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The Wesley Historical SocietyThe Wesley Historical Society was founded in 1893 for the advancement of interest in the history of all branches of the Methodist Church. The Proceedings appear here by permission and unless indicated as being in the Public Domain all material is copyright the Wesley Historical Society. To receive hard copies of the more recent volumes of the Proceedings or to get details on how to join the Wesley Historical Society please e-mail the Wesley Historical Society Registrar at:

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Vols. 1 - 5 (1897 - 1906)
Vols. 6 - 10 (1907 - 1916)
Vols. 11 - 15 (1917 - 1926)
Vols. 16 - 20 (1927 - 1936)
Vols. 21 - 25 (1937 - 1946)
Vols. 26 - 30 (1947 - 1956)
Vols. 31 - 35 (1957 - 1966)
Vols. 36 - 40 (1967 - 1976)
Vols. 41 - 45 (1977 - 1986)
Vols. 46 - 50 (1987 - 1996)
Vols. 51 - 55 (1997 - 2006)
Vols. 56 - 60 (2007 - 2016)
Vols. 61 - (2017 - )
Index Vols. 1 - 30
Index Vols. 31 - 50
Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature, 1974-2011 View in PDF format pdf
Vol. 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55

Volume 51 (1997/98)

51.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource John A. Vickers, "Another Pawson Letter," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.1 (Feb. 1997): 1-3.
On-line Resource John Mansey Turner, "The Long Eighteenth Century," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.1 (Feb. 1997): 4-10.
On-line Resource Charles H. Goodwin, "The Revival of Religion 1923-1926," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.1 (Feb. 1997): 11.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.1 (Feb. 1997): 12-22.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.1 (Feb. 1997): 23-24.
51.2 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Edwin Welsh, "John Fletcher and the Trevecka College Revival," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 25-30.
On-line Resource Philip Olleson, "The Music of Samuel Wesley on Record," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 31-36.
On-line Resource Peter B. Neckles, "Methodist and Tractarians," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 36-39.
On-line Resource Peter B. Neckles, "Methodist Archives: Manuscript Accessions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 39-40.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 40-47.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 47-48.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 48-51.
On-line Resource "Annual Meeting," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.2 (May 1997): 52.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 1996. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historica Society, May 1997. pp.54-71.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
51.3 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Roger F.S. Thorne, "All Together Now - The United Methodist Church 1907-1932," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.3 (Oct. 1997): 73-95.
On-line Resource D. Colin Dews, "The Methodist New-Connexion in Leeds (part 1)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.3 (Oct. 1997): 96-103.
On-line Resource "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.3 (Oct. 1997): 104.
On-line Resource "Financial Statements, 1996,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.3 (Oct. 1997): 105.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.3 (Oct. 1997): 106-113.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.3 (Oct. 1997): 114-116.
51.4 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource D. Colin Dews, "Leeds and the Methodist New Connexion (part 2)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 117-125.
On-line Resource Brian C. Redwood, "Diana Thomas of Kington: An Early Methodist Lay Preacher," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 125-129.
On-line Resource James Dale, "Charles Wesley Junior's Copy of the Life of M. de Renty," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 129-130.
On-line Resource J.A. Vickers, "The WHS Library," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 130-131.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 131-138.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 138-139.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.4 (Feb. 1998): 139-140.
51.5 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Simon R. Valentine, "Significant Inroads into 'Satan's Seat' - Early Methodism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.5 (May 1998): 141-154.
On-line Resource Marsh Wilkinson Jones, "Those 'Mad Methodist Magazines'," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.5 (May 1998): 155-164.
On-line Resource Roger Thorne, "Local Branches Report 1998," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.5 (May 1998): 165-168.
On-line Resource "Methodist Archives: Manuscript Accessions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.5 (May 1998): 168.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.5 (May 1998): 169-176.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.5 (May 1998): 177-180.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 1997. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 1998. pp.178-191.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
51.6 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource David Carter, "Joseph Agar Beet and the Eschatological Crisis," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 197-216.
On-line Resource Linda Wilson, "Conversion amongst female Methodists 1825-75," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 217-225.
On-line Resource "Obituary: A. Raymond George, Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 225-226.
On-line Resource "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 226-227.
On-line Resource "Financial Statements, 1997," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 228.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 229-235.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 235-236.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 51.6 (Oct. 1998): 237.

