51.1 |
Eberhard Bons, "La signification de arkos aporoumene en LXX Osée xiii 8," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 1-8. |
W. Boyd Barrick, "Another shaking of Jehoshaphat's family tree: Jehoram and Ahaziah once again," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 9-25. |
Michael V. Fox, "Wisdom in the Joseph story," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 26-41. |
Bertram Herr, "Hat das Alte Testament als Quelle der Geschichte Israels ausgedient? die Probe auf das Exempel 2 Reg xii 5-17," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 42-54. |
R.W.L. Moberly, "Whose justice? which righteousness? the interpretation of Isaiah v 16," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 55-68. |
Helena Zlotnick Sivan, "The rape of Cozbi (Numbers xxv)," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 69-80. |
Josef Tropper, "Der Gottesname *Yahwa," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 81-106. |
M. Roglandax, "'Striking a hand' (tq kp) in biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 107-109. |
Michael G. Wechsler, "The appellation bougaios and ethnic contextualization in the Greek text of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 51.1 (2001): 109-114. |
51.2 |
Uwe Becker, "Der Prophet als Fürbitter: zum literarhistorischen Ort der Amos-Visionen," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 141-165. |
Isabelle de Castelbajac, "Histoire de la rédaction de Juges ix: une solution," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 166-185. |
John A. Emerton, "Looking on one's enemies," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 186-196. |
Alfred Marx, "Sens et fonction de Gen. xxii 14," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 197-205. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Der Mond und die Plejaden: griechisch-orientalische Parallelen," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 206-218. |
Scott K. Nikaido, "Hagar and Ishmael as literary figures: an intertextual study," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 219-242. |
Eyal Regev, "Priestly dynamic holiness and Deuteronomic static holiness," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 243-261. |
Thijs Booij, "Psalm cxxii 4: text and meaning," Vetus Testamentum 51.2 (2001): 262-266. |
51.3 |
Uwe F.W. Bauer, "Eine literarische Analyse von Psalm cxiv," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 289-311. |
Elizabeth Boase, "Life in the shadows: the role and function of Isaac in Genesis--synchronic and diachronic readings," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 312-335. |
Evangelia G. Dafni, "Sarx mou ex auton (Lxx-Hosea ix 12): zur Theologie der Sprache der Septuaginta," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 336-353. |
Michael S. Heiser, "The mythological provenance of Isa. xiv 12-15: a reconsideration of the Ugaritic material," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 354-369. |
Johan Yeong-Sik Pahk, "A syntactical and contextual consideration of sh in Qoh. ix 9," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 370-380. |
Vincent DeCaen, "The morphosyntactic argument for the waw consecutive in Old Aramaic," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 381-385. |
Herbert Migsch, "Zur Interpretation von weet kål-bêt harekabîm in Jeremia xxxv 3," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 385-389. |
Muraoka Takamitsu, "The prefix conjugation in circumstantial clauses in the Tel Dan Inscription?" Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 389-392. |
Gary A. Rendsburg, "An additional note to two recent articles on the number of people in the Exodus from Egypt and the large numbers in Numbers i and xxvi," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 392-396. |
Ka Leung Wong, "A note on Ezekiel viii 6," Vetus Testamentum 51.3 (2001): 396-400. |
51.4 |
John A. Emerton, "The Teaching of Amenemope and Proverbs xxii 17-xxiv 22: further reflections on a long-standing problem," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 431-465. |
Jean Georges Heintz, "Osée xii 2b à la lumière d'un vase d'albâtre de l'époque de Salmanasar III (Djézirêh) et le rituel d'alliance Assyrien: une hypothèse de lecture," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 466-480. |
Wolfram Herrmann, "Das unerledigte Problem des Buches Habakkuk," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 481-496. |
Armin Lange, "Die Wurzel phz und ihre konnotationen," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 497-510. |
Bernard M. Levinson, "The reconceptualization of kingship in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History's transformation of Torah," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 511-534. |
Gordon C.I. Wong, "Faith in the present form of Isaiah vii 1-17," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 535-547. |
Christopher L.K. Grundke, "A tempest in a teapot? Genesis iii 8 again," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 548-551. |
Jan Joosten, "Targumic Aramaic m[e]rua--"oppression" (Isa. xlvii, Hos. xi 7, Mic. vi, 3)," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 552-555. |
Ernst Axel Knauf, "Psalm xxiii 6," Vetus Testamentum 51.4 (2001): 556. |
52.1 |
Omri Boehm, "The binding of Isaac: an inner-biblical polemic on the question of "disobeying" a manifestly illegal order," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 1-12. |
Lucien Jean Bord & David Hamidovic, "Ecoute Israël (Deut. VI 4)," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 13-29. |
Gregory Yuri Glazov, "The significance of the 'hand on the mouth' gesture in Job xl 4," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 30-41. |
Innocent Himbaza, "Le poème acrostiche sur Exode xx 1-5 dans le Targum fragmentaire (MS G)," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 42-50. |
C. Houtmanornelis, "Die ursprünglichen Bewohner des Landes Kanaan im Deuteronomium: Sinn und Absicht der Beschreibung ihrer Identität und ihres Charakters," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 51-65. |
Isaac Kalimi, "The capture of Jerusalem in the chronistic history," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 66-79. |
Tobias Nicklas, "Der Historiker als Erzähler: zur Zeichnung des Seleukidenkönigs Antiochus in 2 Makk. ix," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 80-92. |
Hermann Michael Niemann, "Taanach und Megiddo: Uberlegungen zur strukturell-historischen Situation zwischen Saul und Salomo," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 93-102. |
Ludwig Schmidt, "Leviten- und Asylstädte in Num. xxxv und Jos. xx; xxi 1-42," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 103-121. |
Michael Segal, "Numerical discrepances in the list of vessels in Ezra I 9-11," Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 122-129. |
