicol, "Isaiah's vision and the visions of Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 501-505. |
Ziony Zevit, "Expressing denial in biblical Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew, and in Amos," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 505-509. |
John A. Emerton, Editor, "Book list," Vetus Testamentum 29.4 (Oct. 1979): 510-513. |
30.1 |
Thijs Booij, "Hagar's words in Genesis 16:13b," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 1-7. |
Frederick E. Greenspahn, "The number and distribution of hapax legomena in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 8-19. |
Charles D. Isbell & Michael Jackson, "Rhetorical criticism and Jeremiah 7:1-8:3," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 20-26. |
Graham S. Ogden, "Qoheleth 9:17-10:20: variations on the theme of Wisdom's strength and vulnerability," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 27-37. |
Anthony Phillips, "Uncovering the father's skirt," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 38-43. |
Victor Sasson, "The word trkb in the Arad ostracon," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 44-52. |
Klaus Seybold, "Psalm 58: ein Lösungsversuch," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 53-66. |
Cullen I.K. Story, "Amos: prophet of praise," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 67-80. |
Sean M. Warner, "The alphabet: an innovation and its diffusion," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 81-90. |
Pierre Auffret, "Note sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 21," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 91-93. |
Philip R. Davies, "Dualism and eschatology in 1QM: a rejoinder," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 93-97. |
John Day [1948- ], "DaH at "humiliation" in Is 53:11 in light of Is 53:3 and Dan 12:4, and the oldest known interpretation of the suffering servant," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 97-103. |
Michael De Roche, "Zephaniah 1:2-3: the "sweeping" of creation," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 104-109. |
David M. Gunn, "From Jerusalem to the Jordan and back: symmetry in 2 Samuel 15-20," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 109-113. |
Yair Hoffman, "The use of equivocal words in the first speech of Eliphaz (Job 4-5)," Vetus Testamentum 30.1 (Jan. 1980): 114-119. |
30.2 |
David W. Baker, "Further examples of the waw explicativum," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 129-136. |
Samuel E. Balentine, "A description of the semantic field of Hebrew words for "hide"," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 137-153. |
Shimon Bar-Efrat, "Some observations on the analysis of structure in biblical narrative," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 154-173. |
John Day [1948- ], "The Daniel of Ugarit and Ezekiel and the hero of the book of Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 174-184. |
John A. Emerton, "A list of G R Driver's publications since 1962," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 185-191. |
Mabee, Charles, "Jacob and Laban: the structure of judicial proceedings (Genesis 31:25-42)," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 192-207. |
Alan R. Millard, "YW and YHW names," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 208-212. |
Albert Pietersma, "David in the Greek Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 213-226. |
J.B. Gabel & C.B. Wheeler, "The redactor's hand in the blasphemy pericope of Leviticus 24," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 227-229. |
H. Kleinans, "Freude an Rezin: ein Versuch, mit dem Text Jes 8:6 ohne Konjektur Auszukommen," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 229-234. |
Hans-Georg von Mutius, "Zwei Bibeltextvarianten bei Bachja ibn Pakuda: (Jes 26:8; Deut 5:21)," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 234-236. |
Jeffrey Niehaus, "PaHam 'echat and the Israelite conquest," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 236-239. |
Stig I.L. Norin, "YW and YHW names: a reply to A R Millard," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 239-240. |
Anthony Phillips, "Another example of family law," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 240-245. |
J. Alberto Soggin, "Das Amt der "kleinen Richter" in Israel," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 245-248. |
Gordon J. Wenham & J. Gordon McConville, "Drafting techniques in some Deuteronomic laws," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 248-252. |
Lawrence Zalcman, "Piercing the darkness at bôqer (Amos 7:14)," Vetus Testamentum 30.2 (April 1980): 252-255. |
30.3 |
Pierre Auffret, "Essai sur la structure littéraire des Psaumes 111 et 112," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 257-279. |
Michael DeRoche, "Contra creation, covenant and conquest," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 280-290. |
Nicholas R.M. De Lange, "Some new fragments of Aquila on Malachi and Job," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 291-294. |
M. Margaliot, "Jeremiah 10:1-16: A re-examination," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 295-308. |
Graham S. Ogden, "Historical allusion in Qoheleth 4:13-16," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 309-315. |
Eckart Otto, "El und Jhwh in Jerusalem: Historische und theologische Aspekte einer Religionsintegration," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 316-329. |
Willem S. Prinsloo [1944-1997], "The theology of the book of Ruth," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 330-341. |
Rösel N. Hartmut, "Die Uberleitungen vom Josua- ins Richterbuch," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 342-350. |
Gershon Brin, "Numbers 15:22-23 and the question of the composition of the Pentateuch," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 351-354. |
David J.A. Clines, "Verb modality and the interpretation of Job 4:20-21," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 354-357. |
Natalio Fernández Marcos, "Elpizein or engizein: in Prophetarum vitae fabulosae 12,9 and in the Septuagint," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 357-359. |
Bernhard Lang, "Job 40:18 and the "bones of Seth"," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 360-361. |
Baruch Margalit, "Interpreting the story of Aqht," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 361-365. |
John Priest, "Huldah's oracle," Vetus Testamentum 30.3 (July 1980): 366-368. |
30.4 |
John A. Emerton, Editor, "Old Testament studies in honour of P A H de," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 385-517. |
George Wishart Anderson, ""Sicut cervus": evidence in the psalter of private devotion in ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 388-397. |
Giorgio Castellino, "Observations on the literary structure of some passages in Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 398-408. |
Henri Cazelles, "Qui aurait visé, à l'origine, Isaïe 2:2-5," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 409-420. |
Ronald E. Clements, "The prophecies of Isaiah and the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 421-436. |
John A. Emerton, "Notes on the text and translation of Isaiah 22:8-11 and 65:5," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 437-451. |
William L. Holladay, "The identification of the two scrolls of Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 452-467. |
William McKane, "Poison, trial by ordeal and the cup of wrath," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 474-492. |
Walther Zimmerli [1907-1983], ""Heiligkeit" nach dem sogenannten Heiligkeitsgesetz," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 493-512. |
M.D. Koster, "The numbering of the Ten Commandments in some Peshitta manuscripts," Vetus Testamentum 30.4 (Oct. 1980): 468-473. |