Volume 52 (1999/2000)

52.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Esther J. Lenton, "Primitive Methodist Camp Meetings in Shropshire," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.1 (Feb. 1999): 1-14.
On-line Resource Peter Forsaith, "Charles Wesley Junior: A Portrait by John Russell," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.1 (Feb. 1999): 15-17. [The portrait of Charles Wesley junior (p.15) reproduced 'courtesy  of the Trustees of John Wesley's Chapel, The New Room, Bristol.]
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.1 (Feb. 1999): 17-21.
On-line Resource "Shorter Notices," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.1 (Feb. 1999): 22-23.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.1 (Feb. 1999): 23-24.
52.2 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource David A. Barton, "The Wesleyan Reform movement in Derbyshire," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 25-33.
On-line Resource Robert Glen, "Methodism and the American Revolution," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 34-38.
On-line Resource Roger F.S. Thorne, "The Exeter Reform Committee," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 39-45.
On-line Resource Oliver A. Beckerlegge, "The Making of an early Bible Christian Circuit," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 45-49.
On-line Resource Roger Thorne, "Local Branches Report 1999," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 49-50.
On-line Resource "Methodist Archives: Manuscript Accessions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 50.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 51-56.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.2 (May 1999): 56-59.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 1998. Silber Jubilee Edition 1974-98. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 1999. pp.62-86.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
52.3 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Norma Virgoe, "The Wesleyan Reformers in Norfolk," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 87-101.
On-line Resource John C. English, "The Scope of London 'Methodism': Walter Wilson's Evidence," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 102-123.
On-line Resource Arthur C. Mignor, "Gideon's Army: 200th Anniversary," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 124-126.
On-line Resource Oliver A. Beckerlegge, "The Making of an Early Bible Christian Circuit (cont.)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 127-130.
On-line Resource "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 130.
On-line Resource "Financial Statements, 1998," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 131.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 132-135.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 135-137.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.3 (Oct. 1999): 138.
52.4 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Lionel Madden, "Wesleyans and Calvinists in Harmony: The Welsh Hymn Book of 1927," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.4 (Feb. 2000): 139-150.
On-line Resource Oliver A. Beckerlegge, "The Making of an Early Bible Christian Circuit (cont.)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.4 (Feb. 2000): 151-154.
On-line Resource "Obituary: Rev Dr Frank Baker," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.4 (Feb. 2000): 155.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.4 (Feb. 2000): 156-161.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.4 (Feb. 2000): 161-162.
52.5 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource J. Gordon Terry, "The Wesleyan Reform Movement in Bradford," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 163- 175.
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, "Sidelights on the Victorian Wesleyan Ministry," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 176-183.
On-line Resource Roger Thorne & C.J. Spittal, "Local Branches Reports 2000," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 183-184.
On-line Resource Peter B. Nockles, "Methodist Archives: Manuscript Accessions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 184-185.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 185-192.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 192-193.
On-line Resource "AGM 2000 Notice," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.5 (May 2000): 194.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 1999. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2000. pp.196-217.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
52.6 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource David Carter, "The Context and Content of Mid-Victorian Weslyan Ecclesiology," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 219-235.
On-line Resource Barry J. Biggs, "Methodist Excise Officers," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 236-238.
On-line Resource Obituary: J.C. Bowmer," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 239-240.
On-line Resource Jennifer M. Freeman, "The HCT Acquires Penrose Chapel," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 241-242.
On-line Resource "The Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 243.
On-line Resource "Financial Statements, 1999," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 244.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews, " Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 245-250.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 251.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 52.6 (Oct. 2000): 252-254.

Volume 53 (2001/02)

53.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Henry D. Rack, "'But, Lord, let it be Betsy!': Love and Marriage in Early Methodism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.1 (Feb. 2001): 1-13.
On-line Resource J.S. English, "The Brackenbury Memorial Lectures," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.1 (Feb. 2001): 14-16.
On-line Resource "Obituary: Alfred A. Taberer," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.1 (Feb. 2001): 17-18.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.1 (Feb. 2001): 18-23.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.1 (Feb. 2001): 23-24.
53.2 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Martin Wellings, "Making Haste Slowly: The Campaign for Lay Representation in the Wesleyan Conference 1871-8," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 25-37.
On-line Resource Alison Lewis, "Bicentenary of Rev James Evans," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 38-41.
On-line Resource Arthur T. Mignot, "'Mon Plaisir' and the Methodists of Guernsey," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 42-45.
On-line Resource Peter B. Nockles, "Methodist Archives: Manuscript Additions 2000-01," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 46.
On-line Resource Roger Thorne, "Local Branches Report 2001," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 47.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 48-57.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.2 (May 2001): 58-59.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 2000. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2001. pp.62-80.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
53.3 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Ralph Waller, "Converging and Diverging Lines: Aspects of the Relationship between Methodism and Rational Dissent," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 81-92.
On-line Resource Colin C. Short, "Robert Winfield and the Revivalists," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 93-102.
On-line Resource "Obituary: Thomas Shaw," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 103.
On-line Resource "The Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 104.
On-line Resource "Wesley Historical Society Report and Accounts 2000," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 105.
On-line Resource

"Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 106-111.