Gerhard Larsson, "Is the book of Esther older than has been believed?" Vetus Testamentum 52.1 (2002): 130-131. |
52.2 |
Peter Ross Bedford, "Diaspora: homeland relations in Ezra-Nehemiah," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 147-165. |
Zeev B. Begin, "Does Lachish letter 4 contradict Jeremiah xxxiv 7?" Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 166-174. |
Michael Douglas Goulder, ""Behold my servant Jehoiachin"," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 175-190. |
Joseph M. Henderson, "Who weeps in Jeremiah viii 23 (ix 1)? identifying dramatic speakers in the poetry of Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 191-206. |
K. Lawson Younger, Jr., "Yahweh at Ashkelon and Calah? Yahwistic names in Neo-Assyrian," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 207-218. |
Paul R. Noble, "Esau, Tamar, and Joseph: criteria for identifying inner-biblical allusions," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 219-252. |
Stefan Paas, "Seeing and singing: visions and hymns in the book of Amos," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 253-274. |
Michael M. Homan, "Beer production by throwing bread into water: a new interpretation of Qoh. xi 1-2," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 275-278. |
Timothy Johnson, "Implied antecedents in Job xl 2b and Proverbs iii 6a," Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 278-284. |
Christophe Lemardelé, "Le sacrifice de purification: un sacrifice ambigu?" Vetus Testamentum 52.2 (2002): 284-289. |
52.3 |
Joshua Berman, "The 'sword of mouths' (Jud. iii 16; Ps. cxlix 6; Prov. v 4): a metaphor and its ancient Near Eastern context," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 291-303. |
Serge Frolov, "Two eunuchs, two conspiracies, and one loyal Jew: the narrative of botched regicide in Esther as text- and redaction-critical test case," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 304-325. |
Victor Hurowitz, "Additional elements of alphabetical thinking in Psalm xxxiv," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 326-333. |
S. Noah Lee, "The use of the definite article in the development of some biblical toponyms," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 334-349. |
Yigal Levin, "Nimrod the mighty, King of Kish, King of Sumer and Akkad," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 350-366. |
V. Philips Long, "How reliable are biblical reports? repeating Lester Grabbe's comparative experiment," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 367-384. |
Eric D. Reymond, "The poetry of the Wisdom of Solomon reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 385-399. |
Seth L. Sanders, "Old light on Moses' shining face," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 400-406. |
Azzan Yadin, "Samson's hîdâ," Vetus Testamentum 52.3 (2002): 407-426. |
52.4 |
Susan Ackerman, "The personal is political: covenantal and affectionate love (aheb, ahabâ) in the Hebrew Bible," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 437-458. |
Anneli Aejmelaeus, "Jeremiah at the turning-point of history: the function of Jer. xxv 1-14 in the book of Jeremiah," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 459-482. |
John A. Emerton, "The value of the Moabite stone as an historical source," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 483-492. |
Anthony Gelston, "Some Hebrew misreadings in the Septuagint of Amos," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 493-500. |
Rainer Kessler, "Die Sklaven als Ehefrau: zur Stellung der amah," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 501-512. |
Antje Labahn, "Trauern als Bewältigung der Vergangenheit zur Gestaltung der Zukunft:.
Bemerkungen zur anthropologischen Theologie der Klagelieder," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 513-527. |
E.J. van Wolde, "Does innâ denote rape? a semantic analysis of a controversial word," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 528-544. |
John S. Kselman, "Ambiguity and wordplay in Proverbs xi," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 545-548. |
Muraoka Takamitsu, "A deuteronomistic formula "SMR + SH"," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 548-551. |
Hubert Tita, ""Ich hatte meine Tora in ihre Mitte gegeben": das Gewicht einer nicht.
berücksichtigten Perfektform in Jer. xxxi 33," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 551-556. |
Lawrence Zalcman, "Laying dmsq rs to rest (Amos iii 12)," Vetus Testamentum 52.4 (2002): 557-559. |
53.1 |
Elie Assis, ""How long are you slack to go to possess the land" (Jos. xviii 3): ideal and reality in the distribution descriptions in Joshua xiii-xix," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 1-25. |
Yonina Dor, "The composition of the episode of the foreign women in Ezra ix-x," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 26-47. |
Alexander A. Fischer, "Beutezug und Segensgabe: zur Redaktionsgeschichte der Liste in 1 Sam. xxx 26-31," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 48-64. |
Scott C. Jones, "Wisdom's pedagogy: a comparision of Proverbs vii and 4Q184," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 65-80. |
Zecharia Kallai, "Simeon's town list: scribal rules and geographical patterns," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 81-96. |
Michael S. Moore, "Jehu's coronation and purge of Israel," Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 97-114. |
Neil B. MacDonald, "1 Kings viii 23--a case of repunctuation?" Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 115-117. |
Robert S. Kawashima, "The jubilee, every 49 or 50 years?" Vetus Testamentum 53.1 (2003): 117-120. |
53.2 |
Gershon Hepner, "Abraham's incestuous marriage with Sarah: a violation of the Holiness Code," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 143-155. |
R.W.L. Moberly, "Preaching for a response? Jonah's message to the Ninevites reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 156-168. |
Nadav Naaman, "The distribution of messages in the Kingdom of Judah in light of the Lachish ostraca," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 169-180. |
Richard W. Neville, "A reassessment of the radical nature of Job's ethic in Job xxxi 13-15," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 181-200. |
Dalit Rom-Shiloni, "The prophecy for "everlasting covenant" (Jeremiah xxxii 36-41): an exilic addition or a Deuteronomistic redaction?" Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 201-223. |
Markus Zehnder, "A fresh look at Malachi ii 13-16," Vetus Testamentum 53.2 (2003): 224-259. |
53.3 |
Lee W. Casperson, "Sabbatical, jubilee, and the Temple of Solomon," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 283-296. |
David J.A. Clines, "DM, the Hebrew for "human, humanity": a response to James Barr," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 297-310. |
Joseph Fleishman, "Legal innovation in Deuteronomy XXI 18-20," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 311-327. |
J.P. Fokkelman & Gary A. Rendsburg, "NGDH NH LKL MW (Psalm CXVI 14B, 18B)," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 328-336. |
Anselm C. Hagedorn, "Of foxes and vineyards: Greek perspectives on the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 337-352. |
John W. Hilber, "Psalm CX in the light of Assyrian prophecies," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 353-366. |
Cornelis van Leeuwen, "Meaning and structure of Hosea X 1-8," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 367-378. |
B.A. Mastin, "The miqneh of 1 Samuel XXIII 5," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 379-396. |
Stefan Schorch, "Die Propheten und der Karneval: Marzeach--Maioumas--Maimuna," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 397-415. |
Nili Shupak, "Learning methods in ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 416-426. |
Albert D. Friedberg & Vincent DeCaen, "Dating the composition of the book of Esther: a response to Larsson," Vetus Testamentum 53.3 (2003): 427-429. |
53.4 |
Pierre Auffret, "Voyez les oeuvres de Dieu: étude structurelle du psaume LXVI," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 431-444. |
Asnat Bartor, "The "juridical dialogue": a literary-judicial pattern," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 445-464. |
John A. Emerton, "Treading the bow," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 465-486. |
Matthew A. Kraus, "Hebraisms in the Old Latin Version of the Bible," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 487-513. |
Simon J. Sherwin, "In search of trees: Isaiah XLIV 14 and its implications," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 514-529. |
John G.F. Wilks, "The prophet as incompetent dramatist," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 530-543. |
G.C.I. Wong, "Deliverance or destruction? Isaiah X 33-34 in the final form of Isaiah X-XI," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 544-552. |
John W. Olley, "2 Chr. XXVI 22: Isaiah ben Amoz or Isshiah the prophet?" Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 553-558. |
Aron Pinker, "On the meaning of htkbd in Nahum III 15," Vetus Testamentum 53.4 (2003): 558-561. |
54.1 |
Pamela Barmash, "The narrative quandary: cases of law in literature," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 1-16. |
John H. Choi, "Resheph and yhwh sebaôt," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 17-28. |
Steve Delamarter, "The death of Josiah in scripture and tradition: wrestling with the problem of evil?" Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 29-60. |
Brian Doyle [1956- ], "Howling like dogs: metaphorical language in Psalm lix," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 61-82. |
Christoph Levin, "Die Entstehung der Büchereinteilung des Psalters," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 83-90. |
Hans-Peter Müller, "Sprachliche und religionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Jesaja xvii 10f," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 91-103. |
Hélène Nutkowicz, "Propos autour de la mort d'un enfant: 2 Samuel xi,2-xii,24," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 104-118. |
Herbert Migsch, "Jeremia xxxv 8b-9--eine indirekte Rede?" Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 119-124. |
David Toshio Tsumura, "Janus parallelism in Hab. iii 4," Vetus Testamentum 54.1 (2004): 124-128. |
54.2 |
Omri Boehm, "Child sacrifice, ethical responsibility and the existence of the people of Israel," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 145-156. |
J. Gerald Janzen, "Another look at Psalm xii 6," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 157-164. |
Izabela Jaruzelska, "Les prophètes face aux usurpations dans le royaume du nord," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 165-187. |
Bernhard Lang, "Women's work, household and property in two Mediterranean societies: a comparative essay on Proverbs xxxi 10-31," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 188-207. |
Christophe Lemardelé, "Une solution pour le ASAM du Lépreux," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 208-215. |
Emmanuel O. Nwaoru, "The role of images in the literary structure of Hosea vii 8-viii 14," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 216-222. |
Christian Rose, "Nochmals: der Turmbau zu Babel," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 223-238. |
Dominic Rudman, "The patriarchal narratives in the books of Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 239-249. |
Jan A. Wagenaar, "Passover and the first day of the festival of Unleavened Bread in the priestly festival calendar," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 250-268. |
Pierre van Hecke, "Job xii 18a: text and interpretation," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 269-273. |
Robert B. Salters, "The text of Lam. ii 9a," Vetus Testamentum 54.2 (2004): 273-276. |
54.3 |
Peter Addinall, "Genesis xlvi 8-27," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 289-300. |
Jutta Krispenz, "Wie viele Bäume braucht das Paradies? erwägungen zu Gen ii 4b-iii 24," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 301-318. |
Aren M. Maeir, "The historical background and dating of Amos vi 2: an archaeological.
perspective from Tell es-Sâfi/Gath," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 319-334. |
Ignacio Márquez Rowe, ""How can someone sell his own fellow to the Egyptians?"," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 335-343. |
Jeremy Schipper, ""Why do you still speak of your affairs?": polyphony in Mephibosheth's exchanges with David in 2 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 344-351. |
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Compelled by honour--a new interpretation of Zechariah ii 12a (8a)," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 352-372. |
Azzan Yadin, "Goliath's armor and Israelite collective memory," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 373-395. |
Daniel M. Gurtner, ""Atonement slate" or "veil"? notes on a textual variant in Exodus xxvi 34," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 396-398. |
Howard Jacobson, "Jeremiah xxx 17: sion hi," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 398-399. |
John S. Kselman & Michael L. Barré, "A note on elem in Psalm lviii 2," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 400-402. |
Donna Petter, "Foregrounding of the designation eset ûriyyâ hahittî in II Samuel xi-xii," Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 403-407. |
André Wénin, "La tunique ensanglantée de Joseph (Gn xxxvii 31-33): un espoir de.