On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 112.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.3 (Oct. 2001): 113-115.
53.4 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Henry D. Rack, "Charles Wesley and the Irish Inheritance Tradition," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.4 (Feb. 2002): 117-126.
On-line Resource Norma Virgoe, "The Yarmouth Circuit Booklist 1806," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.4 (Feb. 2002): 127-136.
On-line Resource "Obituary: William Leary,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.4 (Feb. 2002): 137.
On-line Resource "WHS Library Report,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.4 (Feb. 2002): 138.
On-line Resource "Book Review,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.4 (Feb. 2002): 139-140.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.4 (Feb. 2002): 140.
53.5 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource John Lander, "Tent Methodism 1814-1832," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.5 (May 2002): 141-156.
On-line Resource Martin Wellings, "The Wesley Bible Union," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.5 (May 2002): 157-168.
On-line Resource Gareth Lloyd, "'Running after strange women'," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.5 (May 2002): 169-174.
On-line Resource Peter B. Nockles, "Methodist Archives: Manuscripts Accessions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.5 (May 2002): 175.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.5 (May 2002): 175-178.
On-line Resource "AGM Details," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.5 (May 2002): 179-180.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 2001. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2002. pp.182-202.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
53.6 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Michael Hughes, "The Development of Methodist Pacificism 1899-1939," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 203-215.
On-line Resource Robert Glen, "A Tangled Web: The Gilberts of Cornwall and the Gilberts of Antigua," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 216-225.
On-line Resource E. Dorothy Graham, "The Wesley Deaconess Order: A Short History,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 226-229.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 229.
On-line Resource "The Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 230-231.
On-line Resource "The Wesley Historical Society and Gift Aid," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 231.
On-line Resource "Annual Report and Accounts 2001," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 232.
On-line Resource "Revised Constitution of the Wesley Historical Society," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 233-236.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 53.6 (Oct. 2002): 237-238.

Volume 54 (2003/04)

54.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Stephen B. Dawes, "John Wesley and the Bible," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.1 (Feb. 2003): 1-10.
On-line Resource Ronald Coxford, "A Working Class Sunday School?" Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.1 (Feb. 2003): 11-16.
On-line Resource John A. Vickers, "A Further Pawson Letter," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.1 (Feb. 2003): 17-19.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.1 (Feb. 2003): 20-27.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.1 (Feb. 2003): 10, 27-28.
54.2 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Page Thomas, John Lenton & Henry Rack, "John Wesley's 1770 Will," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 29-38.
On-line Resource Barry J. Biggs, "Mission from Moscombe," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 39-45.
On-line Resource Sheila Himsworth, "Samuel Wesley (1662-1735) and St Botolph-without-Aldersgate," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 45-52.
On-line Resource P.B. Nockles, "Methodist Archives: Manuscript Accessions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 52.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 53-59.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 59.
On-line Resource "Annual Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.2 (May 2003): 60.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature 2002. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2003. pp.62-83.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
54.3 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Richard P. Heitzenrater, "John Wesley and America," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.3 (Oct. 2003): 85-114.
On-line Resource Donald H. Ryan, "The John Wesley Millennium Statue," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.3 (Oct. 2003): 115-119.
On-line Resource E. Dorothy Graham, "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.3 (Oct. 2003): 120-122.
On-line Resource "Book Review," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.3 (Oct. 2003): 123.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.3 (Oct. 2003): 124.
54.4 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Roger F.S. Thorne, "The Arminian Bible Christians," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.4 (Feb. 2004): 125-134.
On-line Resource Alan P.F. Sell, "Religion in the West Midlands (Review Article)," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.4 (Feb. 2004): 135-137.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.4 (Feb. 2004): 138-147.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.4 (Feb. 2004): 134, 148.
54.5 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Frederick Hale, "A Methodist Pacifist and the Spanish Civil War," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.5 (May 2004): 149-169.
On-line Resource Norma Virgoe, "In Sickness and in Health," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.5 (May 2004): 170-182.
On-line Resource Roger Thorne, "News from the Branches," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.5 (May 2004): 183.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.5 (May 2004): 184-191.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.5 (May 2004): 192-195.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature, Thirtieth Edition 2003. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2004. pp.194-218.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
54.6 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Herbert McGonigle, "William Bramwell: A Re-Appraisal," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.6 (Oct. 2004): 219-236.
On-line Resource Norman Young, "E.H. Sugden as Theological Educator," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.6 (Oct. 2004): 237-251.
On-line Resource David Shorney, "Some Further Thoughts on the Successionistic Bible Christians," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.6 (Oct. 2004): 252-254.
On-line Resource John A. Vickers, "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.6 (Oct. 2004): 255-256.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.6 (Oct. 2004): 257-261.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 54.6 (Oct. 2004): 262.