réconciliation?" Vetus Testamentum 54.3 (2004): 407-410. |
54.4 |
Rachel M. Billings, "The problem of the divine presence: source-critical suggestions for the analysis of Exodus xxxiii 12-23," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 427-444. |
Katharine J. Dell, ""I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre" (Psalm xlix 4 [5]): a cultic setting for wisdom psalms?" Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 445-458. |
Dickson, John P; Rosner, Brian S, "Humility as a social virtue in the Hebrew Bible?" Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 459-479. |
Frederick E. Greenspahn, "Syncretism and idolatry in the Bible," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 480-494. |
Gerald A. Klingbeil, "Altars, ritual and theology--preliminary thoughts on the importance of cult and ritual for a theology of the Hebrew scriptures," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 495-515. |
Israel Knohl, "The guilt offering law of the holiness school (Num v 5-8)," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 516-526. |
Shemuel Shaviv, "The polytheistic origins of the biblical flood narrative," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 527-548. |
David Talshir & Zipora Talshir, "The double month naming in late biblical books: a new clue for dating Esther?" Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 549-555. |
John Zhu-En Wee, "The meaning of hoqr lbb in Ahiqar saying 15," Vetus Testamentum 54.4 (2004): 556-560. |
55.1 |
Thijs Booij, "Psalm CXXXIX: text, syntax, meaning," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 1-19. |
Mark Leuchter, "The literary strata and narrative sources of Psalm XCIX," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 20-38. |
John Makujina, "Additional considerations for determining the meaning of anôt and annôt in Exod. XXXII 18," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 39-46. |
Nadav Naaman, "The Danite campaign northward (Judges XVII-XVIII) and the migration of the Phocaeans to Massalia (Strabo IV 1,4)," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 47-60. |
Stig I.L. Norin, "Die sogenannte Joaschinschrift--echt oder falsch?" Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 61-74. |
Phinney, D Nathan, "The prophetic objection in Ezekiel IV 14 and its relation to Ezekiel's call," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 75-88. |
Aron Pinker, "Descent of the goddess Ishtar to the netherworld and Nahum II 8," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 89-100. |
Karin Schöpflin, "The composition of metaphorical oracles within the book of Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 101-120. |
John S. Bergsma, "Once again, the Jubilee, every 49 or 50 years?" Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 121-125. |
S.D. Snyman, "Shamgar ben Anath: a farming warrior or a farmer at war?" Vetus Testamentum 55.1 (2005): 125-129. |
55.2 |
J. Severino Croatto, "The "nations" in the salvific oracles of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 143-161. |
Meik Gerhards, "Uber die Herkunft der Frau des Mose," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 162-175. |
Johannes Klein, "Davids Flucht zu den Philistern (1 Sam XXI 11ff; XXVII-XXIX)," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 176-184. |
James E. Patrick, "The fourfold structure of Job: variations on a theme," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 185-206. |
Pamela Tamarkin Reis, "Numbers XI: seeing Moses plain," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 207-231. |
David Shepherd, "Prophetaphobia: fear and false prophecy in Nehemiah VI," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 232-250. |
Ada Taggar-Cohen, "Political loyalty in the biblical account of 1 Samuel XX-XXII in the light of Hittite texts," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 251-268. |
Andreas Scherer, "Gideon--ein Anti-Held? ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem sog. 'flawed-hero approach' am Beispiel von Jdc. VI 36-40," Vetus Testamentum 55.2 (2005): 269-273. |
55.3 |
Aaron Chalmers, ""There is.deliverer (from my hand)"--a formula analysis," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 287-292. |
John A. Emerton, "Lines 25-6 of the Moabite stone and a recently-discovered inscription," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 293-303. |
R. Timothy McLay, "The Old Greek translation of Daniel iv-vi and the formation of the book of Daniel," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 304-323. |
Joachim Schaper, "Exilic and post-exilic prophecy and the orality/literacy problem," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 324-342. |
Yael Shemesh, "Punishment of the offending organ in biblical literature," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 343-365. |
Brent A. Strawn, "Jeremiah's in/effective plea: another look at NR in Jeremiah i 6," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 366-377. |
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "The watchman metaphor in Isaiah lvi-lxvi," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 378-400. |
W. Dennis Tucker, Jr., "Revisiting the plagues in Psalm cv," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 401-411. |
Job Y. Jindo, "On myth and history in prophetic and apocalyptic eschatology," Vetus Testamentum 55.3 (2005): 412-415. |
55.4 |
Michael Avioz, "The call for revenge in Jeremiah's complaints (Jer xi-xx)," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 429-438. |
Marianne Grohmann, "Ambivalent images of birth in Psalm vii 15," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 439-449. |
Robert Hanhart, "Rechenschaftsbericht zur editio altera der Handausgabe der Septuaginta von Alfred Rahlfs," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 450-460. |
Hibbard, J Todd, "Isaiah xxvii 7 and intertextual discourse about 'striking' in the book of Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 461-476. |
Peter Höffken, "Xerxes und (k)eine Marduk-Statue: Uberlegungen zu einem Randthema.
alttestamentlicher Prophetenexegese," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 477-485. |
Thomas A. Keiser, "The Song of Moses a basis for Isaiah's prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 486-500. |
Marie Maussion, "Qohélet vi 1-2: "Dieu ne permet pas..."," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 501-510. |
Matthew W. Mitchell, "Genre disputes and communal accusatory laments: reflections on the genre of Psalm lxxxix," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 511-527. |
T. Anthony Perry, "The coordination of ky/l kn in Cant i 1-3 and related texts," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 528-541. |
Madalina Vârtejanu-Joubert, "Les "anciens du peuple" et Saül: temps, espace et rite de passage dans Nombres xi et 1 Samuel x," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 542-563. |
Howard Jacobson, "Genesis iv 8," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 564-565. |
Ian Young, "Israelite literacy and inscriptions: a response to Richard Hess," Vetus Testamentum 55.4 (2005): 565-568, |
56.1 |
Elie Assis, "Why Edom? on the hostility towards Jacob's brother in prophetic sources," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 1-20. |
Karin Finsterbusch, "Vom Opfer zur Auslösung: Analyse ausgewählter Texte zum Thema Erstgeburt im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 21-45. |
Robert S. Kawashima, "A revisionist reading revisited: on the creation of Adam and then Eve," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 46-57. |
Thomas J. Kraus, ""Der Herr wird deinen Eingang und deinen Ausgang bewahren": über Herkunft und Fortleben von LXX Psalm CXX 8a," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 58-75. |
Simon B. Parker, "Divine intercession in Judah?" Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 76-91. |
Horst Seebass, ""Holy" land in the Old Testament: Numbers and Joshua," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 92-104. |
Silviu Tatu, "Jotham's fable and the crux interpretum in Judges IX," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 105-124. |
James W. Watts, "olah: the rhetoric of burnt offerings," Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 125-137. |
Kyle R. Greenwood, "A case of metathesis in Isaiah LII 5B?" Vetus Testamentum 56.1 (2006): 138-141. |
56.2 |
David A. DeSilva & Marcus P. Adams, "Seven papyrus fragments of a Greek manuscript of Exodus," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 143-170. |
Lyle M. Eslinger, "The enigmatic plurals like "one of us" (Genesis i 26, iii 22, and xi 7) in.
hyperchronic perspective," Vetus Testamentum 56.2 (2006): 171-184. |
Diana Lipton, "Early mourning? Petitionary versus posthumous ritual in Ezekiel xxiv," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 185-202. |
Nathan MacDonald [1975- ], "The literary criticism and rhetorical logic of Deuteronomy i-iv," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 203-224. |
Hermann Michael Niemann, "Choosing brides for the crown-prince: matrimonial politics in the Davidic dynasty," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 225-238. |
Hector Michael Patmore, ""The plain and literal sense": on contemporary assumptions about the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 239-250. |
S. Min Chun, "Whose cloak did Ahijah seize and tear? A note on 1 Kings xi 29-30," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006):: 268-274. |
56.3 |
Elie Assis, "From Adam to Esau and Israel: an anti-edomite ideology in 1 Chronicles 1," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 287-302. |
Pierre Auffret, "Dans les assemblées je bénirai YHWH: nouvelle étude structurelle du Psaume xxvi," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 303-312. |
Joshua Berman, "The narratorial voice of the scribes of samaria: Ezra iv 8-vi 18 reconsidered," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 313-326. |
Tova Forti, "Bee's honey - from realia to metaphor in biblical wisdom literature," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 327-341. |
Richard S. Hess, "Writing about writing: abecedaries and evidence for literacy in Ancient Israel," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 342-346. |
Siegfried Kreuzer, "Zebaoth - der Thronende," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 347-362. |
Stig Norin, "Was ist ein gillajon?" Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 363-369. |
Horst Seebass, "Versuch zu Josua xviii 1-10," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 370-385. |
Steven Shnider, "Psalm xviii: theophany, epiphany empowerment," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 386-398. |
Gregory T.K. Wong, "Ehud and Joab: separated at birth?" Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 399-412. |
Lorenzo DiTommaso, "History and apocalyptic eschatology: a reply to J.Y. Jindo," Vetus Testamentum 56.3 (2006): 413-418. |
56.4 |
David A. Desilva & Marcus P. Adams, "Seven papyrus fragments of a Greek manuscript of Exodus," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 143-170. |
Lyle Eslinger, "The enigmatic plurals like "one of us" (Genesis i 26, iii 22, and xi 7) in hyperchronic perspective," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 171-184. |
Diana Lipton, "Early mourning? Petitionary versus posthumous ritual in Ezekiel xxiv," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 185-202. |
N. MacDonald, "The literary criticism and rhetorical logic of Deuteronomy i-iv," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 203-224. |
Hermann Michael Niemann, "Choosing brides for the crown-prince. Matrimonial politics in the Davidic dynasty," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 225-238. |
Hector Patmore, ""The plain and literal sense": on contemporary assumptions about the Song of Songs," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 239-250. |
Ludwig Schmidt, "Genesis xv," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 251-267. |
S. Min Chun, "Whose cloak did Ahijah seize and tear? A note on 1 Kings xi 29-30," Vetus Testamentum 56.4 (2006): 268-274. |
57.1 |
John B. Geyer, "Blood and the Nations in Ritual and Myth," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 1-20. |
Louis Jonker, "Reforming History: The Hermeneutical Significance of the Books of Chronicles," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 21-44. |
Wido van Peursen and Eep Talstra, "Computer-Assisted Analysis of Parallel Texts in the Bible. The Case of 2 Kings xviii-xix and Its Parallels in Isaiah and Chronicles," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 45-72. |
Yael Shemesh, "David in the Service of King Achish of Gath: Renegade to His People or a Fifth Column in the Philistine Army?" Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 73-90. |
Andreas Wagner, "Permutatio religionis - Ps. cxxxix und der Wandel der Israelitischen Religion zur Bekenntnisreligion," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 91-113. |
C.J. Labuschagne, "The Metaphor of the So-Called 'Weaned Child' in Psalm cxxxi," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 114-118. |
Matthew W. Mitchell, "Finding the Naked Woman in Hosea ii 11," Vetus Testamentum 57.1 (2007): 119-123. |
57.2 |
Isabelle de Castelbajac, "Le cycle de Gédéon ou la condamnation du refus de la royauté," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 145-161. |
Ruth Fidler, "Genesis xv: Sequence and Unity," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 162-180. |
Jaeyoung Jeon, "Two Laws in the Sotah Passage (Num. v 11-31)," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 181-207. |
Kristin Joachimsen, "Steck's Five Stories of the Servant in Isaiah lii 13-liii 12, and Beyond," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 208-228. |
Hilary Marlow, "The Lament over the River Nile—Isaiah xix 5-10 in Its Wider Context," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 229-242. |
Jeremy Northcote, "The Lifespans of the Patriarchs: Schematic Orderings in the Chrono-genealogy," Vetus Testamentum 57.2 (2007): 243-257. |
57.3 |
Innocent Himbaza, "Le mur de Manassé (2 Ch xxxiii 14) entre archéologues et théologiens," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 283-294. |
Mark Leuchter, "Why Is The Song of Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy?" Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 295-317. |
Lauren A.S. Monroe, "Israelite, Moabite and Sabaean War-ḥērem Traditions and the Forging of National Identity: Reconsidering the Sabaean Text RES 3945 in Light of Biblical and Moabite Evidence," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 318-341. |
Sandra L. Richter, "The Place of the Name in Deuteronomy," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 342-366. |
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Geography and Textual Allusions: Interpreting Isaiah xl-lv and Lamentations as Judahite Texts," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 367-385. |
"‘Kill All Who Are in Front’: Another Suggestion about Amos ix 1," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 386-389. |
"The Semantic Field of עשת in the Hebrew Bible," Vetus Testamentum 57.3 (2007): 390-399. |
57.4 |
Anselm C. Hagedorn, "Looking at Foreigners in Biblical and Greek Prophecy," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 432-448. |
Herbert B. Huffmon, "The Oracular Process: Delphi and the Near East," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 449-460. |