Volume 55 (2005/06)

55.1 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Donald A. Ryan, "The Edinburgh Wesley Portraits," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.1 (Feb. 2005): 1-13.
On-line Resource R.F.S. Thorne, "The First Bible Christian Hymn Book," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.1 (Feb. 2005): 13-16.
On-line Resource Paul Cheshire, "John Walsh, Mary Leadbetter and 'A Short Account of Miss Mary Gilbert'," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.1 (Feb. 2005): 16-18.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.1 (Feb. 2005): 18-24.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.1 (Feb. 2005): 24-28.
55.2 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource John A. Dolan, "The Voluntary Ministry of the Independent Methodists," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 29-43.
On-line Resource John H. Lenton, "Some Printed Donation Lists," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 43-52.
On-line Resource Norma Virgoe, "The Whitehead Controversy: A Provincial View," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 53-63.
On-line Resource John A. Vickers, "Indexing Wesley's Journal and Diaries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 64-69.
On-line Resource Colin C. Short, "Nineteenth-Century Methodist Hymn Books," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 69-73.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 52, 74-76.
On-line Resource "Annual Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.2 (May 2005): 76.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature, Thirty-First Edition 2004. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2005. pp.78-100.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
55.3 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Gareth, Lloyd, "Repression and Resistance: Wesleyan Female Public Ministry in the generation after 1791," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 101-114.
On-line Resource Arthur Mignot, "'Upon this Rock': The story of Philippe Tourgis," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 115-120.
On-line Resource John Lenton, "More on Methodist Donation Lists," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 121-122.
On-line Resource John A. Vickers, "Son to Sophia," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 123-124.
On-line Resource E. Dorothy Graham, "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 125-127.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 120, 128-137.
On-line Resource "Local Histories," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 138.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.3 (Oct. 2005): 139-140.
55.4 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Clyde Binfield, "Victorian Values and Industrious Connexions," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.4 (Feb. 2006): 141-168.
On-line Resource R.F.S. Thorne, "Branches Report," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.4 (Feb. 2006): 168-169.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.4 (Feb. 2006): 169-175.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.4 (Feb. 2006): 176.
55.5 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Harold R. Bowes, "John Lewis, Pioneer of Fair Isle Methodism," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 177-188.
On-line Resource John H. Darch, "Methodist involvement in the British annexation of Fiji, 1874," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 189-196.
On-line Resource Henry D. Rack, "An Acquisition and a Rediscovery," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 197-198.
On-line Resource John A. Vickers, "A 'Distressing Poisoning Case' and its aftermath," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 198-200.
On-line Resource "Local Branches Report," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 200-201.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 202-207.
On-line Resource "Annual Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.5 (May 2006): 208.
  Bibliographical Supplement
On-line Resource Clive D. Field, Bibliography of Methodist Historical Literature, Thirty-Second Edition 2005. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, May 2006. pp.210-235.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
55.6 Click here to view this issue View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Margaret Batty, "Primitive Methodism in Scotland," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.6 (Oct. 2006): 237-251.
On-line Resource Antje Matthews, "John Russell's Mysterious Moon,"Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.6 (Oct. 2006): 252-258.
On-line Resource E.D. Graham, "Annual Meeting and Lecture," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.6 (Oct. 2006): 259-261.
On-line Resource "Book Reviews," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.6 (Oct. 2006): 262-267.
On-line Resource "Notes and Queries," Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 55.6 (Oct. 2006): 268.

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