Armin Lange, "Greek Seers and Israelite-Jewish Prophets," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 461-482. |
N. Wyatt, "Word of Tree and Whisper of Stone: El's Oracle to King Keret (Kirta), and the Problem of the Mechanics of Its Utterance," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 483-510. |
Reinhart Ceulemans & Dries De Crom, "Greek Renderings of the Hebrew Lexeme hmx in LXX Canticles and Isaiah," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 511-523. |
Edward W. Glenny, "Hebrew Misreadings or Free Translation in the Septuagint of Amos?" Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 524-547. |
Jan Joosten, "A Note on the Text of Deuteronomy xxxii 8," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 548-555. |
Scott B. Noegel, "Job iii 5 in the Light of Mesopotamian Demons of Time," Vetus Testamentum 57.4 (2007): 556-562. |
58.1 |
Hans Ausloos, "The "Angel of YHWH" in Exod. xxiii 20-33 and Judg. ii 1-5. A Clue to the "Deuteronom(ist)ic" Puzzle?" Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 1-12. |
Knut M. Heim. "A Closer Look at the Pig in Proverbs xi 22," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 13-27. |
Matthias Henze, "Qoheleth and the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 28-43. |
Peter Höffken, "Die Rede des Rabsake vor Jerusalem (2 Kön. xviii / Jes. xxxvi) im Kontext anderer Kapitulationsforderungen." Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 44-55. |
Robert D. Holmstedt, "The Restrictive Syntax of Genesis i 1," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 56-67. |
Jake Stromberg, "Observations on Inner-Scriptural Scribal Expansion in MT Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 68-86. |
Stefan Timm, "Der Tod des Staatsfeindes: Neues zu B3j," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 87-100. |
Catherine Vialle, "Aux commencements des livres grecs d'Esther: Le songe de Mardochée," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 101-116. |
Yael Ziegler, ""As the Lord Lives and as Your Soul Lives": An Oath of Conscious Deference," Vetus Testamentum 58.1 (2008): 117-130. |
58.2 |
Joel S. Baden, "The w∂yiqtol and the Volitive Sequence," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 147-158. |
Martin Beck, "Das Tag YHWHs-Verständnis von Zephanja iii," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 159-177. |
David L. Everson, "An Examination of Synoptic Portions within the Vulgate," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 178-190. |
Joseph Fleishman, "The Delinquent Daughter and Legal Innovation in Deuteronomy xxii 20-21," 191-210. |
Menahem Haran, "Ezekiel, P, and the Priestly School," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 211-218. |
Paul A. Holloway, ""Beguile your soul" (Sir xiv 16; xxx 23): An Epicurean eme in Ben Sira," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 219-234. |
Tzvi Novick, "Pain and Production in Eden: Some Philological Reflections on Genesis iii 16," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 235-244. |
Hector M. Patmore, "Did the Masoretes Get it Wrong? The Vocalization and Accentuation of Ezekiel xxviii 12-19," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 245-257. |
Samantha Joo, ""(2 Sam. xiii 32): Lot (šiāmu/šâmu/šīmtu)?" Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 258-264. |
Kent Aaron Reynolds, "The Answer of Psalm cxix 9," Vetus Testamentum 58.2 (2008): 265-269. |
58.3 |
Alec Basson, "Just Skin and Bones: The Longing for Wholeness of the Body in the Book of Job," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 287-299. |
J. Blake Couey, "Amos vii 10-17 and Royal Attitudes Toward Prophecy in the Ancient Near East," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 300-314. |
Serge Frolov, "Joshua's Double Demise (Josh. xxiv 28-31; Judg. ii 6-9): Making Sense of a Repetition," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 315-323. |
Ronald Hendel, "The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Prologue to a New Critical Edition," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 324-351. |
Sidnie White Crawford & Jan Joosten and Eugene Ulrich, "Sample Editions of the Oxford Hebrew Bible: Deuteronomy 32:1-9, 1 Kings 11:1-8, and Jeremiah 27:1-10 (34 G)," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 352-366. |
Shalom E. Holtz, "The Thematic Unity of Psalm cxliv in Light of Mesopotamian Royal Ideology," 367-380. |
Ron E. Tappy, "Historical and Geographical Notes on the "Lowland Districts" of Judah in Joshua xv 33-47," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 381-403. |
Richard Whitekettle, "Forensic Zoology: Animal Taxonomy and Rhetorical Persuasion in Psalm l," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 404-419. |
Alfred Marx, "Salomon, ou le modèle de l'homme heureux (Prov. iii 13-18)," Vetus Testamentum 58.3 (2008): 420-423. |
58.4-5 |
Spencer L. Allen, "Understanding Amos vi 12 in Light of his other Rhetorical Questions," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 437-448. |
Elizabeth Boase, "Constructing Meaning in the Face of Suffering: Theodicy in Lamentations," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 449-468. |
Holger Gzella, "Zum periphrastischen Infinitiv in Genesis viii 5," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 469-479. |
Stephen L. Herring, "A "Transubstantiated" Humanity: The Relationship between the Divine Image and the Presence of God in Genesis i 26f," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 480-494. |
Jonathan Jacobs, "The Role of the Secondary Characters in the Story of the Anointing of Saul (I Samuel ix-x)," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 495-509. |
Jenö Kiss, "Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein, sondern …," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 510-525. |
Mark Leuchter, "The Cult at Kiriath Yearim: Implications from the Biblical Record," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 526-543. |
David Lincicum, "Greek Deuteronomy's "Fever and Chills" and Their Magical Afterlife," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 544-549. |
William D. Pickut, "Additional Observations Relating to the Legal Significance of Psalm ciii 12," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 550-556. |
Hanspeter Schaudig, ""Bēl Bows, Nabû Stoops!" The Prophecy of Isaiah xlvi 1-2 as a Reflection of Babylonian "Processional Omens"," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 557-572. |
Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, "Through a Glass Darkly: Zechariah's Unprocessed Visionary Experience," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 573-594. |
Beat Weber, " "JHWH, Gott meiner Rettung" Beobachtungen und Erwägungen zur Struktur von Psalm lxxxviii," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 595-607. |
Jakob Wöhrle, ""No Future for the Proud Exultant Ones" The Exilic Book of the Four Prophets (Hos., Am., Mic., Zeph.) as a Concept Opposed to the Deuteronomistic History," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 608-627. |
Amitai Baruchi-Unna, "Do not Weep in Bethel: An Emendation Suggested for Micah i 10," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 628-632. |
Th. Booij, "Psalm cxlv: David's Song of Praise," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 633-637. |
Matthew Goff, "Awe, Wordlessness and Calamity—A Short Note on Amos v 13," 638-643. |
Casper J. Labuschagne, "The Divine Title ‘The High One’, in the Song of Hannah," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 644-649. |
Na'ama Pat-El, "Traces of Aramaic Dialectal Variation in Late Biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 58.4-5 (2008): 650-655. |
59.1 |
Klaus-Peter Adam, "Nocturnal Intrusions and Divine Interventions on Behalf of Judah. David's Wisdom and Saul's Tragedy in 1 Samuel 26," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 1-33. |
Yigal Bloch, "The Prefixed Perfective and the Dating of Early Hebrew Poetry—A Re-Evaluation," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 34-70. |
Gershon Galil, "Israelite Exiles in Media: A New Look at ND 2443+," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 71-79. |
John B. Geyer, "Another Look at the Oracles about the Nations in the Hebrew Bible. A Response to A.C. Hagedorn," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 80-87. |
Marjo C. A. Korpel, "Who Is Speaking in Jeremiah 4:19-22? The Contribution of Unit Delimitation to an Old Problem," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 88-98. |
B.A. Mastin, "The Inscriptions Written on Plaster at Kuntillet 'Ajrud," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 99-115. |
John W. Olley, "Ezekiel LXX and Exodus Comparisons," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 116-122. |
Michael Segal, "From Joseph to Daniel: The Literary Development of the Narrative in Daniel 2," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 123-149. |
Brent A. Strawn, "kěpîr ' ărāyôt in Judges 14:5," Vetus Testamentum 59.1 (2009): 150-158. |
59.2 |
Th. Booij, "Psalm 144: Hope of Davidic Welfare," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 173-180. |
Katharine J. Dell, "The Cycle of Life in Ecclesiastes," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 181-189. |
Amos Frisch, "Ephraim and Treachery, Loyalty and (the House of) David: The Meaning of a Structural Parallel in Psalm 78," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 190-198. |
Pnina Galpaz-Feller, "David and the Messenger—Different Ends, Similar Means in 2 Samuel 1," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 199-210. |
Shalom E. Holtz, "The Case for Adversarial yahad," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 211-221. |
Job Y. Jindo, "Toward a Poetics of the Biblical Mind: Language, Culture, and Cognition," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 222-243. |
Martin Leuenberger, "Kyros-Orakel und Kyros-Zylinder: Ein religionsgeschichtlicher Vergleich ihrer Gottes-Konzeptionen," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 244-256. |
Elvira Martín-Contreras, "Masoretic and Rabbinic Lights on the Word Ruth 3:15," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 257-265. |
C.H.J. van der Merwe, "The Biblical Hebrew Particle," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 266-283. |
Heinz-Dieter Neef, "Eglon als "Kälbermann"? Exegetische Beobachtungen zu Jdc 3:12-30," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 284-294. |
Leigh M. Trevaskis, "The Purpose of Leviticus 24 within its Literary Context," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 295-312. |
Leigh M. Trevaskis, "On a Recent "Existential" Translation of hātā'," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 313-319. |
Christopher R. Bruno, "A Note Pertaining to the Translation of Deut 6:4," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 320-322. |
D. Luciani, "Samson: l'amour rend aveugle," Vetus Testamentum 59.2 (2009): 323-326. |
59.3 |
Michael Avioz, "The Motif of Beauty in the Books of Samuel and Kings," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 341-359. |
Edward J. Bridge, "Loyalty, Dependency and Status with YHWH: The Use of 'bd in the Psalms," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 360-378. |
Bent Christiansen, "A Linguistic Analysis of the Biblical Hebrew Particle nā': A Test Case," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 379-393. |
Jonathan Grossman, "'Dynamic Analogies' in the Book of Esther," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 394-414. |
Tuukka Kauhanen, "Irenaeus and the Text of 1 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 415-428. |
Itamar Kislev, "The Investiture of Joshua (Numbers 27:12-23) and the Dispute on the Form of the Leadership in Yehud," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 429-445. |
Meir Malul, "What is the Nature of the Crime of the Delinquent Daughter in Deuteronomy 22:13-21? A Rejoinder to J. Fleishman's Suggestion," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 446-459. |
Emmanuel O. Nwaoru, "A Fresh Look at Amos 4:1-3 and Its Imagery," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 460-474. |
Ludwig Schmidt, "P in Deuteronomium 34," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 475-494. |
Jan Joosten, "A Note on w∂yiqtol and Volitive Sequences," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 495-498. |
Aaron D. Rubin, "Genesis 49:4 in Light of Arabic and Modern South Arabian," Vetus Testamentum 59.3 (2009): 499-502. |
59.4 |
Mark W. Hamilton, "At Whose Table? Stories of Elites and Social Climbers in 1-2 Samuel," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 513-532. |
Michael Hundley,"To Be or Not to Be: A Reexamination of Name Language in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomistic History," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 533-555. |
Rimon Kasher, "Haggai and Ezekiel: The Complicated Relations between the Two Prophets," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 556-582. |
Casper Labuschagne, "Significant Compositional Techniques in the Psalms: Evidence for the Use of Number as an Organizing Principle," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 583-605. |
Ian Young, "Is the Prose Tale of Job in Late Biblical Hebrew?" Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 606-629. |
Bálint Károly Zabán, "The Preposition, the Verb and the "Scoffers" in Proverbs 1:22," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 630-652. |
"Strike the Tongue: Silencing the Prophet in Jeremiah 18:18b," Vetus Testamentum 59.4 (2009): 653-657. |
60.1 |
Nissim Amzallag & Mikhal Avriel, "Complex Antiphony in David’s Lament and Its Literary Significance," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 1-14. |
Elie Assis, "Zechariah’s Vision of the Ephah (Zech. 5:5-11)," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 15-32. |
Joel S. Baden, "Hithpael and Niphal in Biblical Hebrew: Semantic and Morphological Overlap," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 33-44. |
Jonathan Burnside, " ‘What Shall We Do with the Sabbath-Gatherer?’ A Narrative Approach to a ‘Hard Case’ in Biblical Law (Numbers 15:32-36)," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 45-62. |
Mary Katherine Y.H. Hom, ""... A Mighty Hunter before YHWH": Genesis 10:9 and the Moral-Theological Evaluation of Nimrod," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 63-68. |
André Kabasele Mukenge, "« Toutefois, il n’y aura pas de nécessiteux chez toi » La stratégie argumentative de Deut. 15:1-11," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 69-86. |
Nadav Naaman, "David’s Sojourn in Keilah in Light of the Amarna Letters," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 87-97. |
Anathea E. Portier-Young, "Languages of Identity and Obligation: Daniel as Bilingual Book," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 98-115. |
Stefan Schorch, " "A Young Goat in Its Mother’s Milk"? Understanding an Ancient Prohibition," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 116-130. |
Bruce Wells, "The Hated Wife in Deuteronomic Law," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 131-146. |
Young Hye Kim, "Short Note The Jubilee: Its Reckoning and Inception Day," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 147-151. |
Jerome T. Walsh, "Short Note On in 2 Kings 9:37," Vetus Testamentum 60.1 (2010): 152-153. |
60.2 |
Aaron Michael Butts, "A Note on nedārî in Ex 15:6," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 167-171. |
Idan Dershowitz, "A Land Flowing with Fat and Honey," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 172-176. |
B. Embry, "The Endangerment of Moses: Towards a New Reading of Exodus 4:24-26," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 177-196. |
Tova Ganzel, "The Descriptions of the Restoration of Israel in Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 197-211. |
Christopher B. Hays, "The Covenant with Mut: A New Interpretation of Isaiah 28:1-22," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 212-240. |
Seung Il Kang, "A Philological Approach to the Problem of King So (2 Kgs 17:4)," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 241-248. |
Linafelt Tod & F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp, "Poetic Line Structure in Qoheleth 3:1," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 249-259. |
Ola Wikander, "The Hebrew Consecutive Wāw as a North West Semitic "Augment": A Typological Comparison with Indo-European," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 260-270. |
Benjamin Ziemer, "Erklärung der wichtigsten "demographischen" Zahlen des Numeribuches aus ihrem kompositionellen Zusammenhang," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 271-287. |
Jonathan Burnside, "Short Note," Vetus Testamentum 60.2 (2010): 288-291. |
60.3 |
Giovanni B. Bazzana, "Cucurbita super caput ionae Translation and Theology in the Old Latin Tradition," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 309-322. |
Gard Granerød, "A Forgotten Reference to Divine Procreation? Psalm 2:6 in Light of Egyptian Royal Ideology," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 323-336. |
David T. Lamb, "The Non-Eternal Dynastic Promises of Jehu of Israel and Esarhaddon of Assyria," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 337-344. |
Mark Leuchter, "The Politics of Ritual Rhetoric: A Proposed Sociopolitical Context for the Redaction of Leviticus 1-16," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 345-365. |
Aaron D. Rubin, "The Form and Meaning of Hebrew ’ašrê," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 366-372. |
Susanne Rudnig-Zelt, "Vom Propheten und seiner Frau, einem Ephod und einem Teraphim—Anmerkungen zu Hos 3:1-4, 5," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 373-399. |
Ludwig Schmidt, "Im Dickicht der Pentateuchforschung: Ein Plädoyer für die umstrittene Neuere Urkundenhypothese," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 400-420. |
Jeremy D. Smoak, "Amuletic Inscriptions and the Background of YHWH as Guardian and Protector in Psalm 12," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 421-432. |
Matthew J. Suriano, "A Place in the Dust: Text, Topography and a Toponymic Note on Micah 1:10-12a," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 433-446. |
Volker Wagner, "Profanität und Sakralisierung der Beschneidung im Alten Testament," Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 447-464. |
André Wénin, "Pourquoi le lecteur rit-il d’Haman en Esther 6?" Vetus Testamentum 60.3 (2010): 465-473. |
60.4 |
Pierre Auffret, "O bonheurs du peuple dont Yhwh est le Dieu Nouvelle étude structurelle du psaume 144," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 505-517. |
Edward J. Bridge, "Polite Language in the Lachish Letters," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 518-534. |
Yitzhaq Feder, "On kuppuru, kippēr and Etymological Sins that Cannot be Wiped Away," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 535-545. |
Jonathan Jacobs, "Willing Obedience with Doubts: Abraham at the Binding of Isaac," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 546-559. |
Mary Katherine Y.H. Hom, "‘To’ or ‘Against’?: The Interpretation of in 2 Chr 28:20," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 560-564. |
Isaac Kalimi, "Human and Musical Sounds and Their Hearing Elsewhere as a Literary Device in the Biblical Narratives," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 565-570. |
Anja Klein, "Prophecy Continued: Reflections on Innerbiblical Exegesis in the Book of Ezekiel," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 571-582. |
Mark Leuchter, "The Levites in Exile: A Response to L. S. Tiemeyer," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 583-590. |
Didier Luciani, "Une autre intention pour Lv 24 Réponse à Leigh M. Trevaskis," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 591-600. |
Clinton J. Moyer, "The Beautiful Outsider Replaces the Queen: A "Compound Topos" in Esther 1-2 and Books 5 and 6 of Chariton’s Chaereas and Callirhoe," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 601-620. |
Sophie Ramond, "Y a-t-il de l’ironie dans le livre de Qohélet?" Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 621-640. |
David Toshio Tsumura, "Tense and Aspect of Hebrew Verbs in 2 Samuel 7: 8-16 - from the Point of View of Discourse Grammar-," Vetus Testamentum 60.4 (2010): 641-654. |